Showing posts with label Ramadhan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ramadhan. Show all posts

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Diari C-MCO2020 (Day 18) : Ramadhan 2020 Adakah yang terakhir buatku?


CMCO : Conditional Movement Control Order is a relaxation of regulations regarding the MCO with its main objectives to reopen the country economy in a controlled manner.
CMCO was scheduled to start from 4th May 2020 and we are still on it.

MCO : 18/3/2020 ~ 3/5/2020 (51 DAYS)
C-MCO : 4/5/202 ~ today


Betul ramalan ku dalam entri yang lalu. 

"So korang rasa sambung ke tidak?

Saya rasa sambung sampai hujung April itu sudah pasti.
Tapi Mei, mungkin 50 50. Perlu ada keep n release methodology.
Ada kaedah pelepasannya.  Akan ada industri yang dah boleh di release secara berperingkat dan bersyarat kerana ..... "

Boleh baca selanjutnya di entri SINI

Sebenarnya tak tahu mula tulis macam mana.
Tiberrr rasa diri sendiri sangat #lessuseful. (useless is too much okay)

Tengok semua orang buat macam-macam kebaikan. Rasa semua orang menyumbang dengan terlalu hebat, while me sitting here doing nothing. 😭

Rasa down tak boleh nak describe.

Baca ig ust ebit lew. (LINK) 
Ya Allah banyak nya kebaikan yang dia dah buat. Ya Allah berkatnya kekayaan yang dia dapat. Ya Allah dia bekerja dah kalah wakil rakyat. Allahuakbar.  Menyoroti satu persatu bantuan yang beliau berikan.  Perhhhh bukan calang-calang weih, dia bayarkan sewa SEMUA orang yang susah yang dia tolong untuk pindah. Allahuakbar.  Semoga lah huda boleh jadi hamba yang memberi manfaat kat orang lain macam tu. Ameen Ya Allah Ya Mujib. 

Petikan dari ig ustaz ebit lew

..... Kita berdosa yer ayah kalau ada orang susah kita tak tolong. Nanti Allah tanya di akhirat yer? Yer anakku kita akan ditanya kita tidur lena ada orang lapar atau tiada tempat tidur. Terima kaseh ayah. Dia tengok ayahnya bantu keluarga susah. Berbincang tentang makcik atas kerusi roda.
......  Jadi orang Islam yang ingin belajar akhlak Nabi saw. Bawa kebaikan pada semua manusia sebelum mati. Cuma nak Allah sayang. 


Menangis lagi di Baling Kedah. Dah 2 hari tak tidur bila dapat berita tentang keluarga suami isteri dan 4 orang anak masih kecil-kecil dah setahun tinggal disini. Dalam pondok atau khemah. Sedihnya. Selepas sahur terus ke sini. Jauh dari orang dan dalam kebun getah. Tak lepas kereta saya. Kena jalan kaki. Banyak nyamuk. Tandas tiada air. Air hujan jer. Setahun macam manalah yer anak baik tinggal disini. Ya Allah maafkanlah saya. Ampunkan dosa diri saya.

Sebelum hadir mereka kata ada ketua masyarakat disini hadir semalam dan janji akan beri rumah. Tolong buat rumah tapi selepas PKP nanti. Tapi tuler mesti lambat lagikan ustaz. Syukur Alhamdulillah. Terima kaseh yb dan masyarakat setempat yang banyak membantu mereka. Semua badan ada hantar makanan dan sekolah pun beri percuma pada mereka makanan disekolah. Terima kaseh semua.

Bagi saya sehari mereka disini adalah dosa buat saya yang tidur lena. Makan sedap. Rumah saya besar dan kenderaan macam-macam. [terkesan betul aku dengan ayat ni. Nanges weih]

Anak kecil ini penuh nyamuk. Mereka anak yang baik. Senyum jer bahagia. Anak-anak ini anak yang baik sangat. Comel. Cemerlang pelajaran dan sukan.
Baik jer beradab sangat. Allahuakbar. Adik main dekat mana. Dekat sinilah ustaz. Allahuakbar. Saya nak masuk pun takut. Dia main 4 beradik. Yang besar darjah 5 perempuan.
Saya kata jom pindah rumah saya akan cari rumah sewa boleh duduk sampai bila-bila saya bayar. Jika ada kerajaan buatkan rumah boleh pindah sana. Sehari adik disini buat saya tak boleh tidur. Sedih sangat rasa. Rasa bersalah.
Doakan saya tengah cari rumah sewa sementara untuk mereka-ebitlew


Walau kejadian di Kedah sedikit masa lalu I think maybe make him down or upset a bit,

Tapi he did come back to Kedah and helps others. 

Once i watched his video saying this:

dalam hidup
jangan terkesan dengan orang
jangan minta dengan orang
jangan harap dengan orang


Kita buat apa pun untuk Allah sayang
Kita buat baik untuk Allah sayang
Kita buat dakwah untuk Allah sayang
Kita puji Allah untuk Allah sayang.

Orang nak keji
Orang nak puji 
Itu bukan urusan kita
_ust ebit lew_

Ya Allah Semoga Huda diberi kekuatan untuk bangkit dan bertahan.
Ya Allah didoakan semoga huda di mudahkan urusan kerja dalam memikul amanah negara ini dan ditempatkan ditempat yang terbaik dengan orang2 yang baik. 
Ya Allah Ya Rahman Ya Rahim, semoga huda dapat jadi orang baik dan sebarkan kebaikan, diberi kekuatan dan kebijaksanaan serta rasa ihsan dan kasih sayang untuk bertahan. 

