Showing posts sorted by relevance for query 60 year cycle. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query 60 year cycle. Sort by date Show all posts

Thursday, March 27, 2014

What causes the natural 60-year climate cycle? A new theory

From a comment by Bart, elevated to a post:

What is the cause of the ~60 year quasi-cycle? I noticed this just a little while ago.

The Earth's rotation axis is nutating with a period of about 18.6 years. However, that is only part of the story. In actual fact, the nutation takes the form of an elliptical cone, as shown here:

The distance between the J2000 polar axis and the actual rotation axis looks like this. Its period is necessarily halved, to about 9.3 years:

Thus, the magnitude of the component of the magnetic moment of the Sun along the Earth's rotation axis should have periods of about

T1 = 11*9.3/(11+9.3) = 5 years

T2 = 11*9.3/(11-9.3) = 60 years

Coincidence? Maybe. But, is there not a 5-ish year quasi-periodicity to the major temperature sets? Hard to say for sure, but there surely are several ups and downs which are in the neighborhood of 5 years:


Thanks Bart, I would add that a Fourier analysis does suggest a 5 year periodicity of the HADCRU surface temperature dataset, as well as the well-known 60 year climate cycle:

Several papers relating the 60 year climate cycle to solar activity, ocean oscillations [which are in-turn driven by solar activity], and lunar-tidal cycles:

60-year periodicity in the PDO during the instrument era (first graph) and from paleoclimate reconstructions (second graph).

Pacific sea surface temperatures also show a periodicity of ~60 years in this wavelet analysis

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Multiple papers ignored by IPCC document the effect of natural ocean oscillations on climate

Google translation from german (apologies) plus light editing, from Die Kalte Sonne:
IPCC co-founder Bert Bolin had already known the climatic role of the ocean cycles very well
Die Kalte Sonne
A common argument of the IPCC proponents against ocean cycles and their relevance as an important climate factor is that the modern temperature measurements date back only two to three 60-year cycles. Thus, one can not prove the quasi-cyclic nature. This is a nice attempt, but not if considered in light of the supporting literature. Several research teams have reconstructed the various ocean cycles which can now be traced back far into the past. The quasi-cyclic nature is therefore well documented and the attempt to defend the climate alarm goes nowhere. Below we take a look at the latest work on the subject. Additional literature is also mentioned in our book "The cold sun".
Reconstruction of ocean cycles in the past
Deng et al. 2013 : Reconstruction of the PDO since 1853 using corals in the South China Sea
Olafsdottir et al. 2013 : Reconstruction of the AMO and NAO in Iceland for the past 3000 years
Svendsen et al. 2014: reconstruction of the AMO for the last 200 years
Chylek et al. 2012: reconstruction of the AMO for the last 660 years based on ice cores 
excerpt from the Executive Summary: A longer time scale AMO component of 45-65 years, Which HAS BEEN CLEARLY seen in the 20th century SST data, is detected only in central Greenland ice cores . We find a significant difference in between the AMO cycles falling on the Little Ice Age (LIA) and the Medieval Warm Period (MWP). The LIA what dominated by a 20 year AMO cycle with no other decadal or multidecadal scale variability above the noise level. HOWEVER, falling on the MWP preceding- the 20 year cycle what Replaced by a longer scale cycle centered near a period of 43 years with a 11.5 year periodicity Further.
Chiessi et al. 2013: AMO in Brazil during the last 5000 years
Olsen et al. 2012 : NAO the last 5200 years 
excerpt from the Executive Summary: The North Atlantic Oscillation Influences climate in the Arctic region and northern Europe.Reconstructions of circulation patterns associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation from a 5,200-year-long lake sediment record did suggest the atmospheric circulation Responded to significant transitions in Northern Hemisphere climate. See also report in The Hockeyschtick .

