Showing posts with label jewelry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jewelry. Show all posts

Friday, May 17, 2013

blueberry jewelry


The jewelry designer Amber Mahler has a whole line of jewelry that is composed of botanical casts. The pieces she has created from parts of blueberry bushes are my favorite. Her process is briefly described on her Etsy shop, ManiDesigns, page :

The seedpods, flowers, buds and twigs in my botanical series are collected from my walks in the woods near my home. They are lost wax cast silver and gold originals of the actual flowers and branches that I gathered. This commitment to "live casting" insures that I must continually forage for or grow in my garden new material to be cast.
The beauty of the lost wax technique is that each casting is entirely unique. By pushing the boundaries of what is considered possible with this process, I have captured very detailed organic matter, I think not yet seen before in metal. Each season, sprung from the live castings, I offer a number of new and limited edition production items.
- Amber Mahler

Monday, March 4, 2013

etsy's resin bangles

It can be hard to purchase a piece of jewelry for a friend- even one you know quite well. I think there is an item that will always be a hit, particularly in spring/summer months- the resin bangle. It is a fun accessory that is created in a variety of styles and colors, almost ensuring there has to be one out there for everyone.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

sea glass earrings

While on vacation at Cape Cod, I thought a great project for my daughter (and  for me) would be to spend an afternoon collecting sea glass that we could later make into earrings to gift to my sister and mother, who were also vacationing with us. I had visions of gathering enough glass to make sets of earrings for the cousins for Christmas and for my friend who adores the beach.
Wouldn't you know, we did not find a single piece! I know certain beaches are better for uncovering sea glass and we definitely were not on one, but I am still including a link to the project.
If you find yourself with an excess of sea glass just begging to be repurposed- this is for you.

Friday, April 20, 2012


The etsy shop Noaki is home to incredible, one of a kind or very limited edition, pieces that are fashioned from recycled vintage jewelry. The bridal/bridesmaid bouquets she features are beautifully eclectic. They are old meets new - a modern vintage touch to your big day and certainly one that folks will notice.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

ring for the sis

Okay, wedding, I'm getting a handle on you now that the invitations are finally out, the man has a suit, and the family crisis calls seem to have tapered off. Now it's all about the little details like what to get my gosh darn sister for being my maid of honor. The girl had mad fancy taste and loves the unique so I'm thinking about one of these very cool, very modern triple rings by beadycats.

The problem is that I cannot, for the life of me, decide which one to go with (this has become a problem throughout the wedding process - I'm become incredibly insecure about my instincts). So let me know what you think with the following bits of info about the rings:

ring #1:
This one totally embraces the major "color" of my wedding (purple), but part of me feels like I'm being such a lame-o for picking this ring for such a ridiculous reason. Do you agree? Or should I just go with it because I am clearly a bride-to-be who talks in terms of her wedding colors and should just embrace her dorkiness already.

ring #2:
The next ring has touch of purple, but also other colors which makes me feel like bride-y. And I like how it's kinda tough and cool too. And yet I can't tell if I want to give this one to my sister or get it for myself. (The pull between generosity and greediness is pretty hard to tell apart with this one).

ring #3:
This ring also has a nice medley of colors too, but is bit more lady-like and wedding modest in construction. Plus, I'll admit it, one can't deny the nice price on this one, but should that be a factor at all? Does looking at the price make me a horrible person - nevermind sister and bride??

See how I am thinking waaayyy too much about stuff like this and so can't make up my mind? I'm a mess so do tell me what my sister should wear on her finger and no one go off and buy any of these rings before I do, okay? (beadycats has enough beauties for all of us)

Monday, May 3, 2010

hello cameo

I saw a girl today wearing a vintage cameo on a long gold chain (like the pendant necklace above) with just a white tank and purple cardigan. It was such an easy and pretty look that I want to steal it immediately. Thus the hunt for the perfect classic cameo to wear all summer long...

earrings by saylor rose

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thursday, an "-est -end," and Etsy

Back in 6th grade I had a best friend. Melissa. We didn't last too long (it's a long and complicated and heart-wrenching story about friendship torn apart due to diverging musical tastes - she was all about the hair metal band "Winger" while I still couldn't get enough of Whitney Houston's "I Wanna Dance With Somebody"), but the friendship was true. How am I so sure? We had the broken heart "best friend" necklaces for, like, a week before we (well, actually, before she) called it quits. Melissa went on to have other broken charms with other bffs while I was left with (and still have) my half, my "-est -end."

Well, since I am now my mid-30s, I think it's time to pick up the pieces and find a new best friend. And thank goodness that etsy has plenty of modern and classic charms for me to bring to the bff table...

First, for the really cool girl with actual good taste in music way out of my league (and maybe if she's really into whales too):

For the person who'll be my best friend for the sake of the beauty of the necklace alone:

For me and Lorelei. Or me and Mae. (But most likely for Lorelei and Mae. Le sigh):

For my sister because it'd totally win points with my mother (plus my sister would love this necklace anyway for the bow alone!):

For a best friend who prefers bracelets and wings to necklaces and hearts:

For a bevy of best friends so I give these out candy - like I heard kids used to do back in the heyday of friendship pins (or maybe just the one friend who'd love this necklace's nod to nostalgia):

For the boyfriend (or maybe just to show Melissa how badass I actually am now):

For my cat because hello? she is my best friend:

For me 'cause why not? With this charm, I can now be my own best friend - even if the combined spelling of this "be- frie-" and my "-est -end" results in being "beest frieends" with myself....

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Treat myself?! Well, yes, that does sound like a mighty fine idea...

I don't really need it, but I've been eyeing it for awhile and just decided to say "oh, what the heck" and go and buy this simple and neat and cool "Rhombus" necklace by edor. Pretty little gift I'm giving myself for absolutely no reason, don't you think?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thursday, a Hiving Birthday, and Etsy

Earlier this week, Lorelei, our fellow Hiving Out blogger, celebrated the big 35. And though I have yet to mail her birthday package (no worries though - she's used to my presents getting "lost in the mail" and taking a week longer to arrive), I think I did okay - thanks to the land o' plenty that is Etsy. After 20 odd years of exchanging gifts, I am mighty thankful for all the lovely things that I imagine Lorelei being happy to receive...

LL loves beautiful watercolor art and I bet she'd be thrilled to own any of these:

Or something to add to her children's book collection (to keep high up and away from her little ones) :

Or maybe some delicate pieces to help fill that
cabinet I know she really, really wants (if her husband is reading this then I hope you are picking up on the fact that it's YOU that I'm nudging):

And because LL's favorite color is green and every gir
l loves pretty things to wear:


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