We ended the evening with a stop at Country Culture for some pumpkin frozen yogurt--yum! I miss living in SLO!!!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Pre-Halloween fun
Thursday night we got the kids into their costumes and went up to Farmer's Market in SLO. On the Thursday before Halloween they have fun stuff for the kids to do--carnival games (that are actually geared towards toddlers), trick-or-treating at the different stores, huge pumpkins to sit on, etc. It was so fun seeing all the little kids all dressed up, and our kids had a blast! (Anna even randomly wanted her picture taken with these two ladies dressed as witches--I couldn't believe it!)
We ended the evening with a stop at Country Culture for some pumpkin frozen yogurt--yum! I miss living in SLO!!!

We ended the evening with a stop at Country Culture for some pumpkin frozen yogurt--yum! I miss living in SLO!!!
Friday, October 26, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Another day, another co-pay...
Today we headed to Kaitlyn's regular pediatrician to see what he thought about her current infection. We're about done with this round of antibiotics and it's just not looking good enough, so I took her (along with her brothers and sister) in. The doctor agreed with me and we talked about what the immunologist said. Our doctor concurred with the specialist in that he too suspects she's been colonized by the lovely MRSA. He prescribed the antibiotic that should clear that one up, gave me some free anti-fungal cream to put on the rash, and said if this doesn't work we'll return for more invasive testing. We talked about taking a culture and I said the immunologist recommends one. Dr. Nunez didn't want to do that today, even when I pressed him on it, because he said either way she needs this antibiotic, and we'll test further if this doesn't work. (He acted like it was invasive or something, I don't know.)
I guess lots of people have resistant Staph on their skin and it never ends up infecting anything, but the elderly, immune-compromised, and newborn babies are more susceptible. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria run rampant in hospitals (due to all the antibiotics used there) and I honestly have to wonder if she picked it up in the hospital when she was born. (I can just hear all the homebirth proponents saying, "I told you so...." Of course, there's no way to know. One of us could be a carrier.)
At any rate I'm hopeful about the new medicine, anxious to get the bloodwork results back, and especially anxious for my daughter to be restored to full health--for the first time in 7 months.
I guess lots of people have resistant Staph on their skin and it never ends up infecting anything, but the elderly, immune-compromised, and newborn babies are more susceptible. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria run rampant in hospitals (due to all the antibiotics used there) and I honestly have to wonder if she picked it up in the hospital when she was born. (I can just hear all the homebirth proponents saying, "I told you so...." Of course, there's no way to know. One of us could be a carrier.)
At any rate I'm hopeful about the new medicine, anxious to get the bloodwork results back, and especially anxious for my daughter to be restored to full health--for the first time in 7 months.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Immunology visit
Yesterday I took Kaitlyn to see a pediatric immunology specialist--who, incidentally, was interviewed on KSBY last night (the crew showed up shortly before I left, heehee!)
He was concerned about Kaitlyn's recurring infections. He was frustrated/baffled that the pediatricians have not once taken a culture. He ordered a bunch of bloodwork to check her T-cells, to see how her body's responded to vaccines (which would be a good indication of how her immune system responds to illness), etc. He said it sounds like she probably either has a congenital immune disorder, or that somehow her skin was colonized by bad bacteria and she has it on her skin all the time. Neither of those possibilities sounds particularly encouraging to me.
The doctor himself was WONDERFUL. He spent so much time with us, just listening to me, thinking about what it could be, explaining things, etc. After we were done there, we went to the lab where I had to hold poor Kaitlyn down while they pricked her arms and finally got a vein to draw blood. It was awful. She was screaming and crying and I was fighting the tears myself.
We should have bloodwork results within a week, and I'm taking Kaitlyn to the regular pediatrician tomorrow to ask for a culture, and find out why her infection/rash is still not completely healed. I feel tired...I'm so anxious to get some definitive answers, and more than that I'm hoping Kaitlyn can be well.
