Showing posts with label Scripture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scripture. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Bible Mugs

How do you like your coffee? Lots of cream? Lots of sugar? How about with some Bible bits on your mug?

Website where I found these:

Monday, August 1, 2011

Moses Parting the Red Sea

So to be honest, I had expected more illustrations with a certain pathos than the few I managed to find. I mean, how dramatic is this event? Is it not the perfect opportunity to really make your paint brushes burst with epic sentiment? Some seem to have gotten it right at least.

Then I came across one that is less dramatic but hello how cool to show all the fishies in the sea that is being split! It sort of looks like all the sea creatures are saying "Hey Moses, can you keep it down a bit? I finally managed to get my kids to bed and now you pull a sea split on me?"

Friday, July 29, 2011

Christian Graffiti

Somehow, graffiti and Christianity seem to be a logical match. There is a rebellious side to Christianity, inviting to speak out against injustice and corruption of mundane powers if they are thought to be contradicting divine law as it is revealed in the scriptures. In short, the idea that in the end you serve no king, only the King of kings. Graffiti seems to be if not rebellious in nature, then at least a favored tool in rebellion. Moreover, Christianity is a tradition that values both images and words, the very things that graffiti as an art form depends on. Christianity then might prove to be a rich resource. All of this would lead me to expect a natural alliance between the two, although probably a lot of Christians might dislike graffiti art, just as some graffiti artists are likely to dislike Christianity. At first glance, Christian graffiti does seem to exist, however I'm not sure yet if it is being practiced quite the way I expect it.

Indeed this seems to be a world on it's own. However, it surprises me that what I find most at first glance is graffiti that preaches the gospel itself on a popular level, instead of reminding believers of their own breaking of laws they hold dear. These are just first impressions upon looking into this subject, I will look into it more. While searching, I came across some practicing artists and blogs, that I'd like to include.

Gospel Graffiti Crew
Jesus Saves artist
Lovepusher artist
Christian Graffiti blog

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Apples of Gold in Pictures of Silver

Proverbs 25:11 (KJV): "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver."

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Scripture Tattoos

This is but a small selection from the collection that I found on the website