I must confess that, although this was not a scientific assessment, I was both surprised and relieved to see that no one reading this blog thinks raw milk is dangerous. Perhaps I delude myself and not one wanted to vote that way. But I'm thinking positive thoughts on that!
That said, it sounds like the majority (43%) are convinced it's best, but a good percentage (29%) still think the jury is out. I hope to gently sway you, and the other 26% who think it is just as good as pasteurized milk, that it's even better in the next week or two as I post on some info that may enlighten the debate.
Tired of polls? I hope not. I think it is so fun to get to know you! So, what do you think about food storage and preparedness - otherwise known as "prepping"? Do you think it's silly, unbiblical, a great idea, not sure? Go over to the right hand sidebar and vote your conscience.
Let's talk GIVE-AWAY! The good people at Hometown Seeds have generously offered some free Survival Seeds to one reader at Homestead Revival. This would be a great opportunity to start a seed bank in your own home. And if times are good, you can still use these in your own garden - just be sure to replace them in your seed bank when you do.
Right now, their Survival Seeds are 30% off, so it would be a good time to make a purchase. And they have other seeds as well. Add a few annual flowers to your garden and you have a french potager!
Here's how you can enter...
1) Visit Hometown Seeds and come back to leave a comment about your favorite vegetable seed they carry or a new one you'd like to try.