My littlest girl is a gift from the Lord, and I'm so grateful He's given her to me!
He was concerned about Kaitlyn's recurring infections. He was frustrated/baffled that the pediatricians have not once taken a culture. He ordered a bunch of bloodwork to check her T-cells, to see how her body's responded to vaccines (which would be a good indication of how her immune system responds to illness), etc. He said it sounds like she probably either has a congenital immune disorder, or that somehow her skin was colonized by bad bacteria and she has it on her skin all the time. Neither of those possibilities sounds particularly encouraging to me.
The doctor himself was WONDERFUL. He spent so much time with us, just listening to me, thinking about what it could be, explaining things, etc. After we were done there, we went to the lab where I had to hold poor Kaitlyn down while they pricked her arms and finally got a vein to draw blood. It was awful. She was screaming and crying and I was fighting the tears myself.
We should have bloodwork results within a week, and I'm taking Kaitlyn to the regular pediatrician tomorrow to ask for a culture, and find out why her infection/rash is still not completely healed. I feel tired...I'm so anxious to get some definitive answers, and more than that I'm hoping Kaitlyn can be well.
My littlest girl is a gift from the Lord, and I'm so grateful He's given her to me!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Elementary school revisited
Some things I wanted to be "when I grew up":
Music I listened to:
--New Kids on the Block
--Vanilla Ice
--Wilson Phillips
--MC Hammer
--Garth Brooks
--Reba McEntire
Stuff I wore:
--Neon colors
--Acid-washed jeans w/ zippers and bows on the legs
--Leggings+big sweaters
Movies I watched:
--The Neverending Story
--3 Ninjas
--The Goonies
Books I loved:
--The Babysitters Club
Halloween costumes:
--Steve Urkel (don't ask)
Places I loved to go:
--Flippo's (is it not so sad that this place finally closed down?!)
--Wet Seal
--Taco Bell
--Creston pool (Marco Polo, anyone?)
--Friends' houses
Extracurricular activities:
--Band (I played a mean clarinet--hehe)
Cool stuff I owned:
--Trapperkeeper (w/ kittens on it)
--Teddy Ruxpin
Music I listened to:
--New Kids on the Block
--Vanilla Ice
--Wilson Phillips
--MC Hammer
--Garth Brooks
--Reba McEntire
Stuff I wore:
--Neon colors
--Acid-washed jeans w/ zippers and bows on the legs
--Leggings+big sweaters
Movies I watched:
--The Neverending Story
--3 Ninjas
--The Goonies
Books I loved:
--The Babysitters Club
Halloween costumes:
--Steve Urkel (don't ask)
Places I loved to go:
--Flippo's (is it not so sad that this place finally closed down?!)
--Wet Seal
--Taco Bell
--Creston pool (Marco Polo, anyone?)
--Friends' houses
Extracurricular activities:
--Band (I played a mean clarinet--hehe)
Cool stuff I owned:
--Trapperkeeper (w/ kittens on it)
--Teddy Ruxpin
Monday, October 15, 2007
Here we go again...
Just got home from taking Kaitlyn to the doctor, where they confirmed that she is in the midst of her THIRD bacterial infection. (Considering the fact that she's only 7 months old, that's insane. The doctors can't even believe it.) So more antibiotics, and a referral to an immunologist to find out what the heck is wrong with her immune system.
I'm so exhausted from dealing with her constant infections. I feel so helpless in that I can't just magically make them go away, and that she keeps getting them. I feel hopeful about seeing the immunologist, but at the same time afraid of what they'll find. Being born with an immune disorder is kind of a big deal.
Soooooo, that was today. I'm keenly aware today of the fact that God knows, and I don't, and that my kids truly are in His hands!
I'm so exhausted from dealing with her constant infections. I feel so helpless in that I can't just magically make them go away, and that she keeps getting them. I feel hopeful about seeing the immunologist, but at the same time afraid of what they'll find. Being born with an immune disorder is kind of a big deal.
