Heysham Obs
Some extremely skilful stone-throwing by a gang of three moved some awkward-angle gulls in a heat haze on Red Nab right in front of the telescope but unfortunately a darvic-ringed 1st summer moulting to 2nd W Med eluded reading as I had left the digicam in the office!!
Ocean Edge/Red Nab incoming tide mid-afternoon
Med Gull - 2nd S->3rd (Ad) W, adult winter and 1st S->2nd W. Please be VERY careful ageing Meds at this time of year, especially at rest. You need to pay special attention to the unmoulted flight feathers c/f non-adults. The 1st S was identical to the one on the Lune (hardly a long flight away) yesterday and indeed headed inland in that direction over OE caravan site as the tide came in. It appeared to have 4 characters on a white darvic on the right leg. Hopefully we can clinch this moulting bird before it moves on.
Sanderling - 2 (accompanied by 6 Dunlin and 16 tundrae Ringed Plover)
Little Gull - a non-adult on Stage 2 outfall (too heat hazy to age from OE but prob 1st S->2nd W).
Whimbrel - 2
Sandwich Tern - one
Middleton IE
Single Tufted Duck and 10 Little Grebe
12 Wall Brown on Middleton. Unfortunately none on the reserve but a good number of butterflies included: 7 Gatekeeper, 9 Small Copper, 6 Peacock, 4 Comma, 5 Red Admiral, 6 Holly Blue, 22 Common Blue. A good moth catch included 2 Barred Rivulet and 3 Silver Y.
Some extremely skilful stone-throwing by a gang of three moved some awkward-angle gulls in a heat haze on Red Nab right in front of the telescope but unfortunately a darvic-ringed 1st summer moulting to 2nd W Med eluded reading as I had left the digicam in the office!!
Ocean Edge/Red Nab incoming tide mid-afternoon
Med Gull - 2nd S->3rd (Ad) W, adult winter and 1st S->2nd W. Please be VERY careful ageing Meds at this time of year, especially at rest. You need to pay special attention to the unmoulted flight feathers c/f non-adults. The 1st S was identical to the one on the Lune (hardly a long flight away) yesterday and indeed headed inland in that direction over OE caravan site as the tide came in. It appeared to have 4 characters on a white darvic on the right leg. Hopefully we can clinch this moulting bird before it moves on.
Sanderling - 2 (accompanied by 6 Dunlin and 16 tundrae Ringed Plover)
Little Gull - a non-adult on Stage 2 outfall (too heat hazy to age from OE but prob 1st S->2nd W).
Whimbrel - 2
Sandwich Tern - one
Middleton IE
Single Tufted Duck and 10 Little Grebe
12 Wall Brown on Middleton. Unfortunately none on the reserve but a good number of butterflies included: 7 Gatekeeper, 9 Small Copper, 6 Peacock, 4 Comma, 5 Red Admiral, 6 Holly Blue, 22 Common Blue. A good moth catch included 2 Barred Rivulet and 3 Silver Y.
The first Autumn Gentian for the area were found today on bare ground with no public access
Chough seen this afternoon in Warton Crag quarry and belated news of a Wood Sandpiper down the main dyke at Leighton Moss. No apparent increase in the island mere Little Egret roost (20+)
Chough seen this afternoon in Warton Crag quarry and belated news of a Wood Sandpiper down the main dyke at Leighton Moss. No apparent increase in the island mere Little Egret roost (20+)