Ya Allah Ya Mujib.
Perkenankan segala hajat² yang baik yang dipinta oleh penduduk bumi-Mu.
Makbulkan segala kebaikan yang dipohon.
Kami lemah.Kami hina.
Hanya dengan rahmat kasih sayang Mu, ihsan MU, aib kami ditutup.
Darjat kami ditinggikan.
Terimalah amal kami.
Ya Allah Engkau pandanglah usaha kecil kami ini Ya Rabb.
Jadikan kami istiqamah dengan amal ibadat kami hatta selepas Ramadhan berlalu pergi. آمين

Ya Allah…Ya Rahman…Ya Rahim… 
Dalam dakapan Ramadhan yg suci ini, Dengan rasa rendah diri, Kami yg kerdil dan hina ini memohon doa dgn penuh pengharapan kpdMu ya Allah… semoga Engkau sudi mendengar permintaan kami, krn sesungguhnya Engkaulah Tuhan yg Maha Mendengar.
Ya Allah Ya Fattahu Ya 'alim…

Ajarkanlah kami yg lemah ini utk melihat jln keluar dr semua masalah yg membelenggu kami, bukakanlah hijab kpd kami yg tak mampu melihat setiap kebaikan pd kejadian dan takdirmu. Ya Allah..takdirkanlah yg baik2 utk diri kami, 
Jaganlah kau menguji kami pd apa yg tidak mampu kami lalui.. Bukakanlah pintu2 rahmatMu utk kami ya Allah…
Ya Allah Rabbul Jalil….
Sejahterakanlah utk kami dgn kesihatan yg baik..supaya dgnnya kami dpt beribadah kpdMu. 
Ya Allah..ampunkanlah segala dosa kami, krn kami terlalu byk dosa kpdMu 
Ya Allah…Kami lupa akan Engkau ketika sihat, kami ingat pdMu bila ditimpa sakit, 
Kami lupa kpdMu ketika senang, kami ingat kpdMu bila dtg kesusahan. 
Kami lupa kpdMu disaat kami gembira, Kami ingat kpdMu ketika sedih dan kecewa,
 Kami habiskan usia muda dgn keseronokan dunia, kami mula mengingatiMu ketika usia sudah tua, ..
justeru ya Allah...ampunilah semua dosa kami..berilah kekuatan kpd kami utk melawan hawa nafsu dan dunia yg sentiasa melalaikan kami drp mengingatimu ya Allah…
Ya Allah…Ya Rahman..Ya Rahim…
Ampunkanlah dosa kedua ibubapa kami,. setiap titik susu ibu yg mgalir dlm diri kami...kau gantilah dgn kebajikan utknya yg boleh mbawanya ke syurgaMu ya Allah...ya Rahman...
pd setiap keringat yg mngalir pd tubuh ayah kami dlm mcari rezki kpd kluarga kami...kau gantikanlah dgn keampunan yg mbawa ke syurgaMu ya Allah. 
Sesungguhnya pengorbanan mereka tdk akan mampu kami membalasnya. Bahkan terkadang mereka hidup dlm kesusahan dan kesempitan, sdgkan kami berada dlm kesenangan dan kemewahan...Justeru kurniakanlah kpd kedua ibubapa kami tempat yg istimewa di syurgaMu ya Allah…..
Ya Allah….
Kami juga memohon ampun utk kaum kerabat kami, sahabat2 kami dan guru2 kami yg terlebih dahulu pergi meninggalkan kami ke alam barzakh…golongkanlah mereka dlm golongan org2 yg Engkau redhai…apabila tiba pula giliran kami menuju barzakhMU..maka Kau ambillah kami dlm keadaan yg baik2…dlm keampunan dan rahmatMu Ya Allah…
Ya Allah Ya azizz…
Kurniakanlah kpd kami jiwa yg tenang dan tenteram…hiasilah hati kami dgn sifat syukur, redha, sabar, ikhlas, amanah dan bertanggungjawab…Kau jauhkanlah drp kami sifat ujub, riak,takabbur, fitnah, mengadu domba, sangka buruk dan khianah.
Ya Rashid…Ya rahman…Ya Rahim..
Jika ada dikalangan kami mereka yg diuji dgn kesusahan, maka kau bantulah mereka, permudahkanlah urusan mereka, 
jika ada di kalangan kami mereka yg bersedih hati, berikanlah ketenangan dan jln keluar kpd mereka, 
jika ada di kalangan kami sdg berhajat dgn keperluannya, maka tunaikanlah hajat mereka, dan cukupkanlah keperluan mereka, 
jika ada di kalangan kami mereka yg diuji dengan sakit, maka kau sembuhkanlah mereka Ya Allah… agar dapat beribadah bersama kami. 
Jika ada dikalangan kami mereka yg derhaka kpd ibubapa atau terkurang dlm melayani mereka, maka kau ampunilah mereka, jadikanlah kami anak2 yg taat dan berbakti.... sesungguhnya Engkaulah Tuhan yg Maha Mendengar dan Mengasihi…
Ya Allah Ya Malikul Mulk…
Ya Allah Ya Razak..Ya Fattahu Ya 'Alim…
Kurniakan kpd kami rezeki yg halal lg diberkati dan jadikanlah dgn rezeki itu kami semakin dekat dgnMu....
sebaliknya, Jaganlah kau jadikan kami drp golongan yg lupa diri setelah mendapat kurniaannMu.
Ya Allah….
Bantukanlah kami dlm menjalankan urusan agama kami, Elokkanlah urusan dunia kami, yg padanya tempat kami mencari kehidupan, 
Elokkanlah urusan akhirat kami, yg padanya tempat kami akan kembali utk selama2nya.. jadikanlah kehidupan kami ini sebagai tambahan segala kebaikan kpd kami, dan jadikanlah kematian sebagai ketenangan kpd kami dari segala kejahatan, Sesungguhnya kami ingin kembali kpdMu dgn jiwa yg tenang….
Ya Allah Ya Zal Jalali Wal Ikram…
Ya Allah….Jgnlah kau jadikan ramadhan ini sbg yg terakhir buat kami, temukanlah kami dgn Ramadhan yg akan dtg…
Tapi, Andai ini Ramadhan terakhir buat kami, jadikankanlah puasa kami sbg puasa yg Kau rahmati, jadikanlah ramadhan ini paling bererti, penuh dgn cahaya iman, menerangi kegelapan hati kami menuju redha serta kasih sayangmu ya Allah…jadikanlah ramadhan ini sebagai penghapus dosa2 kami.. Ya Allah…temukanlah kami dgn lailatul qadr…pilihlah kami dikalangan hambaMu yg dpt beramal di mlm al-Qadr….Ya Allah..terimalah amalan kami..terimalah taubat kami..ampunkanlah segala dosa kami...amankanlah kehidupan kami disana nanti yg kekal abadi… kurniakanlah kpd kami syurgamu yg maha luas nikmatnya…
Aamiin ya rabbal a'alamiin

