Friday, February 29, 2008

Jackson Pollock Week

This week was Jackson Pollock week (don't worry - we laid off the booze). Luke and I had fun making a "drip painting", and watched a video of him painting. The only problem is that Luke does not like getting his hands dirty. Every time he would get paint on his hands (which was every 2 seconds) he would stop and go wash them. Needless to say, this took us a VERY long time.

Friday, February 22, 2008

DJ Hydrophonic

I have a "bucket list" (PS did anyone see that movie? I heard it got horrible reviews), not that I plan on dying anytime soon, but I have a list of things I would love to do sometime during my life. I have one item that has been on my list for a long time: I want to be a DJ; not a radio DJ or a wedding reception DJ, but one of those underground DJ's with the big headphones and 2 turntables mixing and scratching. I considered calling up MTV and trying out for "MADE", but decided against it in case I ended up on one of those dreadful gauntlet shows, where 30-year-olds, institutionalized by their brief MTV fame, go to die.

So, I guess I'm on my own - well not completely, I have google (Travis calls it my other lover). In my google quest to become a DJ, I found out I need a very cool DJ name. Thankfully, I also found some DJ name generators to help me since I am a 27-year-old Mormon mom of 1.5, who has lost touch of all things "hipster". Some of the names they suggested are:

DJ Spunky Gun
DJ Tastes Like Chicken
DJ ThunderCat
DJ WildOrchid
DJ GhettoBooty (maybe they know I'm pregnant)
Find your DJ name at:

Next on the list: I found out that I need to develop some "charisma". That is an entirely new google search - where I found out that I can become charismatic in 12 easy steps, from Donald Trump at Trump University; although I can't imagine Donald would be a very good DJ.

So once I have a name and some charisma, I'm ready to start spinning in my basement!

PS - if you like this kind of stuff, check out DJ Rekha. She is one of my new favorite people in music right now, and defies all the stereotypes of female DJs. There is an article about her on npr and in the New York Times.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Surf's Up, Dude!

This afternoon I heard noises in the laundry room. I caught Luke "surfing" on my ironing board, so needless to say, I grabbed my camera. I think he misses California more than I think. Jordan, can Luke borrow one of your boards? Now to find a wetsuit...

Friday, February 15, 2008

more pictures

I know that I basically just post pictures of Luke, but my mom loves it, and not everyone can be as witty as John and Ashley Connors (love the latest piece on Dino Bites).
Today, Everett asked in Luke still likes Peter Pan, so here is your answer (it wasn't even 9:00 am when I took this picture). Also, Travis made Luke a special Mickey Mouse cookie for Valentines Day. Luke loved every bite!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Happy Valentines Day

The other day, Luke refused to take a nap, so I made him take some pictures with me. He is such a ham that he thought it was more than a fair trade. Now he stands by the window and tells me to get the black camera.

Luke, and the rest of the Snyder clan wish you a happy Valentines Day!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Votes for women!

As I was leaving the voting booth today, it made me think of a memory from mine and Kristin's childhood: Mrs. Banks in her straw had, blue dress and sash singing the Sister Suffragette lyrics "Votes for women!" I always thought that part of the movie was so funny for 2 reasons: 1) to see Mrs. Banks sing so sweetly "though we adore men individually, we believe that as a group they're rather stupid" and 2) how weird that women couldn't vote in England. Obviously as I got older, I realized that it wasn't just in England that women's suffrage was taking place. I am grateful for women like Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, those amazing "feminists" (a dirty word around these here parts of town) who organized a movement for equality. Because of them, I was able to drive around Payson for 30 minutes looking for a hidden elementary school (I mean, come on, do they really want people to vote?), walk up to the table, show my ID, have the lady writing down my name just assume I was a republican, and have the other lady next to her created a "stop the presses" moment saying, "No, no, she's a democrat," rather loudly for her sweet, hard of hearing partner, and cast my vote, all while a 3 year old is sitting in time out, throwing toys and his jacket at other people waiting in line to cast their votes. (Sorry for the run-on sentence and any punctuation errors, English teachers). But it was worth it, and I wore my "I voted" sticker with pride.
This is for you, Kristin.

Super Tuesday!

Happy Super Tuesday! Rock the vote!