May 31, 2019

May Roundup

The month of May was spent under almost continuous severe storm warning, but that didn't slow us down!! We finished up gymnastics, soccer, and kindergarten for Sophie, celebrated Mother's Day, had a visit from Howes grandparents, completed a lot of little home projects (post coming on that soon), went to a traveling circus, and more! Even with all that I don't feel like we were super busy, but somehow these monthly round ups keep getting longer and longer, even after I delete half my photos. If my kids every complain that we never did anything fun, at least I'll be able to hold this up as evidence to the contrary...

Helping Charlie learn to do the roller slide at the park

Lunch at Sam's Club is always a favorite!

My hammock crew

I got this bug catching kit on Easter clearance a year ago, and dug it out of the closet one Sunday to keep the kids busy. They spent the next couple hours searching all over for roly poly bugs - money well spent!

Zoo day with the boys 

Charlie loves when someone will help him ride the scooter 

Dave and I snuck away one morning to go see Avengers Endgame. It's hard to believe the number of films that are part of this universe, and we've seen all but one of them. It was a great movie and tied everything up nicely. 

Sophie's final gymnastics class and medal ceremony were cancelled because of bad weather, and we were told it would not be rescheduled. She was so bummed! I got in contact with the program, however, and arranged for her to join a different class for the last day so she could finish out her season on a high note. Go for gold Sophie!

Occupying the same block without confrontation - a miracle!

We went with friends to a little circus that came through town. It was definitely nothing special, but having friends there made the slow parts less boring and the exciting parts more fun!

They were charging $10 to take a photo with someone in a butterfly or dinosaur costume. We would never pay that, but I'm pretty sure Davey would have given his life savings to get closer to that T-Rex. 

Sophie fell in mud one day at school and needed a complete change of clothes. I wasn't home so Dave picked out this combo for her :)

After school Sophie buried Charlie in this box with gravel. He actually seemed to like it. 

Charlie loves to empty my cupboards

The best part of Kids Club at the gym is getting a sucker afterward!

More backyard fun. I'm glad it's not to hot to enjoy time outside. When I spread the hammock out big with my legs Davey calls it his "pirate ship."

Charlie was jealous of the big kids in the trampoline, but when I gave him a turn he decided he didn't like it after all.  

My sweet boy is down to just one nap a day now - so sad

Davey decided to paint himself and all his toys with yogurt. Such a nice surprise to clean up right before bed. We used the hose on his trucks and debated on using on his face too...

We built a pretty great block fort at the Discovery Center! 

Rub, a dub, dub, three kids in the tub

My shopping buddy really loved these "robot glasses" he found at Target

Charlie snuggled up with his snack catcher

Behold the stuffed animal shrine! I told Sophie she had to make her bed. She moaned and cried for awhile, then begged me to do it for her because she said she didn't know how, but I insisted and I'm glad I didn't give in. I love what she did and I would never had done such a thorough job! Afterwards she decided to go make Davey's bed too just for fun. 

I don't remember why I had the camera out, but Charlie just walked up and started saying "cheese, cheese, cheese!" practically begging me to take his picture.  

We had to say goodbye to the Flake family, who moved to Reno at the end of the month. They were some of our first friends, and Davey is sure going to miss his buddies Graham and Mclane. 

We signed up for the Kids Bowl Free program this summer. Last year we joined late and only went once before it ended, but this year we should make it more often. It's a great way to kill an hour or more in a climate-controlled space :) I actually bought Davey his own bowling shoes at a yard sale so we don't have to pay to rent them each time - he was so excited to try them out!

We went to the library for yoga and balloon games, rather than tough out that hour before dinner at home. Davey fell asleep in the car and stayed asleep through the whole program, even being moved in and out of his car seat, not waking until we got back home. 

Charlie was very happy with his balloon

Checking out a dragster race car

My tree climbing monkeys

When I see how much they love this little fish tank at the Discovery Center it makes me really miss the weekly aquarium visits we used to make back in Utah. We might try and visit a real aquarium this summer in North Carolina. 

Charlie is a water baby - he loves the pool and splash pads!

May 27, 2019

Memorial Day with Grandpa & Grandma Howe

We were so glad that Grandpa and Grandma Howe could come visit us for Memorial Day weekend! The forecast was terrible - daily severe storms - but luckily we caught just enough breaks in the weather to do some fun things. On Friday they met us at Braums for an end-of-kindergarten treat, on Saturday we went hiking in Palo Duro Canyon and then saw Aladdin, on Sunday we went to church, did a puzzle and played games, and then on Monday we said good bye. Luckily we will be seeing them again in just a couple weeks when we drive down to Dallas. Thanks for coming to visit!

We had the perfect weather for hiking in the canyon - overcast skies with temps in the high 60s. It looked like it was about to rain any minute and did sprinkle for just a few seconds, but the big storms held off until that afternoon. 

All the rain has made everything so green! There were wildflowers blooming all a long the trail.

Lots of flowers meant lots of butterflies, which Sophie loved

We hiked a portion of the Kiowa trail, which follows the river - perfect for throwing rocks!

After the Kiowa trail we made one more stop to check out the "Big Cave"

After hiking we hurried home, changed out of our dusty clothes and ran over to the theater to see the new Aladdin movie. We were surprised to find Jasmine and Aladdin there in person to welcome us!

We love the reclining chairs and seat heaters at Cinergy. Grandma did not need her seat heather though, because Charlie fell asleep almost immediately and spent the entire two hours napping on her lap. 

Working on a sea turtle puzzle that grandma brought. It made us excited for our beach trip in just a couple months!

Davey led Papa away to his room to play with him any chance he could get

Went went on a walk around McDonald Lake to help grandma get some of her steps in before driving back to Dallas. Davey was able to do the entire loop (.8 miles) on his scooter. I also brought an old hamburger bun for the kids to feed to the ducks. 

It rained hard Sunday night and water level in the lake had come up several feet (it's a run off storage pond). It was crazy how sunny and clear the skies were after the monsoon the night before. 

Sophie's tiny bouquet of Texas wildflowers she gathered on our walk

The kids in their red, white and blue for Memorial Day. We ate lunch at Red Robin before the grandparents had to hit the road