Showing posts with label FIFA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FIFA. Show all posts

Monday, June 14, 2010

Wavin' flags - Soccer rallies the world!

Just returned from the 'rainbow nation' - South Africa. The hype leading up to the FIFA World Cup was tangible. People from all walks of life - from the vast squatter camps outside each major city to the highly secured Sandton gated communities, people were excited, happy, proud. Elaborate handmade fan head gear, made from construction hats took over the streets and stadiums.

I care next to nothing about soccer normally but the enthusiasm and energy is addictive. Intoxicating. In South Africa they call it 'Gees' (pronounced with a gutteral G, then EE-us. It's Afrikaans but has been adopted by all, including advertising campaigns around the country. All the worries about whether the massive stadiums would be completed in time, the various corruption allegations over the years they were built, and the ever present threat of crime against all the visiting soccer fans (in a country with over 18,000 murders per year) just disintegrated in view of the impending first match of the historic tournament.

This song, one of the few 'official anthems' played over and over, and continues to play in my head. Thought I'd share...

We waved the South African flag for the opening match in Johannesburg, and the Ghana flag Sunday for the defeat against Serbia.

The vuvuzelas took over the country like herds of dying cows at 130 decibels. How could we resist joining in?

We've got invites from the Ambassadors to watch the Ghana vs. Germany and Ghana vs. Australia games in Accra, so the flag waving and World Cup hype has just begun!
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