Soooooo, that was today. I'm keenly aware today of the fact that God knows, and I don't, and that my kids truly are in His hands!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Random Thursday musings
I have really been un-inspired to blog lately! I guess I'm fresh out of ideas, and I hate to post something just to post. (If anyone out there has any post ideas for me, let me know, I could use them. :)) Here are some random thoughts for the day, inspired by my friend Lisa, and some pics of my kids, I guess because I think they're cute. :) That's Anna the day we bought her that rocking chair at a yard sale, and the other is of Yosef, Kaitlyn and Biniam laying under our coffee table. That little girl LOVES her big brothers!
--I've been physically/emotionally exhausted lately b/c Kaitlyn's getting two new teeth (up top), and has been really fussy.
--I use "natural consequences" with the kids, and so today we were really late to the library program because Anna was refusing to pick up her room. Fortunately she still made it in time to hear a story and see a video. She told me next week she'll be sure to clean up sooner.
--Autumn makes me want to live in New England.
--Okay, I've always wanted to live in New England. (My dad was born in Boston and then lived in New Hampshire for awhile, so maybe it's a Perruzzi thing.)
--No one can keep our boys' names straight in their Sunday School class. Joseph, Josiah, Benny, Benian...We've put their names right on the sign in sheet, and have even made a point to correct people, but to no avail. Maybe we should just change the names!
--Why were movies made in the 1980's so cheesily dramatic? I found myself trying not to laugh recently during really sad parts of "Philadelphia" because of the ridiculous music playing. (Good/interesting movie by the way. And who doesn't love Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington?)
--I hope Kevin finishes the book he's reading right now so I can start reading it. ("Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt" by Anne Rice.)
--When I think about Britney Spears' kids being taken away from her, it makes me sad.
--Sunday night I made fish for my in-laws and it turned out horrible. Oops.
--Lately I wish I had some sort of creative outlet but alas, I am just not very creative.
--People don't seem as surprised by my gaggle of children in Costco as in other places--maybe because we're all in a huge warehouse surrounded by food sold in bulk (?)
--Did anyone else catch Oprah yesterday? Nate Berkus is great.
--I recently signed up for Google Reader and find it very useful.
--I really enjoy our growth group.
--I'd like to become better at entertaining. Anytime people are over I worry constantly about if they're having a good time, if they hate the food, etc.
--I'm so looking forward to going to sweet Lily's party this weekend!
--I'm a pretty shy person and I think I give off a negative first-impression. I also think I may be hard to get to know. (I'm also pretty self-reflective, if you haven't noticed.)
--Housework is hard with four little ones! I wonder when and how often other moms clean.
--I love being bestest friends with my husband. I so enjoy spending time with him.
--Looking forward to an hour of "The Office" tonight!
--Someday I think I might enjoy being a freelance writer.
--I went into one of those random temporary "Halloween stores" today to look for a small plastic axe, and there was some seriously scary stuff in there!!! (But sadly, no small plastic axe. Maybe that's for the best, as I don't know how much restraint my little Tin Man would be able to show!)
--Anytime I'm at the library in the Children's Room, I feel all excited about my kids learning to read and going to school. Getting to see kids excited about learning and building confidence and self-esteem is pretty neat. I can't believe that next year is Anna's last year before Kindergarten!
Friday, October 05, 2007
October 2004
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the desert
and streams in the wasteland.
Isaiah 43:19
Three years ago today, Anna was coming up on 8 months old...and I was miscarrying our second baby. The baby's heart had stopped beating around 7 weeks, and I miscarried at 11 weeks, on October 5, 2004. We were so disappointed and sad--we'd been so thrilled about the idea of Anna being a big sister, of having a sibling, and already loved this little baby so much. Not to mention the fact that I was far enough along where it was really physically difficult (I opted to do it naturally), and I ended up in the ER (with Kevin and little Anna by my side) in the middle of the night. By October 5th, I'd already dealt with most of the emotions, because we'd known for awhile that I would lose the baby. Interestingly, the doctor suspected it was maybe a twin pregnancy--my hormone levels were pretty high, and he could see an extra something on the ultrasound.
