Thursday, December 15, 2011

Well, yet again, it's been wayyyyy too long in between posts

But I'll do a little update anyways so everyone can know what we are up to these days. Trevor is still working a lot, but actually gets some days off to spend with us. He is always serving and loving life. He is on this health kick lately and has (all self motivated) lost over 20 pounds in the last two and a half months. He is amazing and watching him shrink while I keep growing is actually quite frustrating!! Scouts is o.k. in this ward, and hasn't been all consuming as in past wards. The practice is doing well and we went a little overboard for Christmas this year... oops ;) What can I say, our kids are just that good :) I am, as I said, growing and growing. This little guy is a wiggly thing and as healthy as can be. I'm finding that my purely awesome front loading washer and dryer are becoming, well... not as awesome... as bending and transferring several loads of laundry twice a week is quite the chore with a gigantic belly. That goes for many other chores too. A couple months left, and I am really thankful that this guy is not coming until after all the craziness of the holidays are over. Except for a couple more projects to finish, we are bought or made, wrapped and done with Christmas presents for everyone. That feels great! Anna and Natali are doing awesome in school and they are enjoying everything right now. Other then Devin sounding like a seal when he sneezes and coughs, the boys are doing great too. We are hoping for a healthy and enjoyable Christmas next weekend and are so excited for all the fun we have planned. Life is treating us more then well and we are extremely blessed in every way. Well, it is time to go feed a grumpy, sick two year old and a happy as can be four year old, then of course TAKE A NAP!! My all time favorite activity lately... well actually, always. Later~