Showing posts with label Cameron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cameron. Show all posts

Saturday, November 02, 2013

July really is the HOTTEST month of the year

My goal is to get this blog up to date by the end of November.  I am not far off.  July, August, September, and October were only slightly slower (not really, but in comparison to May and June, it has felt like a vacation).

To begin July, I should mention that we made the official move to St George over the 4th of July weekend.  My grandma has been kind enough to let us live in her basement while Eric is job-hunting and until we can find something more permanent.  At the exact same time that we made the move, I made the official transition to a new position at work that took me from a management responsibility to a more development-related position for the same company, which, most-importantly, allowed me to move to St George and work out of the office here.  There was A LOT happening at the same time. With Paige's baptism at the end of June and having to vacate my mom and ourselves from my moms house (where we were bunking for 2 months) the same weekend, we were frazzled to say the least. Finally getting here kind of felt like a relief.

So now, three quarters of our belongings are in a storage unit in St George (still) and the other quarter is split between my sister's basement in Eagle Mountain and here in my Grandma's basement.  It's kind of crazy and we definitely DO feel packed in like sardines at times, but overall, we know we are supposed to be here. The pace of life and outdoor centered community is just what we needed. Transition is always hard, but we will survive.

With my new position at work, I have had to be willing to travel back to the South Jordan office in order to train and integrate with my new team so I spent half of July in South Jordan while Eric and the kids were in St George.  There was a lot of traveling, a lot of back and forth, a lot of new stuff to learn and new things to get used to, not only at work but with life in general.  We love it here in Southern Utah.  Its a new kind of beautiful that I have learned to really appreciate.  The weather here is pretty HOT and unbearable for a couple months in the summer and I miss my family and friends like crazy...but overall, I would trade 6 months of cold and darkness for a couple hot months in a second and my people are a simple 4 hour drive away.  So that's where we are.  Also, GRANDMA HAS A POOL!!!

Here is July in pictures.

Whitney and Ashton invited us to spend the day with the Parry Clan in Heber on the 4th of July.

On one of my stays I met up with all the siblings for a Texas Roadhouse dinner.  This actually was supposed to be a "Girls Night" but my brother got wind and he decided to come in place of his wife.  It was a nice surprise.

The Tooth Fairy went broke in July.  Cam managed to lose 2 teeth, one day apart. Ew!

Delaney came to visit us one day and gave Braiden a tattoo.  Uh, well, sorta.

My sweet nieces Abby and Baylee both have July birthdays (along with their mom) so we were able to go back up to go to their awesome birthday party, complete with pinata and blow up water slide.

Swimming, Swimming and more swimming.  Gotta keep cool in that July heat.

July's favorite randoms...

...and lots of selfies.

I love these guys.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Rest of June 2013

Disneyland trip with Delaney

Braidens First Surf

Max turned 2 on June 17th!

Max needs a spotlight, even if its behind his big sister.  This kid has been lucky enough to celebrate his first 2 birthdays at Disneyland.  Its a timing thing more than anything but I would guess that there will be many more birthdays celebrated at the Happiest Place on Earth.

This collage might give you a little glimpse at the little ham we call Max.  He is so funny.  He will just start dancing out of nowhere and gets in these little moods where he wont STOP TALKING!  Its a good thing he is cute.  He can talk my ear off with his jibber-jabber.  He eats like a bird, then he eats like a horse... and his favorite thing to say is "Ine hungry" or "Ine stink-ee".  He loves playing with his little Match Box cars and will use any surface as a track while he makes little motor noises.  When I turn on the TV, he wants to watch football or Daniel Tiger.  He makes me stop on the channels that look like football (even if its baseball) and will actually sit and stare at it.  If I could freeze time, I would do it right now...I don't want him to grow up.  Hopefully when he is bigger he will still want to hug me and call his brothers and sisters "Way-nee, Ba-nen, Paigee and Cammy" and when he is upset, I hope that singing "I Am a Child of God" still calms him down and makes him happy.  And while I love it when he does his little "naked dance" I hope he grows out of that before he is a teenager.  My sweet little caboose.

Junes favorite RANDOMS!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Cameron's 5th.

September 10, 2012

Cameron's 5th Birthday

LOVE THIS KID.  Happy 5th Cam Cam.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

My little Cam Cam...4 years later.

All the Kiddies at Camerons party tonight at Planet Play
(all you can eat buffet combined with arcade game galore, pretty much 4 year old heaven)

Once again, many thanks to the lovely cake makers at Walmart without which my children might never have a cute b-day cake! SpongeBob is the favorite this year.

"Goofball Cameron" (thats going on his wedding invations)

We couldnt decide between the Cars toy set or the we got both. We just love that kid too much.

We just had to take the opportunity to get a pic of the 4 of them together.  Apparently its asking too much to have them all look at the camera and smile all at the same time.  Oh well, I will take what I can get.  (By the way, I still cant believe I have 4 kids).

Baby Cameron, 4 years ago

Mommy and a very cute 4 year old

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Summer Adventures 2011 part 2

As previously mentioned, the summer so far has been pretty busy, what with the arrival of kid #4 and all.  The hardest part of all of it has been trying to keep the kids entertained while running on 4 or less hours of sleep and keeping a newborn fed, clean and happy at the same time. Don't get me wrong, we spend lots of days at home playing in the plastic pool in the back yard and renting Redbox movies but these are some of the things the kids have been able to do so far.

We spent a day at the Hogle Zoo a few weeks ago.  I wanted the kids to have it fresh in their head so they could compare it to the San Diego Zoo.  The local aquarium is a favorite too but I don't have any pics (too dark in there).

Paige is a little water-baby.  She loves putting on her swimsuit, playing in any body of water, and being wet.  The Gateway Mall in downtown Salt Lake has a splash pad that she loves.  She gets so excited I have to remind her to slow down so she doesn't run into anyone or slip and fall. 

And then there was Cameron... He on the other hand, hates getting wet.  He will toy with the idea but if anyone splashes him, that's it, he is done.  While Paige was in Heaven, Cameron stayed dry with Max.

Whitney and Ashton decided to have a niece and nephew sleep-over one weekend.  The kids loved it and so did we.  It was really nice to have some peace and quiet and the kids had a BLAST! 

The kids went crazy rolling down the grass hill.  They were super itchy afterward.  Now they know why MOM never lets them do that.

Braiden and Uncle Ashton.

We celebrated all the July birthdays on July 31st when my grandma happened to be in town.  My sister Bonnie and her daughter Abby's birthday is the 30th and Baylees b-day is the 28th.  Max also met Grandma Lundberg for the first time.

The girls took Bonnie out for a night of shopping and eating for her b-day.  We ate dinner at the Cheesecake Factory (on National Cheesecake Day, by the way). We very much enjoyed  the cheesecake...oh and hanging out was fun too.