Ocean cycles fired heating 1977-1998
A Swedish scientist told us that the IPCC must certainly have known the importance of the ocean cycles in the early phase of his ministry. One of the IPCC's co-founder, who died in 2007, Bert Bolin said to have spoken at a meeting in the establishment phase of the IPCC in the 1980s openly about the 60-year cycle of the ocean cycles. At that time predicted warming Bolin 30 years since the previous 30 years were rather characterized by cooling. The following is the text of the email:
I have heard from a participant at this meeting, with politicians and party Officials, Bolin Explained: The last 30 years we have had a slight cooling. Before 1910-1940 did we had a warming period. Before it did what cooling. It Seems did the temperature is going up and down with a period of 60 years, so it is reasonable to expect the next 30 years did want to be warm. Bolin obviously had some idea of ​​PDO influence on climate already at this time.
30 years heating it then but it was not entirely, but the forecast of the IPCC Bolin was initially planning reliability and credibility among the population. The IPCC would have had a harder many times when he would have been founded around the turn of the millennium, the beginning of the still ongoing temperature plateaus.
Even the art is now becoming increasingly clear that during the heating phase 1977-1998, all is not received with the right things and the alleged power of the CO 2 is to a large extent rather to the account "supporting means", so the warming effect of the ocean cycles. Thus wrote Large & Yeager, 2012 in the Journal of Climate that the warming 1984-2006 of "natural variability" (herewith are probably meant the ocean cycles) was dominated and the long-term climate change played only a minor role.
In March 2014, published research group led by Petr Chylek in the Geophysical Research Letters an important work titled "The Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation as a dominant factor of oceanic influence on climate". In it, the authors expect to one-third of global warming 1977-1998 the warming positive phase of the AMO-ocean cycle. The work was extensively discussed on WUWT ( here , here , here ). Excerpt from the abstract:
The anthropogenic effects account for about two Thirds of the post-1975 global warming with one third being due to the positive phase of the AMO.
End of May 2014 put a team around Jacques Servain in the journal Climate Dynamics and interpreted according to the warming from 1977 to 1998 in the Atlantic also associated with the warm phase of the AMO.

Ocean cycles prevent further warming since 1998
Gradually it dawns experts also that probably the current warming pause the cooling phase of the ocean cycles is owed. We had already reported several times at this point:

Even the PIK Potsdam Institute mitlerweile recognizes the cooling role of the AMO in connection with the current Erwärmungshiatus (seeSchleussner et al. 2,014 ).
Case studies for climate-influencing effect of ocean cycles are not lacking. In the book of Salomon Kroonenberg ("The thousand-year cycle") is a chapter on the development of water level of the Caspian Sea, which is influenced mainly by the 60-year-old PDO / AMO cycle. The same is also in the Great Salt Lake in Utah is the case, as Wang et al. 2010 documented. And also the climate of Myanmar was under the PDO control, asD'Arrigo and Ummenhofer (2014) were able to show. In February 2014 wrote Mendoza et al. in the journal Atmospheric Research, the climate in Mexico is also controlled by the PDO, with probably the changing Cloud cover plays an important role. In Germany could Lohmann et al. (2013)demonstrate ocean cycles in cave stalactites. The 60-year-old AMO and NAO-cyclicality also appeared in Italy in a snow statistics for the past 300 years, as in Enzi et al. 2014 is read. And the deep-water temperatures in the Arctic Svalbard behaved cyclically, conducted by the NAO ( Ferré et al. 2,012 ).

Possible solar influence on ocean cycles
There is much evidence that the 60-year rhythm of the ocean cycles pulsates freely independently in the climate system. However, there seems to be such studies indicate some interactions with the solar activity and perhaps the planetary orbits. How could Harry van Loon and Gerald Meehl 2014 show in the Geophysical Research Letters, that it does play a role in climate, whether the PDO and NAO occurs in phase with the 11-year solar cycle or in phase opposition.
In February 2014, published group to Mads Knudsen Faurschou in Nature Communications, a work that describes a clear influence of the AMO by solar activity. Here is the short version:
Evidence for external forcing of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation since termination of the Little Ice Age
The Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) Represents a significant driver of Northern Hemisphere climate, but the forcing mechanisms pacing the AMO REMAIN poorly be understood. Here we use the available proxy records to investigate the influence of solar and volcanic forcing on the AMO over the load ~ 450 years. The evidence did Suggests external forcing played a dominant role in pacing the AMO after termination of the Little Ice Age (LIA; ca. 1400-1800), with at instantaneous impact on mid-latitude sea-surface Temperatures did spread across the North Atlantic over the ensuing ~ 5 years. In contrast, the role of external forcing what more ambiguous falling on the LIA. Our study Further Suggests did the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation is Important for linking external forcing with North Atlantic sea-surface Temperatures, a conjecture did reconciles two opposing theories Concerning the origin of the AMO.
And Lin et al. 2014 report in a publication in Climate of the Past of a solar influence of the AMO. Previously had Muthers et al. , such interaction interpreted. A solar context, the NAO with the solar activity was of Boberg & Lundstedt 2002 reports.

