Showing posts with label mountain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mountain. Show all posts

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Sunday, December 29, 2013

o-nghititura de Parang

o-nghiţitura de Parang... mai apoi una de ţuica... mai apoi sfinxi verzi pe pereţi.

Friday, June 6, 2008

seems like it was a thousand years ago...

among the things than i miss... i took this picture 4 years ago with an "idiotical camera" on a cheap film, still it was good enough to capture moments. I was searching for some drawings from those years & i found some forgotten pictures... i miss those years, i miss the wind from Retezat blowing down my tent, i miss those beautiful lakes & those sharp rocks. For almost half an hour i stood in front of this picture recapturing those moments behind my eyelids... some say time flies too fast, don't know if this is so, for me it seems to have taken 100 years from those moments... so far away, yet so closer once awaken.
& those mornings with tea on Bucura's shore... God, i really miss those mornings!