Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Virtue or preference?
(I told you it was random!)
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Our adoption trip
That's right, we are now the proud owners of a 2006 Toyota Sienna. Did I ever think I'd be so jazzed about having a minivan? No, but that was before I was hauling my kids around in a 1988 Lincoln Towncar the size of Texas!
Our sweet friends Troy and Becky delivered the car to us last night--thanks guys! (That's Troy looking oh-so-cool in the driver's seat.) It's so roomy inside! No more sitting three across in the front seat, Kaitlyn in her carseat in the middle, where the driver has to push her over to steer. No more being stuffed like sardines in a car with a busted air conditioner. No more being known as the couple at church that drives that beat-up old beast of a car. I can now have the guy at Albertsons help me out with my groceries and be able to hold my head up high! No more sitting in the church parking lot and having a woman we don't know come over to us and incredulously ask, "How many kids are you fitting in that car?!"
So...anybody wanna buy a 1988 Lincoln Towncar? :)
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Stay tuned...
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Straight talk about our issues in adoption
Okay so the health. Our boys were totally healthy by third-world standards. When we got them, both boys had lice and giardia (common parasite.) This meant using lice shampoo and shaving their heads (but not before I got lice too and freaked out and chopped off a bunch of my hair, ugh). Giardia meant changing lots and lots of horrible, stinky, MESSY diapers (quite an adventure on a 30 hour flight home), collecting lots of stool samples, and finally getting them treated for it (oral medicine.) But not before both Kevin and I caught it. Yuck! Biniam had two ear infections when we got him as well. Antibiotics did the trick for getting rid of those. Biniam also had some developmental delay, as he wasn't walking yet. He's totally caught up to Yosef though (on his own, we didn't get him help or anything) and developmentally they're right on track!
Behavior issues? For the first several weeks Yosef would cry mournfully in his sleep. It was the saddest thing. Biniam would also be upset at night, so we'd stick them in bed with us to comfort them. This went away after awhile. (I HIGHLY recommend utilizing attachment-parenting methods for adopted children, like "baby wearing" and co-sleeping, lots of touching, etc). Biniam had some psychological issues with food. If he saw food he'd scream and cry at the top of his lungs until you gave him some--even if he'd just eaten and was full. This could be really frustrating and draining, as he'd see me start making breakfast and become totally inconsolable until it was ready for him to eat. This lasted until oh, about a couple of months ago. (So over a year from when we got him.) He still has some quirks when it comes to food, like if i have something for the boys to share and break it in half, he gets really upset, as if he's not getting enough or something. But he has come SUCH a long way.
Overall that's been our experience. If you're adopting a child from a third-world country, expect that they will have lice and parasites, and remember that bonding and attachment take time. Read up on attachment and get your child in to the doctor within a few days of coming home for a checkup. Basically, going into this with your eyes wide open is key. Whatever you do, DON'T expect things to be picture-perfect, but that God will be faithful.
Now when I look back on those early months with our sons I'm amazed at how far they've come. I also remember the joy we shared in those times and how God sustained us, because it was difficult.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Saturday with the Heldts
The kids love cuddling with Daddy in bed.
Another common scene in our home, Biniam and Yosef about to give Kaitlyn hugs and kisses. (I often reflect on how loved Kaitlyn is! In addition to two parents who love her, she's got a sister and two brothers who can't get enough of her!)
After breakfast, they headed off to the fairgrounds for the show and we headed to Sears to get the kids' pictures taken. I think we got some cute ones.
Tonight we're just hanging out at home, and we have church tomor
row. Hope you had a great Saturday!
Friday, May 18, 2007
7 Meme
Here are 7 random facts about me:
1.) I'm an only child.
2.) I wish I had the guts to get a nose ring. I love them but I'm not sure that I could pull it off. (Maybe this is some sort of pre-cursor to a mid-life crisis.)
3.) I hate scary amusement-park rides and refuse to go on them.
4.) I get a real kick out of "Days of Our Lives" and tune in every now and again. Kristen and I used to get together for lunch and watch it--good times!
5.) I am a complete klutz. For example, I worked at Taco Bell one summer in high school and refused to spend the money to buy special slip-proof shoes. (When water and grease mix it's rather slippery so they require you to buy the shoes). I was picking up the trays from out in the "dining area" and all of a sudden I totally ate it, the trays went flying, I was on my back. YES!