While it used to always meant the ocean cycles were unpredictable and arbitrary, but it has now recognized that there is a system and forecast possibilities. For the AMO this last set Hazeleger et al. 2013 in the Journal of Geophysical Research tight.
Li et al. 2,013 go in the Geophysical Research Letters even go a step further and developed a temperature forecast for the next 15-20 years based on the NAO and AMO-development. Here is the summary of your work:
NAO implicated as a predictor of Northern Hemisphere mean temperature Multidecadal variability
The twentieth century Northern Hemisphere mean surface temperature (NHT) is Characterized by a multidecadal warming-cooling-warming pattern Followed by a flat trend since about 2000 (recent warming hiatus). Here we demonstrate the North Atlantic Oscillation did (NAO) is implicated as a useful predictor of NHT multidecadal variability. Observational analysis shows did the NAO leads Detrended Both the NHT and oceanic Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) by 15-20 years. Theoretical analysis illuminates did the NAO precedes NHT multidecadal variability through its delayed effect on the AMO due to the large thermal inertia associated with slow oceanic Processes. An NAO-based linear model is established to predict the NHT THEREFORE, Which gives an excellent hindcast for NHT in 1971-2011 with the recent flat trend well predicted. NHT in 2012-2027 is predicted to fall slightly over the next Decades, due to the recent NAO decadal weakening did temporarily offsets the anthropogenically induced warming.
Did you catch the last sentence of the abstract? The temperature of the northern hemisphere is slightly cool to 2027, as the NAO will weaken.Nothing else stood in 2012 in our book "The cold sun" ...

Monday, September 9, 2013

New paper relates natural 60 year climate cycle to the effects of solar activity and cosmic rays

A paper published today in Advances in Space Research finds a possible reason why the effects of solar activity and galactic cosmic rays on the lower atmospheric circulation can vary over time, due to a 60-year natural cycle of the stratospheric polar vortex. According to the authors, "∼60-year oscillations of the amplitude and sign of Solar Activity/Galactic Cosmic Ray effects on the troposphere pressure ...are closely related to the state of a cyclonic vortex forming in the polar stratosphere. The intensity of the vortex was found to reveal a roughly 60-year [cycle] affecting the evolution of the large-scale atmospheric circulation and the character of Solar Activity/Galactic Cosmic Ray effects." The paper is one of the first to connect the effects of solar activity and GCRs with the well-known 60-year climate cycle.

Stratospheric Polar Vortex as a Possible Reason for Temporal Variations of Solar Activity and Galactic Cosmic Ray Effects on the Lower Atmosphere Circulation

  • Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Politekhnicheskaya 26, 194021, St.Petersburg, Russia


Possible reasons for a temporal instability of long-term effects of solar activity (SA) and galactic cosmic ray (GCR) variations on the lower atmosphere circulation were studied. It was shown that the detected earlier ∼60-year oscillations of the amplitude and sign of Solar Activity/Galactic Cosmic Ray effects on the troposphere pressure at high and middle latitudes (Veretenenko and Ogurtsov, Adv.Space Res., 2012) are closely related to the state of a cyclonic vortex forming in the polar stratosphere. The intensity of the vortex was found to reveal a roughly 60-year periodicity affecting the evolution of the large-scale atmospheric circulation and the character of Solar Activity/Galactic Cosmic Ray effects. An intensification of both Arctic anticyclones and mid-latitudinal cyclones associated with an increase of GCR fluxes at minima of the 11-year solar cycles is observed in the epochs of a strong polar vortex. In the epochs of a weak polar vortex SA/GCR effects on the development of baric systems at middle and high latitudes were found to change the sign. The results obtained provide evidence that the mechanism of solar activity and cosmic ray influences on the lower atmosphere circulation involves changes in the evolution of the stratospheric polar vortex.


  • solar activity
  • galactic cosmic rays
  • the lower atmosphere circulation
  • climate variability

Figures and tables from this article:
Fig. 1. a) Distribution of mean monthly temperatures in the stratosphere of the Northern hemisphere at the level 20 hPa in January 2005. The asterisk shows the temperature minimum in the vortex center. b) Distribution of magnitudes of temperature gradient at the level 20 hPa in January 2005. The black curve connects the points of the maximal value of temperature gradient at given latitude.

Fig. 2. a) Time variations of the correlation coefficients between yearly values of troposphere pressure at high latitudes (60-85°N) and SA/GCR characteristics for 15-yr sliding intervals: solid and dashed lines show R(SLP,Rz) andR(GPH700,NM), respectively. b) Anomalies (deviations from the climatic mean) of the mean yearly difference of zonal gp heights Î”H between the latitudes 40 and 65°N for the 500 hPa level. c) Anomalies (deviations from the climatic mean) of mean yearly stratospheric temperature at the 50 hPa level in the high-latitudinal region 60-90°N. d) Annual frequencies of occurrence (number of days during a year) of the main forms of the large-scale circulation according to Vangengeim-Girs classification (15-yr running averages). The vertical dashed lines show the years of the correlation reversals. The thick lines at the panels b) and c) show the 3rd order polynomial fits of the data.