Akhir kalam.  Dipanjangkan link kalau nak ber infak.

Last but not least Terimalah video DRAMA RAYA HUDA .... hi hi hi....

Huda mohon maaf salah silap pada semua.
Salam kasih sayang

Monday, April 20, 2020

Diari MCO2020 (Day 34) : MY WISH FOR RAMADHAN


Ku mengharapkan Ramadhan kali ini penuh makna. Agar dapat kulalui dengan sempurna
Selangkah demi selangkah, setahun sudah pun berlalu. Masa yang pantas berlalu, hingga tak terasa ku berada di bulan Ramadhan semula.

Ku mengharapkan Ramadhan kali ini penuh makna. Agar dapat kulalui dengan sempurna
Puasa satu amalan sebagaimana yang di perintah Nya. Moga dapat ku lenturkan nafsu yang selalu membelenggu diri tiada henti-henti

Ku mengharapkan Ramadhan kali ini penuh makna. Agar dapat kulalui dengan sempurna
Tak ingin ku biarkan Ramadhan berlalu saja
Ya Allah pimpinlah daku yang lemah mengharungi segalanya dengan sabar dan sempurna

Ku mengharapkan Ramadhan kali ini penuh makna. Agar dapat kulalui dengan sempurna.
Ku memohon pada Tuhan diberi kekuatan
Ku merayu pada Tuhan diterima amalan.
Selangkah demi selangkah
Dengan Rahmat MU oh Tuhan ku
Ku tempuh jua

Being able to stay at home during Ramadhan is kind of “my wish (prayer/ doa) come true”. I keep on asking for this for the past few years I guess since 2016 or even before.  Why? Because I’ve been very busy since then.

I was sick terribly in 2015 (hospital visit nonstop, warded, etc.) until I’ve in mind that’s going to be my last day on earth as if my time is up in this dunya. But Alhamdulillah Allah keep me alive till today.

In 2016 and 2017 I was so busy with work because I need to chase over time to finish the DW as it has its own time line plus it was about time for me to take long leave for my study in 2017. So I need to ensure that all task and things are in place and in a good hand as much as possible (even though of course there’s hick up here and there too. Lol!). During those years, I reached home when it’s about to azan Maghrib like I was stuck in parking or lift when there was azan. But in 2017, since there is iftar almost every day at the surau in my apartment area, so whenever I reach parking lot 5 minutes before azan, I’ll straight away go to the surau, break my fast, went up to my house to clean up myself, and go the surau again for prayer.

In 2018 – it was another terrible story as if you guys following my life my blog (ecewah, ada orang follow ke. Theee.hehehe). Ramadhan 2018, I was in my second semester of my master program. And to have some additional challenges, it was last month of semester where we need to rush for class, exam and projects as one of my classmate time tu gak la dia sibuk nak beranak. Hahaha …. So the whole class need to be adjusted according to her time line. But I guess it was ok. Since we can’t finish the entire syllabus because the final exam was set up earlier, so the final exam paper was easier I guess. Kah kah kah. Sebab dapat A berani la aku cakap easier. Kalau tak dapat A aku rasa kawan tu memang akan kena curse as long as I can remember. Ha Ha Ha. Joking la. Tak ada nya aku nak curse orang. Okay je apa yang berlaku Alhamdulillah.  But since the final exam was earlier and kind of easier (according to me), the lecturer is very smart also. All the unfinished syllabus which cannot go to the final exam, was transformed to ASSIGNMENT and PROJECT with higher weight. Hwaaa nanges. And that was the reason why my Ramadhan was disaster in 2018. The assignment and PROJECT was very tough. Very tough until I didn’t sleep for many days, didn’t talk to people, and I just stayed at my study table and only going out of the room when there’s prayer time, iftar time and when I need to go to university for the project / assignment submission or presentation. It was terrible as I can’t really describe (oh I’ve entry about my second semester journey – you can read them here).