6.) I hope to one day tour a morgue. I'm totally serious.
7.) I can't stand my thick, wavy hair and I pray that someday the chi straightening process will cost less than $500.
I'm supposed to tag 7 people. Sooooo...
True personalities captured
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Following the Pied Piper
It's funny how there are certain Christian authors/pastors/speakers at any given time that are ultra popular with certain groups. Among some, it's Piper. Among others, it's Brian McLaren and Donald Miller. Still others, Elizabeth George and Beth Moore and James Dobson.
I think it's interesting how we kind of latch onto a school of thought and the spokespeople for that school of thought, or I guess sometimes we do it in the reverse order. Some of these spokespeople are more acceptable in some groups than in others. For example, at my church I'd feel much more comfortable admitting I read "Beautiful in God's Eyes" by Elizabeth George than "The Secret Message of Jesus" by Brian McLaren. At an emergent church, the opposite would probably be true. FYI I've read both books, and enjoyed both of them, and disagreed with aspects of both of them. (There Lara, the McLaren blog-ice has been broken! :) )
My favorite Christian thinker/author of all time is CS Lewis. I first read "Mere Christianity" in college (thanks to Kevin, president of the CS Lewis fan club, for the recommendation and book loan--what a good boyfriend!) and have read a few more of his books since. I love his thoughts on most things, his ability to be content with leaving mystery in the Bible and not having to understand everything, the things God didn't make explicit and that Christians like to argue about. (A great Lewis-ism, referring to the Lord's Supper: "The command, after all, was Take, eat: not Take, understand..." I love that!). Current Christian leaders/authors I really enjoy or admire are Gary Haugen, Tim Keller, Mark Driscoll, Philip Yancey, Tony Campolo, Shane Claiborne, Rick Warren (who's doing some sweet things in Rwanda). No women on here, kind of weird, maybe I should branch out. :) All the people I just listed are big proponents of missional Christianity. Some are tied to the emergent church. Most would be considered "liberal" compared to, say, James Dobson.
I was emailing with my friend (a big Piper fan) who referred to herself as a "bandwaggoner", which I thought was a great term! (Shoutout to Rebekah!) I think that's all of us. We gravitate towards authors/thinkers who read the Bible in such a way that resonates with us, or inspires us, or that just plain makes sense to us. It's interesting how each of our goals as Christians is to live our lives for Jesus, yet that can look so different for each of us, or have a different focus for each of us. I obviously gravitate towards a certain type of book/leader while others enjoy something else. (YES, I am a TOTAL bookworm!)
Whose "bandwagon" are you on? In other words, what type of thing or who inspires/impresses you? Why?
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Mothers Day, crazy toddlers and neurotic parenting
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Nature vs. nurture
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Talking adoption with my kids
Anna totally "gets" it, at least to the degree that a three year old can! Last night she informed Daddy when he came home that Yosef and Biniam grew in a different mommy (when he asked what her name was, Anna was even able to tell him), and that she is sick. Somehow this is all feeling very real to me now, and I even felt a bit emotional about it. I feel like I'm entering a new phase with the kids, in that our boys' adoption is out in the open and something that we talk about. It's making me more aware that their birth mother is a real person who had to make the decision to give her twins away, and it's making me think about their older sister, presumably still with the mother. My heart breaks for this woman and her daughter.
Kaitlyn's birth has been a key part of discussing this, because we talked so much about her growing in Mommy's tummy, and about how Anna also grew in Mommy's tummy. At any rate, it feels like we're entering new territory here. Yosef and Biniam still don't seem aware of any of this, but in time that will come too. I pray that God will give me the right words to say at the right times.
Blood Diamond

Monday, May 07, 2007
A future in the fashion industry?
"Mommy, your clothes don't match."
"What? Why don't they match?"
"You've got black shorts and a grey shirt. They don't match."
Wow. Only three years old and she's telling me that my clothes are uncool! I thought this didn't happen until your kid was a teenager! (Anna also called me a T-Rex the other day, but I'm pretty sure it was because she was playing pretend. Or at least that's what I've been telling myself!)
Friday, May 04, 2007
The birds and the bees, 3 year old style
Anna: "I've got one like baby, I've got one like that." (Pulls pants down.) "See?"
Me: "Yes Anna, you have a peepee like baby's."
Anna: "And brothers have a neat string peepee!"