Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Happy Holidays

This is a total regurgitation of a post on my other blog, but I'm getting tired of looking at Halloween pictures. This year I feel more like the grinch - we have been so busy with family events that I haven't had time to do anything Christmas-y. With our gypsy lifestyle, 2 family vacations, a suprise 50th birthday party for my mom, a wedding, and an open house, I had decided not to do Christmas cards this year. But card after adorable card kept coming to my parents' house, and with how fast my kiddos are growing, I felt like we had to do something. With about 10 minutes of warning, I told Travis the new plan, wiped the dirt from their faces, put on a necklace and some lip gloss, and we did a 3 minute photo shoot. My grinch heart has grown 3 sizes as I finally broke out the Christmas tunes and spent the day making a palate of caramel apples. Hopefully next year it won't take me until 4 days before Christmas before I get excited about the season.

