Showing posts with label haiku my heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label haiku my heart. Show all posts

Friday, June 28, 2013


Lupine stand along the trail
tall and stately spires
shades of blue and lavender
calm the whirling mind

digital playing around version
Original photo was taken as I walked with my son a few weeks ago along one of the local park greenway trails. Digital painting was just playing around. Acrylic abstract painting in the works... more on that soon. 

Joining in this week with Paint Party Friday hosted by Eva and Kristin
and Rebecca's Haiku My Heart

Friday, January 25, 2013

Traversing the Trail

The sign says this way.
Struggling with an unknown trail
not of my choosing

Traversing the trail
Making intuitive choice
Stay true to my heart

Friday, November 23, 2012

A mothers lament

Worn out from caring
Needing one who understands
A mothers lament

There are times when dealing with a disabled child is too much. There is little to no support, regardless of all the "touted" programs. It's a struggle to get help. There are no easy answers. I am so tired right now. 

I know there ARE blessings involved as well. I'm doing my best to focus on the blessings. But sometimes... I want to go hide in the woods and have natures energy restore me. 

Linking with Rebecca's Haiku My Heart today.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Faerie Apartments

Old growth wanderings
staying to the posted trail
protects the faerie homes

I LOVE old growth trees! They fascinate me, and exude character and amazing energy as you wander by. This tree, obviously well loved by the forest creatures of all types, stopped me in my tracks. It could be faerie apartments, don't you think?  Do you see it's heart? 

Sharing today with Clytie at Guest Heart Thursday and

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Friday, July 13, 2012


Promise of summer
unfolding slowly to show
its radiant glory. 

I'd love to say this sunflower blossom is from my garden...  however I'll 'fess up that it's from a recent visit to the nursery where my husband works.  I do have sunflowers in the garden, but they are not this close to blooming. But soon! Especially if this luscious warm weather hangs around. 

Sharing today with Rebecca and the wonderful haiku artists at Haiku My Heart 

Friday, June 22, 2012

Let's do it again!

Joyful memories!
Creating art; new-old friends.
Let's do it again! 

Group shot of the ArtforAll attendees in Portland this past week on a beautiful sunny day! It's so delightful meeting folks I've traded with online, some who have become good friends. 

The Washington folks who trade at are already planning a local-to-us gathering next Spring in the Seattle area, now dubbed SeARTtle.

Even if you don't trade at atcsforall, or if you do and live north, south, east of Washington, you're welcome to come create art with us. More details coming as plans develop.

Happy Friday everyone! 

Linking today to Haiku My Heart Friday, where Rebecca is celebrating the second "birthday" of this wonderful gathering of bloggers. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012


I've been working on an altered book spread off and on the past few weeks. The theme for this book is "Movement", and it's the first one I'm working on in our local art group's altered book exchange.

I knew what I wanted to do, but my first attempts did not translate as I wished. So... painting over the water area with lumiere paints, I added my original haiku to the page, along with a bit of glitter for the sparkling.

Sunlight peeking through
Rivers sparkling reflection
Swallow soars with joy

While it's still not quite what I had in mind, I like it. And since it's for someone else, I hope they like it too!

I'm playing with Paint Party Friday today, hosted by Eva and Kristin. Check in with the other artists to see what creativeness they've been doing this week.

Also checking in with Artists in Blogland Show and Tell Saturday

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Dancing with light

It amazes me the way a heart can take the worst losses and still survive. This week marked a sad anniversary, and we worked hard to make it a day of happy memories.

Joyful expression
Swirling flowing bright colors
Dancing with the light

Dancing with Light
I want to create a "dancing with light" image that I see in my head. This watercolor sketch from my journal is a start. (The yellow in the photo did not come through well at all, it is more intense.) I plan to rework this more intuitively (and larger) to see if I can get the flow more as I see it. 

Two hearts
Another page from my journal this past week... two hearts. 

Thanks for stopping by! 
If you have time, I'd love you to check out my newest Etsy Treasury. :)

Sharing with Clytie at Guest Heart Thursday

Joining with Rebecca at Haiku my Heart.

And also joining in with Paint Party Friday, a fun weekly event held by Kristin and Eva. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

grateful heart

All things work to good
for those of pure intention.
This I do believe

I finished a little mixed media painting this week that expresses my love of birds and the importance of having a grateful heart. 

This is not all all how I first envisioned this painting. My first thought was two hearts with a haiku, however I just couldn't get the colors or placement to "feel right". After setting it aside for a few days, I came across this image and it just fell into place. 

Although as I look at it now, there are two hearts... they just happen to be words. *smile* This piece measures 4 x 4 x 3/4 inches, and is now for sale in my Etsy

I'm including an Earth Day haiku today, just because I can!

Preserve mother earth!
Hoping others see our goal
as we tend to her.

More haiku can be found at Haiku my Heart

View WoNdErFuL creations by the artists at Paint Party Friday

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Just living is not enough...

It's Friday, which means I'm partying with the Paint Party Friday folks. This fun weekly party is hosted by Eva and Kristin. Please take a look at what the various artists have created this week. 
Also on Friday, Rebecca hosts Haiku my Heart. I urge you to visit to experience the wonderful haiku submitted by folks around the world. 

For Haiku my Heart : 

Painful memories.
Knowing we must work through them
 as healing begins. 

This haiku relates to a family member dealing with issues from the past. It hurts to see how such memories affect our loved one. We so wish the process of working through them was a faster one.

With such heavy thoughts on my mind this week, my art turned to spring colors. I tend to work with bright joyful things when I'm feeling a bit worried. I played with a few ideas, and ended up with this mixed media collage painting. It measures 4 x 4 x 3/4 inches, and includes my favorite natural beeswax.  Just the smell of warm beeswax perks me up! And I love this quote!

