Saturday, May 30, 2009

Patriot Games

The Tuesday after Memorial Day was packed with fun for the soldiers of Chris' Battalion. They got to participate in a whole array of games and events. We got to come and watch! Our favorite was the 'Drill & Ceremony' and the 'Mud Crawl'. Chris' company won most of the games and was awarded the overall winning trophy! Yay! Way to go!

Jess and Jill playing pat-a-cake!
Miah's favorite photo face!
Ready for it to rain!
Chris in his PT glory...
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Our Trip to the Aquarium

For Memorial Day, we took the kids to the Aquarium in Atlanta. It was a lot of fun and they were completely fascinated by all the colorful fish. We like the aquarium in Myrtle Beach better... but this was a lot of fun! Enjoy all the pictures!

Me, helping Jillian take some pictures of the fishies!

Three cuties!


Jess didn't know if she really wanted to put her hand in with sharks!! :)

The Touch Pool had sting rays and sharks!

At the bottom of the fun playground!

Touching Horseshoe Crabs

Waiting on the 3D movie... that was actually 4D and scared Jilli to death!

In honor of Memorial Day!

Jilli's head and mine... looking at the fishies

The huge whale shark!


I love this picture! It looks like she's about to be lunch!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Got my hair cut!!

I got bit by the short hair bug that is going around our ward and I got my hair cut! A little... I love it! I'm going to be nice and cool this summer! Yee haw! You like?

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The Marine Mud Challenge!

So. These girls I know... asked if I would accompany them on the Marine Mud Challenge this year. I had heard that it was a lot of fun and stuff.... but luckily I had no idea how difficult it would be or I never would have consented to go!!! I had sooooo much fun but it was a very long 4 1/2 miles uphill both ways through mud with large snakes and spiders chasing us at every turn... hee hee hee. (That is actually just what I dreamed it was like last night!) In reality it was a very muddy, very intense and VERY fun course that I couldn't have made it through without my three AMAZING teammates!! Yay! I survived!! Now, surviving just means I am still alive. I am not yet back to full function in my legs and arms!! Hee hee!! I'm told the soreness will wear off in a couple of months... My favorite part was the finish... mostly for the huge fire truck spraying us off!! It was awesome!! Chris and the kids waited and watched for us the whole time and Jessica's hubby ran along with us for most of the course taking pictures! Yeah, he's awesome! I'm so glad I did it 'cause now I can say I did and I hopefully never have to do it again!! Ha ha ha!!!

Jessica, Me, Sarah, Cari - The Mormon Mommas!

I didn't want to leave this mudhole... it was so nice and cool!

Here we are running along together...

Don't let the photo fool you! We were pumped to be done!!
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Field Day Contestants

Jess and Miah were all ready to go Friday for their Field Day. They spend the whole day outside enjoying the fun events and purchasing snacks with their tickets. I wasn't able to attend the actual events because of my final... but they had a ball and I got to hear all about it when they got home! Jess got soaked on the way home by the big fire truck and that was a highlight for her day! Yay!
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Awards Ceremonies!

The school year is ending and that means it's time for award ceremonies! Both Jessica and Jeremiah got awards for being great students and showing good citenzenship and excellent behavior. I was able to get better pictures at Miah's ceremony because they actually paused long enough for parents to get photos... At Jessica's there wasn't any pausing, so I just got one of her at the end. Way to go kids!!!

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My Mother's Day Tulips!

Are they just so gorgeous!?! I loved them! It was wonderful to get something besides roses!! Very cheerful and fun! Thanks Chris and my kiddies for a great Mother's Day weekend!! They took me to Barbaritos (my fave!) for dinner on Saturday and to get a pedicure (ahhhh!). It was perfect! I love being a mom because I have such great kids! I love them all so much. And what would I do without my sweet Chris!?! I'm so blessed!

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Jessica's Hair!

Jessica has such beautiful hair! I got this photo of her with her hair in a side pony. It made me think of Deb... But it gets super hot and humid here and I've been trying to convince her to cut her hair off for the summer. Well, she finally agreed! I think she looks sooooo cute! The shorter cut makes her look older and more sophisticated... oooo la la! She's growing up too fast!!

What a darling girl!
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Good Morning Sunshine!

I snapped these photos of Jilli first thing in the morning! I wish I looked this good!!

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Sunday, May 10, 2009

An Uplifting Evening!

We had an AMAZING visit from the General Relief Society President Sister Julie B. Beck (for more on Relief Society click here!) and Sister Marianne Cook, the 1st Counselor in the Young Women's Presidency (click here for more on that!). They came to our Stake Center to give a fireside for all the women and young women of our stake. It was FANTASTIC!! I felt so blessed to have been able to be there! It had been a very long day and hearing those sisters speak was a perfect closing for the day. Sister Beck said some things that really stood out to me - (none of these are direct quotes! I'm not that good of a note taker!! :)
She quoted Joseph Smith, (maybe not directly...) as saying, "It is an act of faith to get up everyday!" Get up, shower, get dressed, put on your make-up and get on with your day! It takes faith to do it! If you're not getting up and getting on with the day, you're not exercising faith!!
And: Noble women can succeed alone, it's just HARDER! (In response to a question about filling the role of Mother and Father during a deployment.) The blessings come. Don't give up! You're still headed in the same direction. Women underestimate their power to receive revelation. We have abilities that we don't utilize! She told of a woman who lost her husband and raised her family alone. She said that this woman didn't abandon what she knew about families and how they should be. She just had to do it all. She had morning prayer and scripture study EVERY DAY! 100%. She always had Family Home Evening! She used the programs of the church to fill any gaps. She used music in her home to unify them. - I loved this great example. We can succeed alone!! It's just a lot harder! Not that I am currently alone, (although I do have some days where I feel like it!) but it was great to hear and hold onto for those times when I am! I also think there is a lot we could work on right now! We should be reading and praying EVERY day 100% now!
She also talked about shift work. There is a Day shift, a Swing shift and a Graveyard shift. She said we need to, as mothers, look at which shift is the most important for our families. For her it was the swing shift, when kids were coming in from school and going out to commitments, dinner, etc... Then we need to work our hardest and best in that shift. We need to rest one shift to recharge and we need to take some time for ourselves and our house duties in one shift. I liked the analogy! She also said to prioritize our lives by making a list of what we: Must do, Should do and what would be Nice to do. This would help us to fit everything in and find the balance.
It was just amazing and there is so much more in my notes... but I'm getting sleepy! I will call it a night! Hope something here helps you as much as it helped me!

Again, Happy Mother's Day!

A Jilli-ism!

Today when we left our very cold church to get in the car and head home, Jillian made this lovely comment:
"Thanks for turning on the heater for me Daddy!"
We all laughed! I think it was her Heavenly Daddy who has turned on the "heater" here! Man was it a hot one!!!
Hope you all had an awesome Mother's Day!

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Saturday, May 2, 2009

Chris' Birthday!

Well, he's another year older and wiser too! We celebrated Chris' birthday on Wednesday night after Scouts. He wanted a Baskin Robbins ice cream cake and that's what he got (no slaving in the kitchen for me!) He also wanted Guitar Hero Metallica and he got that too! He also got to go see Wolverine - the new Xmen movie with me this weekend (Which was "AWESOME!" and "My favorite movie of ALL time!" so I guess I did good this year!!) Happy Birthday Chris! Love ya tons and tons!

Love the hat! Thanks Beck!
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