Showing posts with label Silver Hardware. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Silver Hardware. Show all posts

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Chanel Timeless CC soft

I went into Chanel a few months ago to buy a pair of earrings and fell in love with this bag.  Price tag: $4500. Ugh.

I walked out with just the earrings but couldn't stop thinking about the bag.  Then a few months later it popped up on ebay with a local Aussie seller (therefore no $1000 goods tax).  It was a sign.  A few days later it arrived in my hot little hands and I couldn't contain myself.

Here she is....

Black caviar with silver hardware.  Matches (almost) my wallet which is black caviar with gold hardware.

What I love about this bag is that the chain isn't the normal thick Chanel chain, making it lighter and therefore easier to carry.  It also has many compartments unlike the flap which is just one big compartment.

Even though I wanted it as a work bag, it's actually quite versatile and I've worn it out more times than I've taken it to work!

This is how crazy Sydney weather has been.  The 2 pics above were taken a few days apart!

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

New Blog Section Launched!

I've decided to officially launch a new section of this blog.  I haven't listed any of my items for sale on this blog and mainly sold through ebay, but I've had a number of people ask for my ebay username and also a few people contact me directly to purchase some items.  And given how laborious ebay is, I've decided to give this 'advertising items for sale on my blog' a shot.  Someone on the Vogue Forums did it and said she had a lot better luck selling that way than on ebay.

So if you scroll to the top of my blog you will see 3 tabs:

  1. Home
  2. What's Kay like?
  3. Stuff I have for sale
The third tab is the one you're after.  I've listed stuff with pics and a description and asking price.  I haven't quite finished, still need to get some pics and fix up test, etc so please keep checking back.  I'm happy to negotiate if you are purchasing a number of items.

Thanks for looking!!

- Kx.