April 21, 2022

Battle of the Books

This was Sophie's first year competing in Battle of the Books. Schools throughout the district form teams that all read and study the same 10 books over several months. Then, near the end of the year, there is a showdown to declare an ultimate champion. Teams go head to head over three rounds to score points by answering questions and the highest score at the end of the night wins. Sophie's team ended up taking 9th out of over sixty 3rd/4th grade teams!

While she was successful, however, the event has some challenges. There was a soccer game the same night, that Dave had to coach, which meant I had all the kids with me. Sophie + 3 little brothers. And it was long, and boring (to them), so even though I was prepared with snacks and tablets, we were just a zoo. We couldn't even be in the room because the boys were so loud so I had to get updates by text from my friend. Then, at the end while they were tallying points, it was going especially long. Griffin was buckled into the stroller and starting to lose it. I was talking with my friend when suddenly I hear across the room "Whose baby is this?" and see a man holding Griffin aloft over the crowd ðŸ¤¦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ That was our cue to leave. So I packed up with the boys and left, while Sophie stayed for the awards with her friend Halle. It was quite the night!

How I watched the majority of the competition - outside, through a window, as the brothers were being too rowdy

Sophie's team, coached by Mrs. Cash, who she adored. Her friend Halle from church was on the team (girl in back), as was Will Worsham (far right) who has been in her class since preschool. 

With their ribbons and afterward enjoying a DQ blizzard to celebrate

April 9, 2022

Colonies Easter Eggstravaganza

We never knew, until this year, that our neighborhood holds a big Easter egg hunt every spring. And it wasn't like your usual community egg hunt where each kid is limited to 10-12 eggs. There were literal thousands spread out on the grass, with beanie babies thrown in all over as well. It was an excellent child to prize ratio haha. The kids also had a great time with the different crafts, baby animals, face painting and more. We're so glad it didn't go another year undiscovered!

The kids filled their buckets until they could hold no more   

There was a little petting zoo set up with bunnies, chicks, and even a tortoise

Decorating plastic eggs with sharpies

Our generous neighbor bought all the kids popsicles from a food truck

Dino Davey

March 31, 2022

March 2022 Roundup

March is always the craziest month! The weather does huge shifts, making you feel trapped between summer and winter. Soccer resumes. We have Spring Break, which this year meant OKC and Dallas. And of course we've got all the kids birthdays scattered throughout the month. Plus add in the usual chaos and it makes you feel like you're on a roller coaster just waiting for April to arrive. 

We went from single digits in February to sunny park days in just a week's time

It was even nice enough to have picnic lunches and wear shorts!

Charlie playing with bubbles at the Discovery Center

Neither of these Griffin antics are surprising - unauthorized use of q-tips and tucked into his crib sheet instead of taking a nap

After returning from Spring Break we got hit with a good snow storm

And I'll emphasize the "storm" part. This wasn't gentle snow fall. It was blasted onto every surface (trees, fences, walls) from the north and really made for a pretty sight.

Once the storm let up the kids had a fun time out in the yard the next day

It brought about 8 inches. Davey had fun collecting snowsicles from around the yard.

Griffin refused to wear gloves, hence the crying when his little hands froze

Always happy, this one

I built a snow woman instead of a snowman, complete with apron, utensil arms, lips and shades haha. Now if only she would make these kids some lunch...

Then once again, the snow left as quickly as it came. At soccer practice just a few days later it was nice and sunny!

Griffin is TWO

Our little Griffin is TWO! He is both the biggest delight and biggest disaster. This busy bug will be charming you one minute, then clogging a toilet the next. He's definitely on the skinny end and we wonder sometimes how so much personality can fit into such a small body. He chatters all day long about everything he sees. We love his blonde hair that's always slightly out of control and his big, dark eyes. He is our best eater and often wants a sample of what others are eating. Our family would not be complete without him - we love you Griffin!

He stopped to enjoy each gift opened before moving on to the next one

He did not like the candles and cried through his birthday song until I blew them out and took them away

Griffin's 2 Year Stats:
Height: 35 in (76%)
Weight: 24.5 (11%)
Cuteness Level: Maximum

His birthday lunch was hot dog babies (cut in bites) at Sam's Club, a favorite

March 19, 2022

Sophie is NINE!

Sophie is NINE!! She still enjoys playing with toys, which we hope will continue for a few more years, but she also received some crafts and a blanket for her birthday this year - signs our girl is growing up. And while the tween years coming on feels sad in way, we love who she is becoming!! Sophie excels at sports, school, and socializing. She continues to be BFFs with Emery, but has also found a good group of girls to hang out with in her class, which helps mitigate that she has no sisters at home. We love you Sophie!

Birthday donuts for breakfast

Sophie's 9 Year Stats:
Height: 55 in (83%)
Weight: 70 lbs (63%)
How much tolerance she has for little brothers: 50%

Our girl loves Lego Friends and was thrilled to get this movie theater set from Uncle Greg

She was a good sport and let us use the other half of Davey's ice cream cake for her birthday

March 17, 2022

Davey is SIX!

Our lucky dude turned six this year!! And spring break travels meant we were able to spend his special day with grandparents in Plano. Uncle Greg even stopped by for a bit to give him some birthday love! Davey knows exactly what he wants, all the time, and is often willing to crash through any obstacle to get it. He is both our funniest child and hardest worker. We love our Davey dude!

He was very excited to get a new game to play on the Wii

We spent an afternoon at Chuck E. Cheese, one of Davey's favorite places

Davey's 6 Year Stats:
Height: 47 in (72%)
Weight: 45.5 lbs (45%)
Percent of his day he thinks about Mario and video games 90%

Grandma was so nice as to get this delicious ice cream cake to celebrate our birthday boy!