In 2019, as all of you may not aware …. Hahaha. Because I didn’t say much about it in my blog but I did mumbling a lot in my Instagram. 2019 was the most disaster among em all. On 29th Sya’ban (5th May 2019) I flew to Chile (44 hours’ journey, but since they are 12 hours behind us, so I arrived there in their date of 6th May 2019 (It was my mak birthday you know). Landed Chile in 1st day Ramadhan at 8 am something – when you guys in Malaysia already about to go for tarawikh prayer for 2nd night and obviously I missed my tarawikh prayer for 1st night as I just in the middle of I don’t know where. It was a great challenge for me to plan for my solat also as I travel for 44 hours ye. And I did study how to know when I need to sahur on the flight. Yeah I know what’s in your mind. Yes, of course la boleh ambil rukhsah untuk tidak berpuasa sebab musafir kan. Tapi hey rugi la. Chile puasa 9 jam je kot. Hahaha. It was during the end of winter. So the day time was shorter compare to night time.
But things don’t work according to my imagination. My luggage went missing in Paris and didn’t arrived at Chile with me. Yes, you read it right. My luggage went missing is Paris during transit. I've only my backpack for my laptop, and a few things within that small backpack. I was travel for 44 hours non-stop (with 2 transit about 6 and 2 hours each transit if I'm not mistaken) and when I arrived – my imagination was -  I really want to take a long shower and long sleep before my meeting. And cook good food for my iftar and even have plan to cook for my other muslim friends just in case I meet anyone there. Half of my luggage is FOOD. Half of my luggage. Yes, you read it right. Ha ha ha. But then, the bag lost in the middle no where and didn't make it with me to chile. Crazy huh? 44 hours and things happen at the other side of my world. Can you guess what did i eat, how am I survive for my meeting? Hi Hi Hi.
We plan and Allah’s plan way perfect and we just need to follow what has been written for us. Kan.  Hahaha I’ll give another entry for this trip later, insha Allah as it was kind of interesting but long story to mumbling here. Okay so 2019, the whole one-week journey was very much challenging too. But actually it was calm too as I can pray calmly in my 5 star hotel room (I’ll write about the bag and baju in next entry insha Allah). – no telekung, no food and it was even hard to find water that able to drink. Never I have that in my mind. Air dia rasa pelik rasa air laut dan berkeladak. My hotel located above the Pacific Ocean, what to expect huh. Huhuhu…. Out of my imagination. Since the journey took about 44 hours, my meeting was 2 days, and going back to Malaysia took about another +- 44 hours, so all together my Ramadhan was just I can describe as in real life time story. When I came back, do you guys think I’ve time to entertain my jet lag? #jangankauharap.  We were busy with another task about FW that time. Hwaaaa sis balik office pukul 1 ke 2 pagi untuk beberapa hari. Sambil sel-sel otak masih ting tong. Sampai rumah tak tau la sis cuba juga la solat sunat as much as sis can, but I don’t know la kalau boleh tengok buku catatan amalan, berapa je la markah sis dapat ya. Hu hu hu.

So since then actually I really pray deep inside my heart that I can have one proper Ramadhan for me to stay at home, go to the mosque, do my charity / ngo programme, with good health to maximize my ibadah 
(yeah I know kerja pun satu ibadah, tapi kadang-kadang saya rasa mereka ni bekerja dah macam tak ada hari esok. Huhuhu).

Dan sesungguhnya tahun ini semacam doa itu dimakbulkan bukan?  Masha Allah. Ye saya kalau panjang umur akan memulakan puasa di rumah ini, sendirian, dan hmmm begitulah.

To be honest, being able to stay at home during Ramadhan is some kind of my wish come true. Masha Allah. However, the current situation is beyond my thinking and what I’ve in mind. Yes, I make doa to have full time for myself during Ramadhan, with good health, Alhamdulillah but, never I can imagine that we all “trapped” inside our house due to this COVID-19 and the movement control order. Never in my imagination, yes I can fast, I can pray but I can’t go to mosque for Jemaah, and I can’t fast with my family. Hwaaaa.

But above all. Saya nak jadi hamba Allah yang bersyukur. Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah for this doa. Thank you Allah for this journey. Semoga Allah mudahkan segala urusan dan berikan saya dan awak semua Ramadhan yang terbaik dan amalan kita diterima Nya. Moga dapat kita merasai nikmatnya iman, nikmatnya beribadah. Moga ibadah kita diterima Allah. Moga menjadi asbab turunnya rahmat dan kasih sayang Allah, diangkat segala ujian yang sedang melanda negara dan seluruh dunia. Moga Huda sekeluarga dan sahabat-sahabat yang membaca semua, diberi kesudahan yang baik dan iman yang sempurna dan kita dapat masuk syurga sama-sama. Ameen. Insha Allah.

Pengajarannya juga, berhati-hatilah dengan apa yang kita ucap, yang kita harap, kerana kita tak tahu bila doa kita akan Allah makbulkan. Sebab tu kena sentiasa cakap yang baik, fikir yang baik supaya yang datang semua yang baik-baik. Insha Allah. Dan sesungguhnya betul la semacam doa yang kita baca setiap pagi dalam al-mathurat …. Doanya;
“Ya Allah, jangan Engkau biarkan nasib kami ditentukan oleh kami sendiri walaupun hanya sekelip mata atau lebih pendek dari masa itu”.
Ameen. Insha Allah.
Oh Allah, I still pray that I can maximize my Ramadhan this year, Ameen. Insha Allah.

Monday, May 13, 2019

One for the memory : Ramadhan di Bumi Chile

Dulu kecik-kecik tengok gambar pemimpin je pergi APEC ni.
Tak sangka one day boleh jadi delegasi.
Masha Allah.

Walau pun terlalu banyak drama #ramadhandibumichile ni.
I feel blessed to be there.

Full story of #nhhastakeschile Insha Allah akan menyusul.

After all the challenges and bittersweet memory, #ramadhandibumichile seriously deserve at lease one blog entry. Insha Allah.

Above all I thank Allah for the opportunity given.



Thursday, June 7, 2018

Secret behind the doa of Lailatul Qadr'

A Life Changing Reminder : by Majed Mahmoud ...

Secret of why Rasulullah S,.A.W. taught us the doa below :

Please keep Huda Sani in your doa.
Semoga kita hidup dalam iman, dimatikan dalam iman dan islam, dan ada tempat di SYURGA FIRDAUS NYA. 

Monday, June 12, 2017

Please keep nhhas in your doa ... Salam Ramadhan Kareem ...


Ya Allah ...
Ya Rahman, Ya Raheem,,Ya Rabb al Alameen

Grant me death with the shahadah on my tongue.

Grant me Husn al Khatima.

Expand my grave for me and illuminate it with light.

