Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Having a baby tomorrow!

It is a weird feeling to know you are having a baby tomorrow. People ask... "Are you nervous? Anxious? Ready?" and I would have to say no, no and not really. Sure there are things I am anxious or nervous about. Things I feel like I am ready for and things I am not ready for... but those are feelings I would be having even if I didn't know the baby was coming tomorrow! I did wake up this morning and began my to do list for the day. There are a few things I forgot about and a few last minute things that needed to get done. Overall I feel very calm and pretty tired :)
I am ready this time around to not be pregnant. I do love being pregnant. It is a special time and I love hearing people's reactions or comments when you are pregnant. My favorite place to be when I am super prego, is the gym. I can't tell you how many people have come up to me in the last month saying they were expecting me not to be there anymore. Two older men were better on when I was due. A few thought I was having twins. I am rather large this go around, so I am not surprised that people don't expect to see me at the gym. I feel good at the gym though. I have been doing shorter work outs, but it gets the blood flowing and makes me feel less achy. I am thankful everyday that I am not on bed rest. 
But this belly is making life rough these days. I dread bending over to pick something up or picking up my socks. Even putting on underwear is a challenge. I can feel my muscles pulling in resistance to my enormous uterus (now measuring 45 weeks I am sure). Luckily... my skin has been good to me and I have no stretch marks... phew! Lets hope it has good elasticity as well :)
I am excited to meet Davis. To see what he looks like and stare into his sweet face. I can't wait for James to meet him and see how he reacts to this whole thing. I know they will be buddies once Davis is older, but I hope James loves having a baby brother around now. I pray for Davis to be healthy, for the csection to go well. I am curious to find out what it is like with all that water in there! I keep having dreams about it spilling out and getting everywhere. I am excited to see how Haws is with another one of our sons. Will it be love at first sight? He loves James so much it will be neat to see his reaction to another baby. I already feel connected to Davis, but I am curious about how I will feel when I first see him. I still remember when I first saw James and that was love at first sight... I am expecting something the same.
I feel like we are so blessed to have the opportunity to raise another one of our Heavenly Fathers children. Through all the aches, pains and sacrifice the outcome could not be more spectacular! I guess that is how our Heavenly Father must feel about us too :)


Marci said...

When I was pregnant with Julia I was walking through the mall with Lincoln(almost 3 yrs) and a lady stopped me and asked when I was due she was suprised when I told her that I was being enduced the next day. Being a mom doesn't stop for anything, not even becoming a mom again.

Marci said...

Love your name choice bytheway.