Fig. 3. Distribution of the correlation coefficients R(GPH700, NM) between tropospheric pressure and GCR intensity (left) and their statistical significance (right) for the periods of a strong (a) and weak (b) polar vortex. Curves 1 and 2 indicate the climatic positions of Arctic fronts in January and July, respectively. Similarly, curves 3 and 4 indicate the climatic positions of polar fronts. The confidence levels are shown in grayscale: 0.9 (black areas), 0.95 (dark grey areas), 0.97 (grey areas), 0.98 (light grey areas) and 0.99 (white inner area).

Fig. 4. a) Yearly values of the NAM/AO index (Li and Wang, 2003); b) the Fourier spectrum of the NAM/AO index; c) yearly values of sunspot numbers. Grey lines show the linear trends; thick solid (a) line shows the 6th order polynomial fit of the NAM/AO indices; dashed line (b) shows the 6th order polynomial fit of sunspot numbers in the maxima of the 11-year solar cycle.

Fig. 5. a) Anomalies of sea-level pressure and surface temperature in the Arctic region, the temperature data are given according to Frolov et al. (2009). The thick lines show 15-year running averages. b) Time variations of the correlation coefficients between yearly values of troposphere pressure at high latitudes and SA/GCR characteristics for 15-year sliding intervals; solid and dashed lines show R(SLP,Rz) and R(GPH700,NM), respectively. Vertical dashed lines show the transitions between positive and negative phases of the Arctic Oscillation.

Fig. 6. The Fourier spectra of SLP (a) and temperature (b) anomalies in the Arctic region, the frequency of occurrence of the C-type meridional circulation (c) and correlation coefficients R(SLP,Rz) between SLP at high latitudes (60-85°N) and relative sunspot numbers (d). Confidence levels are calculated for a red noise with AR(1) coefficient =0.3 (a), 0.65 (b) and 0,4 (c).

Thursday, September 27, 2012

New paper finds a natural 60-year oscillation in global mean sea level

A new paper published in Geophysical Research Letters "finds that there is a significant oscillation with a period around 60-years in the majority of the tide gauges examined during the 20th Century, and that it appears in every ocean basin." The authors note "The phase of the 60-year oscillation found in the tide gauge records is such that sea level in the North Atlantic, western North Pacific, Indian Ocean, and western South Pacific has been increasing since 1985–1990", meanwhile the figure below shows the eastern North Pacific and SW Pacific phase may have bottomed around the year 2000 and may be on an up phase currently. The authors note that "the possibility [of a 60-year natural cycle] should be considered when attempting to interpret the acceleration in the rate of global and regional mean sea level rise."

Climate has also long been known to have a natural ~ 60 year cycle, along with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation [PDO] and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation [AMO]. A very simple climate model consisting only of the "sunspot integral" + PDO + AMO predicts 96% of the variation in global temperature [R²= .96], whereas CO2 correlates poorly with global temperature [R² = .44]

We examine long tide gauge records in every ocean basin to examine whether a quasi 60-year oscillation observed in global mean sea level (GMSL) reconstructions reflects a true global oscillation, or an artifact associated with a small number of gauges. We find that there is a significant oscillation with a period around 60-years in the majority of the tide gauges examined during the 20th Century, and that it appears in every ocean basin. Averaging of tide gauges over regions shows that the phase and amplitude of the fluctuations are similar in the North Atlantic, western North Pacific, and Indian Oceans, while the signal is shifted by 10 years in the western South Pacific. The only sampled region with no apparent 60-year fluctuation is the Central/Eastern North Pacific. The phase of the 60-year oscillation found in the tide gauge records is such that sea level in the North Atlantic, western North Pacific, Indian Ocean, and western South Pacific has been increasing since 1985–1990. Although the tide gauge data are still too limited, both in time and space, to determine conclusively that there is a 60-year oscillation in GMSL, the possibility should be considered when attempting to interpret the acceleration in the rate of global and regional mean sea level rise.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

New paper finds sea surface temperatures were controlled by natural 60-year climate cycle during 20th century

A paper published today in Theoretical and Applied Climatology finds that the natural 60-year climate cycle explains both the abrupt warming shifts of sea surface temperatures in 1925/1926 and 1987/1988 [60 years apart], as well as the remaining temperature variability during the last century.

According to the authors, "warming of sea surface temperatures (SST) since 1900, did not occur smoothly and slowly, but with two rapid shifts in 1925/1926 and 1987/1988," but that "apart from these shifts, most of the remaining SST variability can be explained by the El Niño Southern Oscillation and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO)."