Also three years ago today, on the other side of the world in a city called Nazret, a woman was in her final few weeks of pregnancy. She had her two year old daughter and her aunt with her, but that was it. Her husband had passed away, she'd lost her job as the result of the pregnancy, and she had a horrible disease that probably left her stigmatized and shamed. For a woman whose name literally means "revolution", she was probably feeling pretty helpless. Three weeks later, she gave birth to twin boys. A month and a half later, her aunt passed away, and having nowhere to turn, she signed them away at a government office. So she lost her babies, too.
I don't pretend to know why God allows tragedy, or heartbreak. I honestly can't understand why He allows for sweet babies to be lost before parents can even hug or kiss them, or why He allows some to languish in poverty, dying from a disease, unable to care for the beautiful children born to them. When Kevin and I set out to adopt, it was certainly not because I'd miscarried, or because we hadn't conceived again yet. However, had we not lost that baby, or had we conceived again right away, we wouldn't have adopted when we did, and therefore Yosef and Binaim from Nazret, Ethiopia would not be our sons.
God knew, as I lay in the cold emergency room on October 5th, 2004, that there were twin boys about to be born who needed a mother. He knew that they would spend the first 16 months of life in orphanages, that they'd first be adopted by someone else who would change their minds, that we'd be waiting for the referral of young siblings at that time. Sometimes we can't see the good that God works from our pain, but every once in awhile we get a beautiful glimpse of the ways He redeems our brokenness. I praise God for His hand in my life, and the way He promises to work all for the good of those who trust Him! I can't imagine life without Yosef and Biniam and am so blessed to call them sons. (And I look forward to someday meeting our little baby in Heaven!)
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Halloween anticipation
Okay it's been a really long time since I've posted anything! I guess we've been busy, but mostly I can't really think of anything to blog about.
I'm excited that Halloween is coming up. I LOVE dressing up my kids in their costumes, watching "Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin", eating candy and drinking hot apple cider. (Fall has always been my favorite season.) This year, my kids are going as characters from Anna's favorite movie, The Wizard of Oz. Anna's going as Dorothy, Yosef's the Tin Man, Biniam's the Scarecrow, and Kaitlyn's the Lion. So far I have Anna's costume, but none of the others. I better get on it!
Last year we went to the church harvest festival but this year I think we'll be trick-or-treating! My kids love ringing doorbells so I figure they'll have a blast.
I'm also looking forward to continuing the tradition we started last year of making and decorating Halloween cookies. The kids had SO MUCH fun and so did we. I'm also hoping to make it to a pumpkin patch to choose some pumpkins and then also carve them.
I'm not a very creative person, but I do enjoy doing festive things for the different holidays. What Halloween/Fall traditions do you have???
I'm excited that Halloween is coming up. I LOVE dressing up my kids in their costumes, watching "Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin", eating candy and drinking hot apple cider. (Fall has always been my favorite season.) This year, my kids are going as characters from Anna's favorite movie, The Wizard of Oz. Anna's going as Dorothy, Yosef's the Tin Man, Biniam's the Scarecrow, and Kaitlyn's the Lion. So far I have Anna's costume, but none of the others. I better get on it!
Last year we went to the church harvest festival but this year I think we'll be trick-or-treating! My kids love ringing doorbells so I figure they'll have a blast.
I'm also looking forward to continuing the tradition we started last year of making and decorating Halloween cookies. The kids had SO MUCH fun and so did we. I'm also hoping to make it to a pumpkin patch to choose some pumpkins and then also carve them.
I'm not a very creative person, but I do enjoy doing festive things for the different holidays. What Halloween/Fall traditions do you have???
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