This piece is available in my Etsy shop.  

Remember to check out what the other  Paint Party Friday artists, and Haiku my Heart writers have created this week! 

Thanks for stopping by! 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Underneath my feet

weary with concern
hoping for resolution
gentle reminder  

 I was feeling a bit melancholy earlier this week. We had an appointment later in the day with our son's doctor, hoping to get something to help with his recent anxiety. 
Walking down the hall, the light reflected and this little message jumped out at me. 

Be of good courage. I hold you in my heart. 

All will be well. 

and Haiku my Heart at recuerda mi corazon

P.S. Have I mentioned that hearts jump out at me from EVERYWHERE? Later on in the doctors office, there were heart shapes in the pattern of the linoleum flooring. The counselor saw them too! All will be well. :)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

HuMp DaY Haiku - Hidden Treasure

Woodland walk in Spring
Cottonwoods along the path
Seeking early growth.

Cautious of nettles
amid native bleeding hearts.
Spring treasure hunters
Peeking underneath
the soggy brown leaf layer
will they find the prize? 

If you know what this is... you can imagine our delight when we discovered an undisturbed patch and recovered nearly half a gallon. Ah, spring! 

I started doing Hump Day Haiku with Carla Sonheim's Silly classes...  and decided as a challenge for myself, I'd continue.  In this process, I have found that creating a haiku (non rhyming poem with 5 - 7 - 5 syllables per line) feeds my soul. 
I especially like creating them to go with my photos and art. 

Would you like to share a haiku you have written? 

You may include a haiku in the comments, OR you may copy your blog post url (featuring a haiku) and add a link to your blog using Mr. Linky. And consider visiting other contributors blogs to see what they've created and say hello.  

(Footnote: You're looking for Morel mushrooms, one of this area of the Northwest's spring treasures)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Lost muse...

Searching for her muse
wandering the mistiness
Will she find her way? 

Today I’m joining with Haiku my Heart at recuerda mi corazon, and also partying with the artists at Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin.
The past two weeks I’ve had a bit of stress with my son, who is having some serious issues. All my energy is used attempting to keep him on an even keel, and there is little left for me.

A wise friend reminded me that I need to take care of myself (as has my husband) and so I’m trying to do my art. Alas, my muse seems to be hiding somewhere in the clouds over my head.

Since starting something new required too much brain power, I pulled out some mixed media canvases that I started awhile back and had set aside. I did not take before pictures, but here’s where I stopped.  The photos aren't that great, nor am I happy with the results thus far... they need more layers and some words. Definitely works in progress! :)

I'll keep plugging away...

Now I'm off to visit Rebecca at Haiku my Heart, and the artists at Paint Party Friday to be inspired! And perhaps my muse will be coaxed out of hiding. :)

Thanks for stopping by!  

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Seaweed Heart

Lazy afternoon
wandering a sunny beach
brings us a surprise. 

Impromptu beach visits are easy for us, living on Bellingham Bay. One of our sunny day drives brought us to Chuckanut Beach, where hubby was busy looking for raptors. (We did see a couple of bald eagles and red tailed hawks) I wandered looking for interesting rocks or other treasures, and came across this heart shape on the seaweed covered shore. I can see one on the rock as well, but you already know how fanciful I can get. :) 

Linking to 
Guest Heart Thursday  at Random Hearts
Share the Joy Thursday at Meri's Musings

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Rusty Heart

Just a rusty heart
made by an amazing man
because he loves me! 

We saw these yard art hearts at the NW Flower and Garden show in Seattle last week. 
I really, really wanted one. 

My husband mentioned (rather than buy it on the spot) that he could make me one. We have an old whiskey/wine barrel planter that has finally fallen apart, so supplies were at hand. 

And yesterday he surprised me with it for Valentines Day. 

Now we need to go to the ReStore for some corrugated steel siding, so he can make me this:
Yes, I know how lucky I am. 

Every day is valentines when the one you love fills you with joy! 

Linking to 
Guest Heart Thursday  at Random Hearts
Share the Joy Thursday at Meri's Musings

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Winter Garden

In winters garden
our native Oregon Grape
gives us hope of spring.

Ah, the joy of walking about in a mid-January garden and seeing buds forming on the tall Oregon Grape. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Snow Day

Quiet day of joy.
Snowflakes falling softly down
blanket winters gray.

The special joy of a snow day. No reason to go out into the cold, so we stay inside sipping our tea and and watching the birds at the feeders. They have discovered with exuberance the new suet feeder and scattered seed, placed on the deck just for them. 

This photo is of my backyard, the snowball tree covered in snow. My fanciful eyes noticed a couple of hearts outlined by the snowy branches... do you see them? 

Sometimes it takes a quiet day like today for me to really pay attention to the joys in my life. My husband, my son, a warm house, books to read and art supplies. Blessings abound! 

Linking to Share the Joy Thursday, Guest Heart Thursday, Haiku my Heart, and Writing on the Wall

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Lovely hellebore

Lovely hellebore
blooms this rainy winters day 
cheering weary hearts.

Also called Christmas Rose, the hellebore blooms in the dead of winter bringing hope when it's dreary and wet. It's so nice having something blooming in the pot outside the door when the garden is awaiting spring.  Plus it's an added bonus for the little Anna's hummingbirds who winter over. You can imagine my delight when I saw one feeding on it this morning. 

Linking to Haiku my Heart with Rebecca @ recuerda mi corazon

Friday, December 30, 2011


Guardian Angel
Sending peace throughout the world
from her lofty perch

Wishes to all for peace and prosperity in this coming year. 

Linking to Haiku my Heart with Rebecca @ recuerda mi corazon

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