Showing posts with label cupcake swap. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cupcake swap. Show all posts

Friday, February 13, 2009

Surprise !

Look what the postman brought today... It is a lovely package from Sara . She made the loveliest pink petaled pincushion, a lovely heart and so much more cupcaky things. I love them all. Thank you so much Sara. You are the best.
Her first attempt on the Cupcake swap stranded somewhere between the UK and Belgium, because it never arrived, but Sara was so generous to offer to send another package. I told her she shouldn´t but voila, to my surprise this was handed to me this morning.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Cupcake swap pictures

For those of you that joined my cupcake swap, please see this link for the pictures of all the goodies you made for the cupcake swap 2008. Sorry that it took so lon, but we are still missing one parcel. No problem since it was a parcel sent to me, so I don´t feel bad that someone didn´t get a parcel. I will also email all the participants this link.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Cupcake swap #1 arrived

The first cupcake swap parcel arrived yesterday. It is from Catherine of Mollycupcakes.

She made me some wonderfully handpainted pegs and kitchen utensils, and a lovely little frame.

Also a little egg cosy and some cards. Thank you very much Catherine> Since she told me that my parcel also arrived, I will show you what I sent her.

This was my first attempt to make a tea cozy and I think it worked out well. I also crocheted some cupcakes, a pair of cupcake earrings, some napkins, a cupcake box and a dutch kids magazine and finally a handcarved cupcake stamp. I hope catherines likes the goodies I sent her.

Sunday, November 02, 2008


This weeks WIP is a blue and white quilt. I promised some ladies that I would place a pic of the quilt as it progresses. I think it will become a great quilt, it will be completely hand sewn and I love to do it, because it is nice working with small pieces of fabric, I think. I can do it whenever I want, on the train, in the car, ...

Then I thought I would make my swap partners a bit curious. This is a piece of picture of one of the handmade things I made for the cupcake swap...

Friday, September 19, 2008

Swap list

Hi ladies,

you had to wait a bit but I was planting hedera in my garden next to the fence. So I have just finished planting 150 plants and I am preparing diner, nasi goreng, an easy indonesian dish.

So this is the swap list for the cupcake swap.

Esther <-> Susan
Katy <-> Laurie
Becky <-> Sherry
Missy <-> Anna
Leah <-> Beth
Megan <-> Allie
Margy <-> Catherine + Sara

I will send all the info in a mail to each of you personally. In the mean time, I have sent all the mails. If you have not received an email from me tonight with the info on your swap partner, please let me know. I am a bit tired from working in the garden, not used to, LOL.
Please can you let me know when you have send your package to your swap partner, preferrably with a picture. I will post all the pics on Flickr. If you have a question, just ask your swap partner, please also do this is you will be sending out late.
Start crafting ladies...
Something went wrong and I forgot to include Sara, so I will swap with her as well as Catherine. Sorry Sara.