Wednesday, 4 August 2010

well i will be at my caravan from tonight till sunday

woooooo hooooo i so need a break from this town but i shall be back on sunday day time and i will update you all on the fact i did NOTHING lol, nah i plan on taking my camera up with me and i will post the pics here, i also plan on updating my zazzle site so its just my pics and nothing else, just posters and canvas, no mugs no shoes

so if i dont see you before tonight i shall see you all on sunday 8O)


  1. ~~YE FREAKING DUMASS! You ARE still a Zazzler!
    Pull Up Ye Girlie Pants and show us some Balls!
    Me finks You did it!

    Well Tis has been Quite a day here, Still wiping me arse from last nights wee conversation.
    Hoping ye lucky charms weren't lost in the translation!