Preserve my record in Illiyeen.

Lighten for me the questioning of the grave.

Grant me death in a state of Ibadah, resurrect me in the same state.

Keep me free from fear, anxiety and terror of the Day of Judgment.

Grant my book in my right hand.

Make me among those who show their books to others with happiness.

Make me successful in the Meezan.

Help me cross the Siraat like lightening.

Ya ALLAH, pls do not give away my good deeds to others.

Reunite me with my family in Jannah.

Do not expose my faults in front of others on the Day Of Judgement.

Ya Afu, Forgive the sins that I don't remember n the sins that I didn't even consider as sins.

Grant me Qalbun Saleem.

Cleanse my heart from malice, jealousy, hatred, self-admiration,show off, envy.

Grant me the ability to forgive others.

Grant me soft speech, protect my tongue from lying,backbiting,hurting others.

Grant me beautiful patience.

Grant me correct Aqeedah, excellent memory and understanding of the deen.

Bless my parents,forgive them,Grant them good health and make me a sadaqa jariyah for them.

Bless my siblings n their marriages. Bind us together with love. Do not let shaytan break our bond.

Grant all the single Muslims the coolness of their eyes.

Grant us righteous children and make them a sadaqa jariyah for us.

Help me understand, write and speak Arabic.

Help me maintain good ties with my relatives.

Help me see my faults and cover it from others.

Bestow me with wealth to spend in your way    

Do not let others humiliate/oppress/mock/take advantage of me.

Help me be courageous and take correct decisions.

Grant me modesty in clothing and speech in front of non Mahrams.

Oh ALLAH, help me leave behind a legacy with humility.

Forgive the Muslim ummah -the living and the dead. Bless the Muslims. Grant victory to the oppressed. Fill their hearts with Eman.

Oh ALLAH,accept my deeds.

Ya ALLAH, O my ALLAH, Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim, Ya kareem, Ya Sattar, Ya Gaffar, Ya Kadir, Ya Sami, Ya Aleem, Ya Zaljalaali Wal ikraam be rahmatika astagheeth.

Ya ALLAH I turn to you in repentance, in submission. I beg you plz fulfill my duas.

Ya ALLAH Forgive my sins, a complete forgiveness that leaves no trace.

Ya ALLAH Forgive my transgressions of Your Commands & the violations of the rights of people.

Ya ALLAH Grant me victory over my shortcomings.

Reform and upgrade me Ya Allah.

Ya ALLAH Accept my duaas, ibaadah & deeds.

Ya ALLAH Guide me towards performing good accepted deeds for Your Sake only.

Ya ALLAH Help me to attain khushu' & ikhlaas in my ibaadah.

Ya ALLAH Help me get closer to you as my end draws near.

Ya ALLAH Make me love You, Your Prophet (pbuh), Your Deen, Your Quran the way it deserves to be loved.

Ya ALLAH Increase my eeman, tawakkul, yaqeen in You.

Ya ALLAH Increase me in Taqwa, Make me of your grateful slaves.

Ya ALLAH Give me the strength to be steadfast throughout the trials I encounter.

Ya ALLAH Grant me a soft heart & content with Your Laws.

Ya ALLAH Make the Quran be my companion in both worlds.

Ya ALLAH Guide me to the siraat mustaqeem until my last breath, never be deviated in shirk, kufr or bid'ah.

Ya ALLAH Make me among the muhsineen, muttaqeen the mukhliseen, the sabiqoon fil ilm.

Ya ALLAH Increase me in beneficial knowledge.

Ya ALLAH Protect me from sicknesses of the heart (envy, arrogance, proudness, show off)

Ya ALLAH Bless me with happiness in this dunya & akhirah, protect me from sadness & depression.

Ya ALLAH Favour me with the ability to do tazkiyah of my soul throughout my life journey.

Ya ALLAH Remove the love of this world in its degrees & forms from my heart.

Ya ALLAH Invite me to Your House to worship You.

Ya ALLAH Grant me a good end, make me love to meet You.

Ya ALLAH Make my grave & barzakh a peaceful, cool abode.

Ya ALLAH Grant me the Shade of your Arsh on Yawmul Qiyaamah.

Ya ALLAH Give me my record of deeds in my right hand and make my mizaan (scale) heavy with the good deeds.

Ya ALLAH Grant me the favour to drink from the Hawd Al Kawthar by our beloved Prophet's (pbuh) hand.

Ya ALLAH Ease my crossing of the Siraat & Qantarah (bridges before Paradise).

Ya ALLAH Favour me the ultimate bliss of seeing You in Hereafter.

Ya ALLAH Shield, increase & protect the love/mercy/barakah between me & my spouse for as long as we live.

Ya ALLAH Improve our behaviour with each other.

Ya ALLAH Reward my spouse Your best reward for her/his striving for my family.

Ya ALLAH Make the Quran & Your Commands be our judge in all matters.

Ya ALLAH Strengthen our practice of the deen together.

Ya ALLAH Make us join together in bliss in Jannah al Firdaus.

Ya ALLAH, assist us with physical & emotional strength to be good parents and example to our children.

Ya ALLAH Save our children from the impact of our mistakes in their lives.

Ya ALLAH Bless us with righteous children.

Ya ALLAH Make our children the coolness of our eyes and make them sawaab-e-jaariya for me & my spouse.

Ya ALLAH Make them of those who establish Salah and prostrate only to you.

Ya ALLAH Protect my family from evil, calamities, enviers & the shayaateen from man & jinn.

Ya ALLAH Protect our children from harm, sicknesses, disbelief, haraam and destruction.

Ya ALLAH Grant our children success in Deen, duniya & Aakhirah & grant us a lineage of righteous offspring until Yawm al Qiyaamah.

Ya ALLAH Unite our entire lineage in Jannah al Firdaus.

