Friday, March 23, 2012

The Hospital Stay

First I want to say how much I love Hoag. The nurses are amazing, the food is good and the rooms have a pretty nice view :) I felt like I was totally taken care of and the nurses were really on top of making sure I was healing well and my pain was kept under control. They were so good with Davis and gave me all sorts of tips I had never heard before. 
Our stay this time seemed much more calm. We were there 5 days and 4 nights which sounds like a long time, but when you are healing from a c-section and have a toddler to tend to at home, every day counts. My doctor is the one who suggested we stay until Monday or Tues. By Monday I was ready to head home. 
Day 1 I could barely walk or get out of bed, but by the time I went home I was getting around pretty good. I even spent the last 2 nights alone with the baby and was able to take care of him with out much help from the nurses. Also, those last 2 days the nurses really let me rest as much as possible and only came in occasionally to check on us or give me meds. Davis was pretty easy too. I remember not sleeping for days when James was born, but this time I snuck in a few hours here and there. Maybe we were just more relaxed this time. I know Haws says he was. I don't remember being too worried with James but didn't really know what I was doing. I had one night nurse (Danielle) 3 nights in a row who I felt like became a friend. She loved coming in to see Davis and chat with me and it helped on those lonely nights when Haws was gone. When we left she gave us all big hugs. I hope the next time I am there I have her again :)
This is us the first day in our room. I was pretty loopy this whole day, but loved having visitors, even if I don't remember everything.
Grandmama and Pops came to see Davis. Grandmama was a little under the weather and I felt bad that she didn't hold Davis. Uncle Wade came with them too but somehow I didn't get a picture.
Nana came and brought James who she was watching for us while we were in the hospital.
My dad came the next afternoon. He had been out of town, but came straight to the hospital to meet Davis when he got back.
Great Grandma Davis meeting another one of her great grandchildren. I don't even know what number this is, but it's gotta be close to 20.

Dad entertaining James during the first visit. James was excited to see the baby, but I think the room and iPad were more exciting :)
Giving baby brother a kiss
I love my boys!!!!
Getting his hearing test, he looks like a DJ :) He passed.
"Hello everyone! Happy St. Patrick's day!"
I loved this picture my mom took. We are just getting to know each other.

Going home!!!!

Baby Davis' Birth Story

Davis Quinlan Hexberg's Birth Story:

I still can't believe I made it to my scheduled c-section! I am so glad I did, even though I was huge and uncomfortable. I am actually sleeping better now that the baby is here because I only get up once as opposed to 5 or 6 times a night. Yes... Davis has given me the gift of sleep so far.

On "D DAY" we woke up, got ready, woke James up and took him to my mom's and then headed to the hospital to have a baby! It was surreal knowing that in just a few short hours we would be meeting the newest memeber of our family. We did all our pre-op stuff which included the nurses entering a lot of info into computers (Hoag had just started a new computer program which was making the nurses do twice the amount of work. I had been hearing about it in fetal monitoring and I knew it was making each process longer). The nurses at Hoag are amazing and all have such good personalities. It was funny sitting in there chatting and laughing just moments before I went into the Operating Room. Haws and I had to split up for a few minutes while he got into his scrubs and I went into the OR to get my spinal block and prepped for surgery. I kept saying how weird it felt just walking in and climbing up onto the table, not even being in labor. The anesthesiologist said it best... "with an unplanned c-section, the c-section becomes the release from labor. With a scheduled c-section, the actually c-section becomes the cause of anxiety and the birth is the release."  Getting the spinal wasnt bad, but about 5 minutes in I was laying there and started getting all tense in my neck and shoulders. Then I kept feeling like I couldn't breathe, that something was pressing down on my chest. The anesthesiologist reassured me that it was normal because I could no longer feel the rise and fall of my breathing. Then I started to dry heave and he pumped anti-nausea meds into my IV. I was laying there thinking there is no was I can handle this if it last much longer and then I felt a wave of relief. All was good! My doc came in and they started to prep. I kept wondering where Haws was and finally he came in right as they were starting to work on me. We chatted a little and then they got to my water. Holy Molly there was a lot of water! Normal pregnancies have 1000 cc's and I had 4000 cc's! They measured 9 lbs of water that they sucked out of me! That was more than Davis even weighed. It was kind of funny hearing everyone talk about it. Then it was time for baby. Haws stood up and got to watch while the anesthesiologist held up a mirror for me. I couldn't see anything yet and then heard my babies first cry. I immediately started to get choked up and everyone kept saying what a cute baby he was, but I couldn't see him! Finally I got him into view and he was soooo cute! That was my first thought, my second thought was he didn't look like James. Next they brought him over to show me and he looked perfect. I was so relieved to see a beautiful, healthy baby boy! Haws went with him and the nurses to go clean him up, cut the cord, do the apgar tests (he scored 9) and weigh him. 7 lbs, 4oz and 21 inches long! He was more than a pound less than James, but an inch taller! He was born 2 weeks earlier than James, but I expected him to weigh less. He just had too much room to move around and exercise to pack on those last ounces that they usually gain when they are packed so tight in there. My doc said he is strong for the same reason. After he was all cleaned up I got to hold our baby Davis.  That moment is truly spiritual and I can't describe how good it feels to know he was meant for our family. He has such a sweet, calm spirit and we just love him so much!!! I will write more later about the hospital stay and bringing him home, but this is his birth story. Welcome little DQ :)

