Showing posts with label earth hour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label earth hour. Show all posts

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Earth Hour

First I want to thank everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday yesterday.  Between snail mail, my blog, emails and Facebook comments, I was busy all day!  Then my DD and her fiance came over for dinner and brought me these beautiful flowers.

I thought this bouquet was perfect for Earth Hour - the bounty of our planet to brighten up my kitchen. What more could one ask for?  So if you want to help bring attention to saving our world, join us for Earth Hour at 8:30pm this evening.  Just turn off the lights and television for one hour.  Light a candle and sit with family and friends, chatting and enjoying the solitude.

Happy Earth Hour to everyone!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

A Finish and Earth Hour

I finished my first quilt for this year.  There should be more to follow.  My sewing machine seems to be fixed, because I had no trouble quilting this one.  It's a small charity quilt for Quilts from the Heart and it will likely go to a women's shelter.

Just a reminder.  Are you joining in on Earth Hour this evening?  Turn your electrical gadgets off at 8:30pm (Daylight Savings Time) for one hour until 9:30pm.  Light some candles, chat with friends and family and enjoy the peacefulness of an hour without electricity.

We had a bit of a head start on Earth Hour last night.  The power snapped and crackled and I heard an explosion not far away.  Then our power went out.  It was about a quarter to six and I was busy preparing dinner.  Needless to say, dinner did not get cooked.  So we went out to Swiss Chalet.  We'll eat last night's dinner tonight.

Happy Earth Hour!  

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Earth Hour and More

Hope you are celebrating Earth Hour by turning off your lights for an hour this evening.  For us that will be 8:30pm until 9:30pm.  We will be at my DD's house.  I plan on taking my hexagon stars to work on by candle light.  In order to do my part for our planet in the coming year, I will try to give up plastic bags for keeping left-overs fresh to using re-usable containers instead.

In case you are wondering how they look (my hexagon stars, that is), here is the latest photo.  I am really enjoying these blocks.  They look complicated, but they are just as easy to do as any English pieced project.

 I also finished another block for my 'The Queen and Her Court' quilt.  This is definitely not my favourite block.  I still have three more blocks to do and then a lot of applique blocks.  It doesn't have to be done until August, so I have lots of time.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Earth Hour!

This evening we will celebrate Earth Hour. We will turn our lights off between the hour of 8:30pm and 9:30pm. I know this won't help much with the problem of climate change, but it just might help us all understand that we have to make changes if we want to leave this world fit to live in for our grandchildren.
I have been working on the 'Bear' quilt. The top is now done and I have to find something for the backing. I hope there is something in my stash. I really don't want to have to buy any more fabric. Show you more when I have it sandwiched and quilted.

I started working on the charity quilt for Quilts from the Heart. (Our Guild's initiative) They gave me a kit, but there was not enough fabric in it to finish the top. So I bought a couple of 1.25metres of fabric to sort of match. I am just doing 4in. squares. Hope to have it done by tonight - at least the top anyway.

We are going out for dinner this evening - early so as not to conflict with Earth Hour. My birthday is tomorrow, hence the dinner. The tulips at the top of this post were a present from my husband. Yellow tulips are my favourite!