Ya ALLAH Make our children workers for Your Deen, hafidhul Quran, da'ees, imaams, scholars and shaheeds.

Ya ALLAH Make them become the reason for our place in Jannah & shield against the Hellfire.

Ya ALLAH save me & my entire family from the Hell Fire & make us enter Jannah al Firdaus Aa'laa without being accounted.

Ya ALLAH, you are Al Gaffaar. Forgive my parents.

Ya ALLAH Reward them in the greatest measures in this dunya & akhirah.

Ya ALLAH Elevate their ranks and grant them Jannah al Firdaus.

Ya ALLAH Make me coolness of their eyes in their old age.

Ya ALLAH Grant my siblings success in this dunya & akhirah.

Ya ALLAH Elevate the ranks of my parents, spouse's parents,my sisters & brothers, my elders & entire Ummah.

Ya ALLAH Protect them from illnesses and difficulties of old age.

Ya ALLAH Forgive the sins of those who have passed away in my family & the Ummah - young & old.

Ya ALLAH Grant them a peaceful time in the barzakh till they meet YOU.

Ya ALLAH Save us from trials of Dajjal, Yujuj & Majuj & the last Day.

Ya ALLAH Grant my family & friends who are waiting for the gift of "children".

Ya ALLAH Unite the hearts of my worldly companions who work for You & strengthen our brotherhood.

Ya ALLAH Unite the hearts of those undergoing family/marital difficulties.

Ya ALLAH Grant your perfect cure to those who are sick.

Ya ALLAH Protect my brothers & sisters across the warzones & from the persecution, rape, slaughter, humiliation.

Ya ALLAH Relieve their sufferings & elevate their ranks.

Ya ALLAH Bring the downfall of those (modern day pharaohs) oppressors & Relieve those who are deprived, burdened, oppressed, in debt.

Ya ALLAH bless the person who forwarded this duas and make this a source of sadaqa jariah for them Aameen..

Ya ALLAH, answer our Duaas You are the All Hearing, All Knowing! Aameen Ya Rabbul Aalameen!!! ALLAHumma Salli Ala Sayidina wa Nabiyina Muhammad wa Ala AaliHi wa SahbiHi ajmaeen! ◦

Friday, July 15, 2016

Al-Quran: Summary of Juz 30

Juzuk 1 | Juzuk 2 Juzuk 3 | Juzuk 4 | Juzuk 5 | Juzuk 6 | Juzuk 7 | Juzuk 8 | Juzuk 9 | Juzuk 10 | Juzuk 11 | Juzuk 12Juzuk 13 |Juzuk 14 | Juzuk 15 Juzuk 16 | Juzuk 17 | Juzuk 18 | Juzuk 19 |Juzuk 20 | Juzuk 21 | Juzuk 22 | Juzuk 23 Juzuk 24 | Juzuk 25 | Juzuk 26 | Juzuk 27 | Juzuk 28 | Juzuk 29 | Juzuk 30.

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

The recitation of the Qur'ân is completed in this 30 th Juz, which commences from Sûrah Naba , ending with Sûrah Nâs, the 114th and final Sûrah of the Qur'ân. 
In Sûrah Naba (Sûrah Amma), Allâh says that the punishment of Jahannam has been prepared for those people who deny the truth of Islâm. When the trumpet is sounded for the Day of Qiyâmah, the skies will be divided into many roads through which people will pass in droves towards the Plain of Resurrection. The acts of every person will be disclosed and Allâh will decide the punishment or reward that every person will receive. Sûrah Nâzi'ât follows Sûrah Naba with the message that people will regard their lives in this world to be a mere morning or evening when they face the torturously long Day of Qiyâmah. The severity of the day of Qiyâmah will cause people's heart to tremble. They will recall their acts in this world and will regret whatever they did because Jahannam will be shown to them. 
In the subsequent Sûrahs, Allâh tells Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam that people with wealth and authority are often beguiled by what they have and therefore do not accept good counsel. On the other hand, poor people tend to accept more readily. Therefore, devote more attention to those who have greater fear for Allâh so that they may attain spiritual purity. 
When Qiyâmah will take place, no one can be of any assistance to another, even though they may be brothers, parents, children or spouses. Every person will be too concerned about his own predicament to be worried about another. The faces of the Mu'minîn and the pious will be resplendent on that day, while the faces of the Kuffâr and sinners will be gloomy. 
Allâh points out to people that they will have to tread the straight path to be saved from the anguish and suffering of the Day of Qiyâmah. On the Day of Qiyâmah, the sky will be rent asunder, bodies will rise from their graves, the stars will plummet down and the oceans will be ablaze. Every person will be confronted by his acts on the Plain of Resurrection when none will want to know another. 

In Sûrah Mutaffifîn, Allâh condemns those who cheat when weighing and measuring, and warns them of a terrible punishment. Allâh cautions mankind to beware of the day when they will all rise from their graves and stand before Allâh to account for every act. On that day, it will be the Mu'minîn who will laugh at the Kuffâr who scoffed at them in this world. 
The sky will be cleaved open when the trumpet is sounded and corpses will be flung from their graves. Whereas the pious shall be quickly relieved of the formalities of the Day of Qiyâmah, the sinful ones will be flung into the fire of Jahannam. These were the people who thought that they will never be returned to Allâh. 
Allâh says further that those who harass believing men and women without repenting afterwards shall suffer a terrible torment in the Âkhirâh. Allâh also mentions that the Qur'ân is a lofty book that is preserved in the Lawhul Mahfûdh. The Qur'ân distinguishes between right and wrong and those who still adamantly adhere to the wrong shall be granted only a little respite.
Allâh commands Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam to glorify His praises and assures him that he will never forget the Qur'ân. Allâh further instructs Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam to continue propagating the Dîn for Allâh shall open up avenues of ease for him. Allâh urges people to ponder over Allâh's creation so that they may recognise Him. Allâh says, "Have they not looked how the camel is created? And how the sky has been elevated? And how the mountains have been rooted? And how the earth has been levelled?" (Sûrah Ghâshiya, verses 17 to 20).

