Monday, September 20, 2010

I'm Home....

Wow. Could this picture be any more 80's??? Try 1986 ish. Yeah. I know. And the hair-style? Awesome. I had to laugh when I found it when I was going through some of my "Canada" boxes.

Brief history. In 1985, my family of 6, moved to Burlington, Ontario which is a suburb of Toronto. My father was relocated and it was the best thing for our family. We lived there for 6 yrs until the summer before my Freshman year of High school, when we moved back to Utah. So to me, Ontario feels like home. I've kept in touch and have tried to go back every few years so I was due for another trip out.

Sorry but you'll have to go a bit down memory lane since I promised my kids I would bring them back some proof to show them where "my stories" are from.

This is the park that is directly across the street from our Cavendish home. I'd wake up, get my chores finished, look out the window to check out the activity, and go from there. It was the best sledding (tobogganing is what we called it) hill I thought. Back then it seemed SO STEEP and now it is NOTHING???
And here is 2499 Cavendish Drive, Burlington, Ontario L7P 4J4
To an 8 yr old, this was the coolest house ever. It had 4 levels, built in couches and monkey bars in the basement, and a rolling dishwasher. Seriously it was awesome
Right across the street was Bruce T Lindley public school. The first day of school was so scary. They spoke, sounded, smelled, dressed, and everything else different and I was so nervous. I had Mrs Johnstone and my classroom was out in the trailers. It was a grey November day and it was cold. The room smelled of cigarettes and coffee.
Because we thought we were moving, we sold our house :(

and then were told that no, we'd be staying. My parents had to find a house in the same area so this is when we moved to Middlesmoor.
....and NO. Not as cool as a house.

My first and best friend was Louise Hodge (below in the red) and her "Mum", Rose, soon became my second Mom. The Hodge's are from Scotland and are included in some of my favorite memories....

Next was Alanna Baker (below in the black is her sister, Adrienne and her Mom, Elaine) Alanna lives in Vancouver currently hence the reason that she is not in the photo.

We had a great evening out, sharing memories and stories, and laughing way too hard! Rose would get so angry with me because whenever we'd be in trouble I'd laugh, a nervous laugh. I'll never forget how scared I was when she pointed her finger at me, telling me "Don't you dare be cheeky with me!" My first heat stroke experience took place while camping with them by some sand dunes, and their home was where I tasted my first "sip" of wine, as we snuck a drip from the boxed wine in the fridge. Their oldest son Malcolm was one of my first "boyfriends" and his "Starship" tape was used many a time for a dance routine. We took gymnastics together though Louise was far, far, far beyond better than I but she got my athletic talent jump started.

Anyway, we had fun! Can you tell?!?
But let me start from the beginning of my trip. I flew into Toronto and another one of my besties, Darcy Zelinski Hewitt, picked me up. As the plane landed, instantly I said in my mind "I'm home." It was like deja vu as I came through the glass doors after customs. A million people waiting with signs, earnestly looking for who they were there to receive. I remember as a child being so frightened because it was sooo intense.

Darcy was the best hostess allowing me to take over their home. Even when I forced her to watch "Big Brother" although she made me watch "So You Think You Can Dance Canada"!!! We had way too much fun!!!
The next day, we met Louise down at Lakeshore for lunch. Louise brought her roller-blades so that we could go for a ride along Lake Ontario.

I find it amazing when 2 different friends "experience" life so different and yet both come to the same conclusion about what is and is not really important in life. We had a good day though it was so humid, much more than I remember it being. It goes to show that as a child, you could care less about the heat and the sweat! hahaha

My old phone number---905 336 7887
Our big reunion dinner...
Andrea Afinec
Kristen Misurka
Louise Hodge
Katie Terry
Suzanne Andrews
Darcy Zelinksi
Adrienne Baker

Lake Ontario...
"Waaaaake up!!!" LOL (this is a joke that only Darce and I will get!?!)

So in grade 7 and 8, I transferred schools so that I could enter the French Immersion program. I was so angry because my parents were totally forcing me to do this and the thought of starting over again, infuriated me. That's when I met Darcy. We were instantly bff's and even gave each other nicknames after a Health class that stuck....Vas and Def...enough said.

She was as random, still is, as I was and am. Here parents were going through a divorce, which was very hard on her, and my strong family ties were exactly what she needed. She was not a member of the LDS faith but loved coming with me to the Young Adult activities. I can count on this girl for anything. Oddly enough, we lost touch once I went back in 1995, and it was not until some LDS missionaries contacted her and then gave her my info that we reconnected. Again, 2 different lives but both coming to the same conclusion. Darcy has advanced MS and experiences some of the same disability issues that I do. Wow. Another strong person given another strong challenge. xoxo
We were waiting in the Tim Horton's drive-thru waiting to get our favorite Timbits and I told her to pose an ugly face...and this is all that she came up with. Seriously? Come on Darce!?! Let's flashback 20 yrs...
Grade 7...
Grade 6
Louise and I on a ski lesson...
Louise was having way too much fun with the posed pics...
"Pretend it's Christmas morning...."
"Be scary or scared..."
Me and Kristen Misurka...

Me and Suzanne Andrews...
The next day we met up with another one of our besties, Julie Fatijewski. Usually she is in Germany as her husband plays professional hockey over there, but she was in town so it was perfect! We decided to take a ride down to Niagra On The Lake for some lunch....
Darce getting a little car sick...
Parking was an issue and finally we found a spot. Louise jumped out to be our designated parking police. LOL!
One of my favorite little towns. The last time I was there, we were able to weasle in on a "Haunted Walking Tour" and it was awesome! I love the history that surrounds this area!

Darcy, Katie, Louise, and Julie...
Au revoir and until next time ladies and believe me, they'll be a next time! ;)


Charakie said...

It's fun to see pictures of where you lived in Canada! I'm still bitter that your parents ruined my life when I was a wee third grader. The only thing that eased the pain was the fact that you gave me your barbie bus before you moved :)

Feel like a trip to Atlanta????

Mistie said...

wow! I loved looking through all of that. You obviously have kept in touch and still have them all for amazing friends...that is so great Katie! I love that you always comment on the smells of things (from your strong smell sense, like me). It is crazy that you and your friend Darcy can relate in ways now that you NEVER would have imagined back in Elementary school...weirdly enough-there ARE reasons for things, in my opinion. What a fun group of friends. And i love all the old picts - especilaly the little photo booth ones-- those are always my favs. I love remembering memories like this. How fun!

Christy said...

Wow that was so much fun to read Katie! Loved it - you have such great friends - totally cherish that!