Showing posts with label Endorsements. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Endorsements. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Logbook Endorsements

Required Logbook Entries for Instruction Given

Sign logbook of each person given flight/ground training to and specify amount of instruction time and date. (FAR 61.189)

1) Date
2) Airplane Make and Model
3) Airplane ID number
4) Total time of flight
5) Place or points of departure and arrival
6) Type of pilot experience or training
7) Conditions of flight

Required Student Pilot Certificate Endorsements / Logbook Entries

•Student pilot certificate proveds space for solo / solo cross-country flight endorsement.
•Endorsement is for aircraft category (airplane), not make and model

Endorsement examples found at

Preparation of a recommendation for pilot practical test / logbook entries

•Student and CFI must complete FAA Form 8710-1 (IACRA)
•New form is required for retest.

•Endorsement for flight proficiency must be in logbook.

Required Flight Instructor Records

•Required to maintain record in your flight instructor logbook or separate document containing:
 - name of each person whose logbook or student pilot certificate you endorsed for solo flight privileges, including type and date of each endorsement
 - name of each person you have signed off to take knowledge or practical test, including kind of test, date, and result of test

•Records must be retained for a period of 3 years.