
Christmas morning

Saturday, February 23, 2013

We enjoyed a wonderful Christmas
It ended up being a white Christmas, the girls were thrilled
Christmas Eve was spent w/ friends
Dinner and caroling at a rest home
Then back to our house for Christmas movies, goodies and opening of name gifts
 J was thrilled :)  She was just really ready for bed
 M & S devouring their Harry Potter behind the scenes book
 Playing the waiting game on the stairs, Christmas morning
 S trying out her "new" typewriter
 J practicing w/ her new roller blades

a Sugar cookie

This past year our family has been making great strides to eat better, healthier, cleaner food for our bodies
December rolled around and I found it hard to balance enjoying treats, traditions and our new life
The girls and I had recently made a pledge to not eat artificial coloring
It's amazing how many food items contain coloring
I checked all the cupboards, and pulled a few items that were lurking around
One of them being "food coloring"
The girls all wondered how we would make our sugar Christmas cookies for Santa?
I found a whole wheat cookie recipe online, still had sugar but the amounts were reduced from the goodies we used to enjoy
Then the challenge of "food coloring"  I got creative making a purple frosting w/ blueberries, greenish tint with kale and then sticking with a plain white
The girls were thrilled to get to top the cookies with dried fruit and nuts
The plate was empty Christmas morning, I think Santa liked the cookies too!

"Gingerbread" houses

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

We have built gingerbread houses since our California days
Tradition for my kiddos
This year we gathered with the Hagedorn family and built them with rice krispies
Not sure why the switch, it sure was easier
The family theme was temples, thanks to a righteous missionary serving sister
 creation by A
 S masterpiece
 J used and many accessories as possible
M w/ the Angel Moroni and trumpet

a trip to the White House

Our family had the chance to tour the White House this past Christmas
These tours have become few and far between for our fam
I think our last inside tour was 4 years ago
Rob called from work one day and let me know we had gotten a time slot, yippee
The girls skipped school and we made a day out of it
The weather was beautiful and we were able to walk around the National Tree, tour the White House and stop into the US Botanical Gardens
If you ever come to D.C. during the month of December (I know a little crazy), you must stop by
This is one of the coolest things we have seen in town
The main lobby is covered in poinsettias, miniature replicas of all the national monuments made w/ natural materials are everywhere
The best part...the fairy garden
The girls and I were in heaven, every was just so CUTE
(The Smithsonian Castle)
(U.S. Capital )
Plan a Christmas vacation for next year, we offer free room and board and will go together to check out the Gardens


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