
Springtime in D.C.

Friday, July 19, 2013

There is nothing quite as beautiful as a spring day in D.C.  So happy we took the afternoon off and braved the crowds and traffic to enjoy the beautiful cherry blossoms. 

Chick a doodle

After much persuading Rob caved this spring and let the Holman chicks purchase chicks.  What a fun adventure they have been.  We were able to pick-up 6 from on a friends house on April Fool's Day.  I told they girls we were going to look at her chicks, with a sneaky surprise up my sleeve.  We arrived at the house and each girl was holding a chick, oohing and awwing over their cuteness.  I then asked what they thought of those cute little fuzz balls.  They all gave me a look and I announced that we would be taking them home.  Three big girls thought I was pulling their leg, what a fun surprise. 
The next day we made a visit to our local feed store and picked out 4 additional chicks.  Making for a nice even 10.  What a great adventure!
*Update:  We collected our first egg yesterday, exciting time!



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