Seven years old, to be exact. And I guess 20 when he slams his little fist on the table and demands "GIVE ME A BEER!"
(He's 4!)
Yep, he came in all pink.
No, I do not know why, other than to say, "It's Bolivia".
adventures ministering to and living with babies in bolivia
Seven years old, to be exact. And I guess 20 when he slams his little fist on the table and demands "GIVE ME A BEER!"
(He's 4!)
Yep, he came in all pink.
No, I do not know why, other than to say, "It's Bolivia".
Tia Rosi LOVES loves babies...
...and was actually the first of us to get her hands on him!
Here's a cool fact: Baby A actually arrived right on the heels of our newest volunteer, Genevieve! I had no sooner started down the stairs from the third floor office to meet her when the doorbell rang and the baby was here! Here she is helping give a bottle.
Yum, yum.
All we know of the mother is that she just turned 19, is from the countryside, and showed signs of rejection even before he was born. The birth was difficult and when the baby emerged, the cord was around his neck and he needed oxygen and incubation for 6 days. He also had a systemic infection requiring antibiotics. When the mother first saw him, her reactions were even stronger and she refused to hear anything about him, even when staff tried to explain that his condition is operable. On December 26 she left the hospital and didn't return. (We will carry out all necessary investigations.) Passing him off to the tias this morning! When we got to the house, the very first child to greet us was actually Twin K, visiting from Casa de Amor III for the weekly speech therapy classes. Looking at her, doing so well now after two surgeries, made me think of the long road ahead for baby M, but how worth it it will be!
From there we sat down with the tias in the playroom to introduce the baby to the older children in particular, who were already making faces and all sorts of shocked comments about the new baby's mouth and nose. I explained that baby M was born this way, just as our little girl J was born with different eyes. It will take some getting used to, but we recalled how very quickly they adapted to J's special needs!
(Little boy B only now met the new baby because he had a play day at Casa de Amor II. Once again highlighting how unique every child is, he dashed over to meet the new baby, pointed and declared with his ever present smile "LOOK, the baby has a BEAK!" and dashed off to another room...!)
After a really difficult adoption that didn't go through at the end of 2011, it's been a special delight to watch this older, first-time-parents-Italian-couple, literally race after our dear JG (age 5) as he introduces them to his home and life up till now!
Leaving the old, passing to the new...
Their first meeting was yesterday, December 5. Since beginning paperwork, this couple has waited over 5 years for their child!