Saturday, January 3, 2009

Mom's Double Date...

Tonight, Robb is headed to the BYU Basketball game with our four girls. At about three in the afternoon, he asked me if he should get me a ticket and find a sitter for the boys. I suprised myself and answered--"No--I'm looking forward to a night with the boys!" Wow--we have come a long way! I can remember a time when sheer panic would come at the very thought of being left alone with these two. In fact, I think it's the sole purpose that I got my own cell phone, so I could check in every thirty minutes to see when Robb would be home to rescue me (he'd do the same to me when I'd slip away for the afternoon.) The time alone with them would stretch on and on and there was constant fear that they would cry, poop, bite, or destroy at the same time. You were outnumbered! You'd time your showers, bathroon breaks and changing laundry all according to the temperments of these two little guys. Life was stressful! We still have our "moments.." but with these moments, we usually end up laughing at their latest antics instead of running for cover the minute our "hero" walks through the door. So tonight--for my double date I'm sure we'll wrestle, play "smack down," watch the beginning of Toy Story 2 over and over (when Buzz is fighting Zurg), play like we are animals and eat off of the floor (I won't participate in this adventure), take a bath and clean up the flood afterwards (I'll be observing here too), eat Fruit Leather, play dragons and rocket ship, referee a couple of fights, set up the trains, do endless somersaults, wonder if they will ever be potty trained and then settle down for an episode of Max and Ruby and tuck ourselves into bed. Just in time for Robb and the girls to come home ;) Yep--we've come a lonnng way! Did I mention Dino Nuggets and Tator Tots???