All these signs are for people to take heed before they are taken to task on the Day of Qiyâmah. Allâh admonishes man for his excessive preoccupation with material wealth because it leads him to abuse inheritance and to refuse help to the poor and orphans. However, Allâh has granted man the capacity to do good and to refrain from evil. Therefore, whoever purifies his soul will be successful, while those who are negligent of this will suffer permanent loss.

Allâh advises people to spend their wealth only for His pleasure and with no other motives. None should be proud about being able to do good because only Allâh grants people the ability to lend a helping hand to the needy. Allâh assures Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam that Allâh will soon confer on him a bounty that will please him and that he should never feel that Allâh has forsaken him because Allâh has always been there for him. Allâh has illuminated his heart, alleviated his worries and elevated his name. Allâh consoles Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam (as well as all Muslims at large) that ease always follows hardship. Therefore, a person's attention should always focus on Allâh.

Allâh is pleased with the righteous and they are pleased with Him because they are the best of Allâh's creation. As for the evildoers, they are the worst of Allâh's creation. On the Day of Qiyâmah, Allâh will be so just that even a good act the size of an atom will be rewarded and a sin just as small will also not pass unnoticed.

Allâh says that man acknowledges that he has an ungrateful nature, but his intense love for wealth does not permit him to mend his ways. Allâh reminds mankind to be mindful of the Day of Qiyâmah because they can never fathom the flaming inferno of Jahannam. Man is reminded that he will have to answer for the wealth that he possesses, which makes him negligent of his duties in this world. Besides the righteous Mu'minîn, the rest of mankind is at a loss.

Allâh warns man that every tale‑carrier and miser is destined for Jahannam. In Sûrah Fîl, Allâh illustrates how He used little birds with pebbles to destroy the army of elephants that Abraha brought to demolish the Ka'bah. In the next Sûrah, Allâh tells the Quraysh that they should worship only Him because it was He who made their city a sanctuary of peace.

In Sûrah Ma'ûn, Allâh condemns those who rebuke orphans and the poor and who are vain and miserly. These are the ones who remain negligent of the Salâh. Allâh consoles Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam by telling him not to let the taunts of a certain Kâfir affect him because it will be the very same wretch who will be without progeny and will be nameless in history. Allâh urges Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam to continue performing Salâh and offering sacrifices because Allâh shall soon award him with the pond of Kawthar as a gift in the Âkhirâh.

In Sûrah Kâfirûn, Allâh clearly distinguishes between the Mu'minîn and the Kuffâr so that the one is not confused for the other. Allâh makes mention of the culmination of Rasulullâh's Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam's duty in Sûrah Nasr and commands Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam to engage in excessive glorification and praise of Allâh. Sûrah Lahab curses Abu Lahab and his wife because the couple harmed Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam, immensely. Sûrah Ikhlâs declares, "Say, 'He is Allâh, the One. Allâh is Independent. He is neither the child of anyone nor has He any children. There is none comparable to Him.

Sûrah Falaq is an invocation to Allâh for His protection and makes reference to the witchcraft that was intended to harm Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam. Finally, Sûrah Nâs invokes Allâh's protection against Shaytân's instigation and traps.

End of Juzz-30 

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh...

Alhamdulillah ... Akhirnya ... saya berjaya menghabiskan perkongsian ringkasan bagi setiap juzuk Al-Quran ini.  Tabah juga "nak khatam terjemahan"  ini. Sampai dah 10 Syawal 1437H baru dapat habiskan. Insaf saya.  Sebenarnya - walau sekadar copy&paste - ianya tetap memerlukan effort untuk baca dan kongsikan.  Dan honestly - tak details pun - macam juzuk 30 ni pun - ringkasan tidak dibuat mengikut surah - tapi dibuat secara keseluruhan juzuk 30 itu sendiri apa mesej yang Allah sampaikan kepada kita.

Macam yang telah di maklumkan, Catatan ini saya copy n paste dari salah satu group WA yang saya sertai. Jazakillah Khayr sister nafisah and de brother who make de effort to write dis summary (de original copy).
Saya hanya baca je dan kemudiannya memutuskan untuk kongsi di blog - supaya tak hilang + mudah rujuk akan datang + sebagai satu driven force untuk saya baca terjemahan 1 juzuk 1 hari. 
Saya mungkin tidak teliti dan tidak pakar dalam menyemak sama ada content ini tepat atau tidak.  Justeru jika kalian terjumpa sebarang kesalahan atau keraguan pada mana-mana content catatan ini, mohon maklumkan untuk semakan dan pembetulan segera.  

As much as I gain soooo much benefit from this sharing summary - saya harap juga korang yang baca ni turut mendapat manfaatnya.  Sebenarnya ... jujur saya katakan - susah saya nak istiqamah buat summary ni setiap hari... tapi saya paksa diri - sebab ... takkanlah dah 30 tahun hidup - saya belum dapat khatam BACA terjemahan Quran... Ni pun baru BACA je... belum tentu faham... amalan? Allahuakbar ... jauh lagi nak sampai level itu.

