Showing posts with label Seattle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Seattle. Show all posts

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Not in Kansas Anymore (part 1 of many)

I was warned when I moved here to Seattle that the people here were quite different from the Midwest. I haven't seen much of that, but then again, I pretty much stick to my apartment, my office, the gym, and Costco. Most everyone I've met has seemed pretty much like folks I knew in KC. So I decided to look up the Seattle newspaper online to see if I could find some examples of what they were talking about.

Well, this was the lead story. (give it a read, but just a quick one)

My favorite part was about the bicyclists who were "strutting their stuff" to "draw dependence to oil dependency." I'm sure that if anyone came across one of these chilly riders the first thing to cross their mind would absolutely be our frightening dependence on foreign oil.

Also, the line about "per se not illegal" was a bit (a lot) surprising.

So yeah, I guess some things are different here.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Pretty Much Everything I Know About The Northwest

Today we're taking a peek into a recent note that hit the mailbag. Here it is:

Henry the Frog,

Now that you’ve spent a few days in the Northwest, what is it that you like? And what do you miss (or will miss) about living in Kansas?


Just as I spoke authoritatively for all Alaskans a couple weeks ago, I'm totally ready to tell everyone exactly what's great about the Northwest having spent quite a few consecutive hours here now. Here are some things that I like:

- It absolutely never rains here, despite what you all said to me several billion times before I moved here. I haven't seen a drop in ALL of my days (all 4 of them), so from that it's clear that you all lied to me.
- The Prius to SUV ratio here is like 102.7 to one. I remember when the hyper-popular-hybrids (a good name for a rock band) were an anomaly. Well here in Seattle they seem to be more ubiquitous than trees.
- In spite of some pretty gnarly traffic, things here are pretty easy to get to. Definitely not one of the more urban-spralish cities I've seen. In non-rush hour I'm like 20 minutes from most anywhere I wanna go . . . except Kansas City.

And now, what do I miss about KC (this is excluding people, I miss you all, and because you're reading my blog, I miss you more than all of the non-readers)?:

- There were no trees to block the view.
- In KC, "traffic" meant you could only go like 50 MPH
- The Chiefs BEAT DENVER last week - I remember how people were always noticeably happier on Mondays after a win, particularly a shocking one like that one.
- I didn't need a GPS to drive to work in KC
- I know I'm gonna miss the violent thunder-storms in the midwest. I think we may install a "tornado siren" in our new house here that I'll turn on periodically just for the rush of diving for cover in the basement (which we probably won't even have).

I'm sure I'll have some actual insights if you check back in with me in a few weeks.

Thanks for the question, TMP!

Please keep commenting and send in your questions/comments to

As for me, I'm gonna go throw away my umbrella now . . .

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Breaking News from HTF . . .

When the junior Senator from Illinois decided to announce his VP pick via text message that kinda opened up a whole new world for announcing stuff. I don't want to be left behind on using "newer" technology to make my own, even more important, announcements. So here goes:

The whole HTF family will be moving soon from KC to Seattle and I'll be working for Microsoft.

I'm not gonna go into much more depth, cuz this is a blog that anyone has access to (but only 3 or 4 people actually look at). We are totally excited, but also sad about the people we'll be leaving behind here in O-Town, not the least of which are Nana and Grandpa Frog. I've lived here within a several block radius since I was 4-years-old (excluding college and my missionary time in Venezuela), so it feels like an adventure to leave. But now we're off to Seattle where I'm told it's 80 degrees and sunny year round . . . at least that's what the recruiter said while winking. The Mrs. HTF has family in Anchorage, so we can grab our passports, hop on a plane, and go visit the in-laws in their igloos a bit easier. (Traci loves it when I make my funny funny jokes about Alaska)

So there it is, I too made a big announcement using "new" technology. I did try to leak it to CNN several hours ago like Obama did, but for some reason they weren't interested . . . it must be a HUGE news day!
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