Life is what happens when you are making other plans~ John Lennon
An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind~Gandhi
The time is always right to do what is right~ Martin Luther King Jr.

Showing posts with label Woodstock. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Woodstock. Show all posts

Friday, May 31, 2013

Pete Townshend

Pete Townshend
Birth name: Peter Dennis Blandford Townshend
DOB: 5/19/1945
Where: London, England
Height: 6'

-Smashes his guitars after great performances
-His signature move "The Windmill" (strumming his guitar by moving his whole arm in a 360 degree circle)

-Created a revolution around the use of Gibson guitars
-Starts with a simple guitar riff
-His elongated nose
-Was born in London 10 days after the German surrender in 1945
-His daughter Emma is a recording artist
-His mother Betty was a singer in a traveling band
-When he was younger, his parents separated and left him with his grandmother, who was clinically insane
-In early 1982, overcame serious drug and alcohol addiction
-At Woodstock, he kicked Yippie radical Abbie Hoffman off the stage when he interrupted The Who's performance
-Shares a birthday with ZZ Top guitarist Dusty Hill, AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd, and Ramones vocalist Joey Ramone
-Suffered damage to his hearing after The Who appeared on The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour, when drummer Keith Moon's drum set, which contained smoke powder, was supposed to smoke quietly, but instead exploded loudly
-Are the pioneers of the so-called "rock opera"
-Helped Eric Clapton kick his heroin addiction

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Going Back in Time

Do you ever wonder about if you could go back in time, would you? I always wonder what it would be like to go back in time to see some of the most influential points in history unfold before your eyes. Because as I look at history on the internet compared to what I learned in school, I discovered that what I learned in school compared to what I read on the internet, it's different: the teachers obviously didn't want us to know alot about history. Which really, pardon my French, really pisses me off! I wanted to learn about people like Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, but instead, in school, they only give a brief mentioning to. I think "Wow, if that's not discriminatory, IDK what is."

Here are some of the things I would like to go back in time to see.

-A Beatles concert. I would love to see them perform live before they broke up

-"I Have a Dream" speech. I would have loved to have been there and listen to Dr. King give the famous speech. Although, the part about living united is not exactly true. Even today, some whites and some blacks seem to hate each other. I hate racism!

-Early Rolling Stones concert. Maybe at Hyde Park or in one of those nightclubs, or even one of their tours.

-See England before the bombing in the 1940s. I would just love to see what it looked like before the Germans nearly bombed London out of existence. I can't imagine what it was like to grow up amidst the bombing!

-Woodstock. What can I say? I'm a hippie at heart!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Hippie Signs and Things

More hippie stuff. I'm a big hippie. Like my profile says, I'm a hippie secretly disguised as a small town college kid

I so want this. I found it on some site called


Either one I like. For me, it's a win-win situation. I'm a hippie and I love The Beatles

Gives new meaning to the phrase 'mobile home'

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I love buttons! I have more than I can count. Most of them feature this cute lil Japanese manga character I did a post on long ago, called Domo. I think he's just too darn cute. I also have music buttons, mainly buttons that say The Beatles all over them and I just bought more of them, and also I have buttons that say Woodstock and any other 60s hippie related regalia on them

Aww, Pac-Man!

Oooooh, peace signs!!

This reminds me of my sister, for some strange reason. This means "Shut the F--- Up!"

So true!! I love the old stuff!!

For all you fans of British punk music.

Tihs one made me laugh looking at it

Too funny!!

Aww, how cute!

I need this for work!! God, I hate stupidly annoying people!!!

Me after a long day at school...