And I will ever praise You!
We have sung this song or read
the verse but what does this mean
to us?
Does it mean that we will be
perpetually in a spirit of joy
and worshipful adoration?
Does it mean that we will be
giddy with happiness.
I don't think so.
I did not feel any giddiness as
I was being pulled down the road
at 6:15 am this morning
by my Mom's dog, Bear.
However, deep in my heart and mind I was
thankful and filled with praise for
the things the Lord works in my life.
While my eyes were still nearly glued
shut from recent sleep I was amazed at
how cheerfully the birds were singing.
The grass was wet under my feet and yet
there was beauty all around
that had to have come
from a Creator.
Praise is a verb... not a feeling.
The verse says, "I will ever praise You."
It is up to me to do something...
and that something is praise!
This is easier to do if you have
mastered another verse...
"Love the Lord your God with all your
heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength."
Wow! Putting Him first... before myself,
my family or even my church.
Then I can have the perspective to
"Ever Praise".
Just some thoughts that emerged from the
cobwebs of this tired brain this morning.
See you tomorrow after we celebrate the Lord
in the building of His provision!

Stopping by to say hello..
come check my blog for
a Garden Tour..
smiles, Deena
I find early morning out in nature is the one of the best times to appreciate God's splendor...and often the bests time for a quiet conversation with Him.
Hope you had a lovely weekend!!
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