Wednesday, November 24, 2010

growing like a weed

Griffin is growing like a weed.
He was born my biggest baby at 8lbs. 6oz.
At 2weeks old he weighed 9lbs. 5oz.
And today at his 1month check-up
he weighed 11lbs. 5oz. and is 23 inches long.
In his first month of life, Griffin gained 3lbs.
(45% of his body weight) and 2inches!
We are shocked; we've never had a big baby before!
I have a good friend who turned me on
to baby's first 52 weeks.
The idea is simple-take a picture of
Griffin each Saturday to show his
growth and progress for 52 weeks. It's remembering
to pull out the camera that's hard.

I must admit that I'm off to a poor start,

but I've added a reminder to my phone and
will have to settle for 50 weeks of Griffin (in perfect pictures).
My next goal, is to learn to use photo shop, so that can
add a cute tag to each picture specifying the week.

Happy Birthday Griffin- Week 0

Cheater picture-Week 1

Cheater picture-Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

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