7lbs, 4oz and 21 inches.
 Born at 11:17am.

Feeling much better right before the surgery. Nice mask huh?

All cleaned up.
He kept puckering his lips like this. It was so cute.

First picture with the folks.
I love love love my doctor! She is absolutely the best and I am so glad she is the one who delivers our babies. 
If you are looking for a good doc, I highly recommend Dr. Flora.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

39 week belly.

This is my belly a day before I am 39 weeks. Wow! I had to show some skin and show it in all it's glory, Sorry :)
 I guess now I know what I would look like if I was having twins!
Haws wanted me to do a poll to see how much people think Davis will weigh. I am guessing around 8lbs. There is a lot of fluid in there, but he is a strong baby, who likes to hang out in my ribs and punch me in the bladder at the same time, so I am expecting him to be a good size. 
 Had to show both sides to get the full effect.
So what is your guess? How much do you think Davis will weigh??

Having a baby tomorrow!

It is a weird feeling to know you are having a baby tomorrow. People ask... "Are you nervous? Anxious? Ready?" and I would have to say no, no and not really. Sure there are things I am anxious or nervous about. Things I feel like I am ready for and things I am not ready for... but those are feelings I would be having even if I didn't know the baby was coming tomorrow! I did wake up this morning and began my to do list for the day. There are a few things I forgot about and a few last minute things that needed to get done. Overall I feel very calm and pretty tired :)
I am ready this time around to not be pregnant. I do love being pregnant. It is a special time and I love hearing people's reactions or comments when you are pregnant. My favorite place to be when I am super prego, is the gym. I can't tell you how many people have come up to me in the last month saying they were expecting me not to be there anymore. Two older men were better on when I was due. A few thought I was having twins. I am rather large this go around, so I am not surprised that people don't expect to see me at the gym. I feel good at the gym though. I have been doing shorter work outs, but it gets the blood flowing and makes me feel less achy. I am thankful everyday that I am not on bed rest. 
But this belly is making life rough these days. I dread bending over to pick something up or picking up my socks. Even putting on underwear is a challenge. I can feel my muscles pulling in resistance to my enormous uterus (now measuring 45 weeks I am sure). Luckily... my skin has been good to me and I have no stretch marks... phew! Lets hope it has good elasticity as well :)
I am excited to meet Davis. To see what he looks like and stare into his sweet face. I can't wait for James to meet him and see how he reacts to this whole thing. I know they will be buddies once Davis is older, but I hope James loves having a baby brother around now. I pray for Davis to be healthy, for the csection to go well. I am curious to find out what it is like with all that water in there! I keep having dreams about it spilling out and getting everywhere. I am excited to see how Haws is with another one of our sons. Will it be love at first sight? He loves James so much it will be neat to see his reaction to another baby. I already feel connected to Davis, but I am curious about how I will feel when I first see him. I still remember when I first saw James and that was love at first sight... I am expecting something the same.
I feel like we are so blessed to have the opportunity to raise another one of our Heavenly Fathers children. Through all the aches, pains and sacrifice the outcome could not be more spectacular! I guess that is how our Heavenly Father must feel about us too :)

