American Wool Series

Showing posts with label kategilbert. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kategilbert. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Almost there...

Knitting for that holiday at the end of the year is almost complete. I'm busting through the small stuff like a fiend and have only to re-knit one dead-to-me WIP (which I'm pretty happy to do) and the Man's sweater. He actually liked the one I picked out and he just has to show up at my LYS to pick out the color. Yay. I finished my first felted project last week. It's the Strawberry Clutch by Kate Gilbert from an old KnitScene. Knit it up on size 13 needles with the yarn doubled and it's a speedy fun knit. I duplicate stitched the "seeds" on afterward which was the most time-sucking part of the whole thing. I think it would be great for learning intarsia. Oh, and the recipient is my eldest niece who apparently loves all things girly.
As sporadic as my posting has been lately it will be getting even more so (at least for the next month) since I started a class at UW which meets four days a week at the uber-early hour of 830. It's nice to participate in something besides earning my keep and I'm really enjoying the subject matter - British lit. from 18th century to present. However, the class is 4 weeks long and we cover 4 novels so there is a lot of pressure to be on task and show up every day. 3 classes down, 14 to go.