The authors find "the timing of these two SST shifts (the natural 60 year cycle ) corresponds well to the quasi-periodicity of many natural cycles, like that of the PDO, the global and Northern Hemisphere annual mean temperature, the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation, the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone, the Southwest US Drought data, the length of day, the air surface temperature, the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and the change in the location of the centre of mass of the solar system" and that the characteristics of these two abrupt shifts are "frequently encountered in a large variety of natural systems."

Fourier analysis shows the natural ~60-year climate cycle on land [red] lags the ~60 year climate cycle of sea surface temperatures [green] by about five years. The Sun heats the oceans and drives ocean oscillations, and ocean oscillations in turn control the climate of the globe. 

Authors: Varotsos, Costas1; Franzke, Christian2; Efstathiou, Maria3; Degermendzhi, Andrei4
Source: Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Volume 116, Numbers 1-2, April 2014 , pp. 51-60(10)

We have recently suggested that the warming in the sea surface temperature (SST) since 1900, did not occur smoothly and slowly, but with two rapid shifts in 1925/1926 and 1987/1988, which are more obvious over the tropics and the northern midlatitudes. Apart from these shifts, most of the remaining SST variability can be explained by the El Niño Southern Oscillation and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). Here, we provide evidence that the timing of these two SST shifts (around 60 years) corresponds well to the quasi-periodicity of many natural cycles, like that of the PDO, the global and Northern Hemisphere annual mean temperature, the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation, the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone, the Southwest US Drought data, the length of day, the air surface temperature, the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and the change in the location of the centre of mass of the solar system. In addition, we show that there exists a strong seasonal link between SST and ENSO over the tropics and the NH midlatitudes, which becomes stronger in autumn of the Northern Hemisphere. Finally, we found that before and after each SST shift, the intrinsic properties of the SST time series obey stochastic dynamics, which is unaffected by the modulation of these two shifts. In particular, the SST fluctuations for the time period between the two SST shifts exhibit 1/f-type long-range correlations, which are frequently encountered in a large variety of natural systems. Our results have potential implications for future climate shifts and crossing tipping points due to an interaction of intrinsic climate cycles and anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

New paper finds natural variability accounts for > 50% of long-term temperature change in many regions over past century

A paper published today in Climate Dynamics finds natural multidecadal variability accounts for "more than 30% of long-term temperature variation" in "most regions" and "more than 50% in parts of North America, East Asia, Northern Eurasia, Northern Africa and Greenland" over the past century. The authors find natural ocean oscillations the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation [AMO] and Pacific Decadal Oscillation [PDO] account for "more than 40% of the amplitude" of the natural multidecadal variability. 

The authors find the well known natural 60-year climate cycle associated with the PDO is present in mid-high-latitude lands, whereas a 20 to 30 year cycle [one-third to one-half the 60 year cycle] is present in low-latitude lands.

The 60-year climate cycle is also related to solar activity and cosmic rays, and many papers have shown that solar activity [in addition to solar and lunar tidal effects] drive the ocean oscillations. Indeed, solar activity alone can explain 95% of climate change over the past 400 years. 

Climate Dynamics March 2014

Observed and SST-forced multidecadal variability in global land surface air temperature

L. H. Gao, Z. W. Yan, X. W. Quan

The characteristics of multidecadal variability (MDV) in global land surface air temperature (SAT) are analyzed based on observations. The role of sea surface temperature (SST) variations in generating MDV in land SAT is assessed using atmospheric general circulation model simulations forced by observed SST. MDV in land SAT exhibits regional differences, with amplitude larger than 0.3 °C mainly over North America, East Asia, Northern Eurasia, Northern Africa and Greenland for the study period of 1902–2004. MDV can account for more than 30 % of long-term temperature variation during the last century in most regions, especially more than 50 % in parts of the above-mentioned regions. The SST-forced simulations reproduce the observed feature of zonal mean MDV in land SAT, though with weaker amplitude especially at the northern high-latitudes. Two types of MDV in land SAT, one of 60-year-timescale, mainly observed in the northern mid-high-latitude lands, and another of 20–30-year-timescale, mainly observed in the low-latitude lands, are also well reproduced. The SST-forced MDV accounts for more than 40 % amplitude of observed MDV in most regions. Except for some sporadically distributed regions in central Eurasia, South America and Western Australia, the SST-forced multidecadal variations are well in-phase with observations. The Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation and Pacific Decadal Oscillation signals are found dominant in MDV of both the observed and SST-forced land SAT, suggesting important roles of these oceanic oscillations in generating MDV in global land SAT.