Friday, March 2, 2012

20 months

My baby is 20 months old! This has been a big month for James. He said goodbye to his crib and moved into his "big boy bed" which is the bottom bunk of the bunk beds we bought. I had some anxiety about making this move, but it has been going surprisingly well! I am crossing my fingers that it will last. He is actually going down and taking better naps than he did in his crib! The only downside is he has been waking up an hour earlier. We are hoping the time change coming up in a couple of weeks will help get him back to his 7am wake time. 
James loves all of his cousins, but I think he has a special bond with Caroline. Maybe it is because she is the closest to him in age, or maybe he just loves having a feisty little girl cousin. We took a trip over to the Davis' house and Aunt Brooke gave him another hair cut. I think he looks so cute with his short hair. Check out him and Caroline... aren't they a cute pair?

James got his first taste of licking the spoon while mom makes cookies. He really loved it and I think he liked having the chocolate all over his face. When I went to wipe his face he was not too happy about it.
 James also loves to crawl inside his clothes hamper. He looks so funny when he presses his nose up against the mesh.

He has also become a fan of eating peanut butter from the jar. I have no idea who he learned that from :)

James is starting to say more words. His recent favorites are bike, baby, ba-bye, big truck, bus, dip, no and he is constantly signing "more". When we say prayers, he wants to say them over and over. He is a love bug too and does a lot of blowing kisses and giving kisses. On the flip side, he can throw a good tantrum, especially when I am trying to put him in the car seat or stroller when he doesn't want to. 
I think he has grown a little because now he can reach up and put things on our kitchen counters. He is my little helper and likes to help me with the laundry. He will put clothes into the dryer with me and even attempt to help me fold them. He pulls out the clothes and shakes them around for me so I can fold them. James has gotten a little possessive lately and I try to work on him sharing, but I know toddlers really have no concept of sharing... they all think the world revolves around them and everything belongs to them. Once the baby gets here, he will be forced to share somethings... so we will see how that goes.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

43 weeks???

Well not really, but that is what I am measuring at thanks to my abundance of amniotic fluid. I am 37 weeks here. Now considered full term, but still hoping to make it another 2 weeks to my scheduled c-section.
I saw my doc today and she assured me that it is possible for me to make it 2 more weeks! At the same time, this baby can really come anytime. In the last week I have felt there is no way I can last until the 15th, but after today I want to do as much as I can to try to make it. I will be huge and super uncomfortable, but it is worth it to let Davis cook a little longer. I am not on bed rest, but have been told to take it easy as much as I can. My doc knows I have a 20 month old and laying on the couch all day really is not an option nor is it necessary at this point. I have been having more frequent and stronger contractions, but nothing consistent. It is funny because with James I barely even noticed the Braxton Hicks contractions. The ones I am having now will sometimes wake me up at night. But again... nothing to make me think I am in labor. I am still doing fetal monitoring 2 times a week which is nice because I can see what is going on with my contractions, his heart rate and I get to see him in an ultrasound every week. I am so grateful that there is nothing wrong with him and that this fluid is just a fluke. My doc said he is probably going to come out all buff from being able to move around so much. He is getting a lot of exercise in there. I can feel him pushing his feet up into my ribs while using my bladder as a punching bag at the same time. The funny thing is, I will miss this a little once I am no longer pregnant. Feeling a baby mysteriously moving around inside of you is the most amazing thing. But even more amazing will be meeting this little guy who I already love so much. Hopefully it will be in 2 weeks :)

Help my friend find a baby

I lived with Sina my freshman year of college. I love her. She is still a very dear friend to me and I wanted to help her out by sharing her and her husbands story. Adoption is an amazing way to bring families together. If you know of anyone who is looking for a family to give their baby up for adoption to, please consider sharing their story. You can read all about Sina and Nate here.

Good luck you guys! I love you.