Oleh itu - kalau korang rasa nak baca hari-hari - sekurang-kurangnya sekali dalam seumur hidup dah PERNAH BACA terjemahan Quran - korang paste lah summary ni kat blog korang... 1 hari 1 juzuk.  
Nanti korang tambahlah mana yang kurang dari catatan asal ni.  Lebih bagus lagi kalau korang buat summary versi BM ... 
Saya tak buat versi BM atas beberapa sebab;
1. catatan asal yang saya terima dalam BI - dan saya lebih faham BI ni dari BM (Sorry) ...
2. saya memerlukan effort yang lain pula jika saya nak translate ke BM (Maaf - sepanjang bulan Jun yang lalu - saya terlalu sibuk - memang tak sempat) - 
3. lagipun saya rasa - kongsi dalam BI - insya Allah capaiannya lebih luas orang yang boleh baca.  Untuk "orang melayu kita" saya yakin dalam rumah kita memang ada terjemahan ni kan kan kan ... tinggal lagi kita nak / sempat baca atau tidak je.  

So JOM mulakan effort ... korang sambunglah ..
paste ni kat blog korang 1 HARI 1 JUZUK ...

Semoga bermanfaat, Insya Allah.


Thursday, July 14, 2016

Al-Quran: Summary of Juz 29

Juzuk 1 | Juzuk 2 Juzuk 3 | Juzuk 4 | Juzuk 5 | Juzuk 6 | Juzuk 7 | Juzuk 8 | Juzuk 9 | Juzuk 10 | Juzuk 11 | Juzuk 12Juzuk 13 |Juzuk 14 | Juzuk 15 Juzuk 16 | Juzuk 17 | Juzuk 18 | Juzuk 19 |Juzuk 20 | Juzuk 21 | Juzuk 22 | Juzuk 23 Juzuk 24 | Juzuk 25 | Juzuk 26 | Juzuk 27 | Juzuk 28 | Juzuk 29 | Juzuk 30.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh...

Catatan ini saya copy n paste dari salah satu group WA yang saya sertai.
Saya mungkin tidak teliti dan tidak pakar dalam menyemak sama ada content ini tepat atau tidak.  Justeru jika kalian terjumpa sebarang kesalahan atau keraguan pada mana-mana content catatan ini, mohon maklumkan untuk semakan dan pembetulan segera.  
Semoga bermanfaat, Insya Allah.


In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

The 29th Juz includes Sûrahs Mulk, Qalam, Haqqah, Ma'ârij, Nûh, Jinn, Muzzammil, Muddathir, Qiyâmah, Insân and Mursalâh.

Allâh says in Sûrah Mulk that there is none to replace His innumerable bounties if He should ever snatch them away from people.
 People should therefore trust only in Allâh because He has created both life and death and only He controls them.

Sûrah Qalam makes it clear that the character of Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam is the highest in calibre. Allâh also instructs Rasulullâh is to exercise patience and not to supplicate to Allâh in anger, as Prophet Yunus did. 
The Sûrah also warns the Kuffâr about the punishment they stand to face in this world as well as in the Âkhirâh.

A startling description of Qiyâmah is given in Sûrah Hâqa, where Allâh also speaks of the punishment that the Kuffâr will receive and the rewards that will accrue to the pious.

 Allâh concludes the Sûrah by stating that the Qur'ân is definitely a revelation from Allâh and neither a composition of a poet nor the ramblings of a fortune‑teller.

In Sûrah Ma'ârij, Allâh says that man is a weak creature who becomes perplexed when facing any adversity and miserly when enjoying good fortune. Allâh warns all miserly people who hoard their wealth that they should beware of the terrible fire of Jahannam which will strip off their skins.

Sûrah Nûh recounts the story of Prophet Nûh who tirelessly preached to his people for a long time. However, the wretched people refused to accept his message and relentlessly opposed him. Frustrated by their stubborn * attitude, Prophet Nûh eventually prayed to Allâh to destroy them. As a result of this, they were drowned in a deluge which spared only the Mu'minîn with Prophet Nûh in the ark.

Sûrah Jinn speaks of the praises that some Jinn expressed about the Qur'ân when they heard Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam reciting it.

They believed in the Qur'ân and attested to Allâh's oneness. The Sûrah also makes it clear that only Allâh possesses knowledge of the unseen. Of course, Allâh does impart a bit of this knowledge to His Ambiyâ by means of divine revelation.

In Sûrah Muzzammil Allâh addresses Rasulullâh it as the one who is shrouded in a blanket. Allâh commands Rasulullâh it to‑stand in Salâh for half the night or less, and to recite the Qur'ân in slow measured tones. Worshipping Allâh during the night is an effective means of purifying the soul and readily accepted by Allâh. 

Allâh also encourages zakâh and spending in charity because any good act will be of tremendous benefit in the Âkhirâh.

With a different word Muddathir, Allâh addresses Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam as the one cloaked in a garment. Allâh commands Rasulullâh to propagate Islâm and to hymn the praises of Allâh's glory and grandeur. Allâh also commands Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam to abstain from all impurities and to behave kindly towards people without expecting anything in return. 

As in many previous Sûrahs, Allâh urges Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam to patiently endure the harassment of the Kuffâr without retaliation.
 The Sûrah also stresses that the Qur'ân is a book of guidance that will benefit those people whom Allâh leads aright.

In Sûrah Qiyâmah, Allâh instructs Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam that he should not exert himself to repeat immediately the words of revelation when it is revealed to him. He was to listen attentively, after which Allâh would ensure that he remembered everything.

Allâh says in Sûrah Dahar knwn as Suran Al Insaan, that He instilled the capacity to discern between right and wrong in every person. Man therefore has the choice either to be grateful to Allâh or to be ungrateful. However, the ungrateful will have to suffer punishment for their ingratitude while the grateful will be immensely rewarded with the eternal bliss of Jannah. Allâh lauds the Mu'minîn who, despite their own need, assist the needy without expecting remuneration or even a word of thanks in return.

The Juz concludes with Sûrah Mursalâh, which confirms that Qiyâmah will definitely take place. It will be a day when Allâh's judgement will be decisive and binding. Whoever wishes to be obedient shall be such. On the other hand, those people whose evil acts have surrounded them shall remain rebellious and will have to face the punishment for their acts.

End of 29th juzz