Tuesday, May 19, 2015

I'm so grateful!

Hello yall! Happy Tuesday to ya.  I am still trying to unbury myself from emails at work from being gone 2 days last week.
Last Friday was put on purple day for Lupus awareness and I could cry from the sweet sweet gestures from my friends. I had 2 friends text me pictures of themselves wearing purple, I had people tagging me on Facebook wearing purple, I had a friend mention it on their blog with some purple flowers and one blogger even changed her background on blog to purple and created a cartoon for it. 
My heart was so full all day!!  It doesn't take much to spread the word for important messages to get out. Especially now that we have so much social media avenues , they can be used more for good and not evil. (lol) 

I won't post the pics of friends that texted me because I don't have their permission.  I will post what I saw on the blogs and my own picture.  
Todd took my pic while waiting at Cracker Barrel for breakfast. 

This mention of Lupus was from my buddy Chris at Tilting at Windmills

This was created by Cherdo at Cherdo on the flipside.  How cute is this!! She even added my blog name to the shirt. 

Many of you bloggers mentioned you would wear purple.  I just wanted to say a HUGE THANK YOU for participating in this.  I appreciate more than you know.  If you know someone with Lupus, you know that you wish there was more you could do. I feel so helpless when my mom is suffering. I hate it!! It's the small things like lupus awareness day that makes me feel a little better. 


  1. Hi, Holli! I am sorry to learn that your mother suffers from Lupus, but very happy to learn that last Friday turned purple in a very nice way with an outpouring of supportive gestures from your friends. Chris and Cherdo are two of the best and most loyal friends you could ever find. Thank you for giving them props today.

    Enjoy the rest of your week, dear Holli!

    1. Thank you for sweet kind words and encouragement.
      You are correct about Chris and Cherdo!! I've known Chris for a few years now and just recently met Cherdo but they both are as good as gold.

  2. I know it wasn't much... just wanted you to know it was in my prayers...

  3. I am so sorry that your mom suffers from Lupus, but I am glad that Lupus Awareness Day was able to be successful in terms of showing you and your mom that there are many people out there that support y'all.

  4. Awesome stuff. People are wonderful.

  5. What a cute picture of you and I love what people did for you on Purple Awareness Day!

  6. Great photo, Holli! Happy belated birthday!

  7. Supportive friends are awesome!

  8. I wish I had known last Friday was wear purple for Lupus awareness day, because I would've worn everything purple I own! That's a lovely picture. I've been thinking about going to Cracker Barrel. Maybe I'll take a picture in the same white rocker. :P Oh, and I LOVE Cherdo's picture. That is awesome!

    1. Chrys- you're so awesome to even mention recreating my picture at Cracker Barrel decked out in purple!!! That is the sweetest gesture. Cherdo outdid herself on her blog with the picture and the background in purple. So fantastic!

  9. I posted purple too. Have a great week, Holli!

    1. Dixie, thank you sooooo much for posting purple! It really means a lot to me

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Well, obviously you know how much I love this!!So glad to see so many supporting the cause! The cartoon is awesome!!!!!


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