Sunday, August 31, 2008


Going for a ride on the law mower was a BIG HIT!

It was so fun feeding the horses cute!


This was Adam's wedding. I thought the cake was really cool! And the dresses were gorgeous!

Gettin some sun.....

Here we are at the Lake. It was a blast! The kids even got to water ski!

Horse back Riding!

Thanks to Clint, we were all able to take a ride on a horse. It was the girls first time on a horse. Brynlee has always been scared of the horsey, so we were glad to see her finally get on and LOVE it.

Neena and Pappa's!

"Neena" as Maddie would say, or "Nanny" as Brynlee would say............bought Maddie a Belle dress and Brynlee a sleeping beauty dress. Maddie could hardly wait for Neena to take her shopping and get a Belle dress. Just as soon as we got in the car she started to bargain with Brynlee and she if they could "share" so Brynlee would let her have the sleeping beauty!

Pictures Now~

So the journaling is a little boring~I know. Here are some pictures from the reunion. Much more exciting!

We are off! We flew out of San Antonio and had a layover in Colorado. It was not to bad!

Were Back!!

Wild ride to the West! Well at least west to Utah and Oregon (with a short stop in Idaho). We took a long vacation up to the family, both of them. Isaac starts training soon and since his brother, Adam, was getting married we decided to make a big trip out of it. Fly out of San Antonio, stay with the Nichole's family, then drive 10 hours to Oregon to stay with Ike's family and see his brother get married, and back 10 hours to Utah for a few days. Thank goodness for Stinky (Nic's parents gas champ corrolla, 35 mpg!!!).

Ike went hunting with the boys up in Utah, we watched movies, went to the parks, saw the grandparents and hung out with cousins. We visited the fine eating establishments of Orem, UT, Go Bailey's! And of course we partook of Apple Beer, and other delicious, yet non-alcholic brews. And of course the highlight was seeing our new nephew, Charlie!

Then off to Oregon, stopped in Moutain Home, nothing of note there...note to self actually, don't move to Moutain Home. Anyway, out in the country with the Hipples and the rest of the gang, Nathan and Rachel, Mariah and Clint, Adam and Melissa and Kimber and Gabe, Mary Kay and Jody, Grampa, Grandma, Gordy and Tweet, Jeri and Barb and the cousins from Idaho, you get the idea, and they were all up at Mom and Dad's!

Adam's wedding was nice, and unique, they are pretty much two peas in a pod, and man can they put on a show with kareoke! Anyway that was fun and of course we got to go swimming and boating, Maddie even rode on the tube with Ike and got tossed into the frigid waters of Lake Joseph. Wish we had a picture of that, funny for the parent's not so much for the little ones. The weather was beautiful and comfy, and the girls had a blast with their cousings, Makenna, Jack, Levi, chasing dogs, and cows, and deer and horse, making smores and picking Grandpa's rasberries, they even got to ride the horse, thanks to their Uncle Clint and Joxter (the horse)! Ike even got to be a cowboy for an afternoon up in the mountains with Clint. We aslo got to see a new member of the Hipple clan, baby Wyatt and that was great as well!

Aaaaand back to to Utah, 10 hours of course, and what would be more fun than stopping in Moutain Home again, and again, nothing of note. Ike went hunting again, the girls went shopping, we took the girls to Thanksgiving point and they got to feed the sheep and horses, and take a rustic wagon ride. Neena treated us to great food, we played with Nat's girls and watched our shows, terrorized Sadie and Nichole got as much loving with Charlie as she could. Overall it was a great vacation and the best part about it was not what we did, but the time we spent with our family. It is such a great feeling to go visit and still feel at home! Thank you everyone that made it a great vacation and we wish we could have stayed longer! We love you all!