Okay, wedding, I'm getting a handle on you now that the invitations are finally out, the man has a suit, and the family crisis calls seem to have tapered off. Now it's all about the little details like what to get my gosh darn sister for being my maid of honor. The girl had mad fancy taste and loves the unique so I'm thinking about one of these very cool, very modern triple rings by
The problem is that I cannot, for the life of me, decide which one to go with (this has become a problem throughout the wedding process - I'm become incredibly insecure about my instincts). So let me know what you think with the following bits of info about the rings:
ring #1:
This one totally embraces the major "color" of my wedding (purple), but part of me feels like I'm being such a lame-o for picking this ring for such a ridiculous reason. Do you agree? Or should I just go with it because I am clearly a bride-to-be who talks in terms of her wedding colors and should just embrace her dorkiness already.
ring #2:
The next ring has touch of purple, but also other colors which makes me feel like bride-y. And I like how it's kinda tough and cool too. And yet I can't tell if I want to give this one to my sister or get it for myself. (The pull between generosity and greediness is pretty hard to tell apart with this one).
ring #3:
This ring also has a nice medley of colors too, but is bit more lady-like and wedding modest in construction. Plus, I'll admit it, one can't deny the nice price on this one, but should that be a factor at all? Does looking at the price make me a horrible person - nevermind sister and bride??
See how I am thinking waaayyy too much about stuff like this and so can't make up my mind? I'm a mess so do tell me what my sister should wear on her finger and no one go off and buy any of these rings before I do, okay? (
beadycats has enough beauties for all of us)