
Fall Fun??

Friday, November 14, 2008

Life with trees is a constant battle. When Rob and I bought our house in the summer I never realized the amount of leave piles that would accumulate in the fall. Three falls later and the piles seem to grow. Now my three girls are big enough to help us rake and then jump and then rake a little more. The piles grew so big that they would jump and disappear. Oh, the beauty of fall on the east.


Nancy Martin said...

My kids are jealous that you have so many fun leaves to play in!

Nancy Martin said...

I'm not jealous of having to rake so many leaves, but it definitely is beautiful.

Beth Swann said...

I found you! I've been wondering for the past several weeks if the Holman family had a blog! Yay! Now we can keep in better touch!

Bry n Dani Family said...

That looks like a ton of fun. I bet it's more fun for you now that your girls can help rake!


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