
Opinons, please

Friday, February 25, 2011

For the four readers of my blog please cast your vote...

We have a lovely :) banister that divides our t.v. room (family room) and kitchen
What do I do with it:

1) Leave as-is
2) Paint it, I don't know what color. Maybe restain the top and paint the bottom white or
3) pull the bainster out and open up the kitchen/t.v. room

I see benefits to all of the above, I would love your thoughts


Also giving you a sneak peek to my new wall color, I choose the one on the right. And the painted cabinet door will be my cabinet color, starting to see it all come together.


Kitchen, auggh

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Kitchen progress is is like being pregnant,
it's the first questioon everyone asks you
"So, how's the kitchen coming along?"
And you respond with a smile while you are screaming inside, "Great!, just GREAT"

Really it is great, electrical is FINISHED
this weekend we started on patching all the holes we made to finish the electrical
As I was downloading my pics from this week I realized why it is so slow
Each and every Saturday is filled with this...



Now back to business


So I am a week late...things have been crazy around here

heart hairdo's were a must for church
even better I remembered to snap a few pics before we were off






S,M & A enjoyed V-Day parties in their classroom,
last year was cancelled due to snow
this year was a special treat


Rob and I stayed home w/ the kiddos on Monday have FHE, V-Day sugar cookies and giving the girls a little treat and stickers

Sick days

Friday, February 11, 2011


Aub stayed home sick from school at the beginning of this week
There were moments when I doubted her illness
but let her stay
I didn't want to receive mommy of the year award for sending a "sick" child to school to have it be real. That's happened before.
So A stayed home and J had a playmate
A also lived up life cashing in her pirate coin jar (incentive jar) requesting a pedicure and manicure, valentine theme


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