Showing posts with label Award. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Award. Show all posts

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Thank you!

I'm honored!

TO ME!  

So based on the "rules" of the award, I'm to tell you seven things about myself that you may not know; here we go!

  • I was in a General Electric (GE) TV commercial back in the early 1990's.  I was an engineer in the commercial and got to have my hair and make-up done.  My 15 minutes of fame as the saying goes.  That's me standing by the mock-up of the GE engine.  

    • When I was little, I wanted to grow up to be a princess.  
    • I have a twin sister, fraternal, who, aside from my husband, is one of my best friends.

    • I've lost 30 pounds since spring of last year; yay me!  :-)
    • I was on the drill team in high school (that's me and my sister all those years ago; I'm on the left.)

    • I love to swim and when I was young, probably had gills.
    • I love to crochet!  (So that might be something you already know, but I'm running out of things to say.)

    With all sincerity, I thank each of the ladies for thinking of me.

    Now to pass on the award!  

    Please note, if you don't accept awards on your blog, that's OK, I just want you (and others) to know I enjoy reading your blog.

    1. Sarah at Sarah's Sweethearts
    2. Mia at Mia's Country Living
    3. Kris at Simplify
    4. JoAnn at JoAnn's Creativity Blog
    5. Tammy at T's Daily Treasures
    6. Barbara at Crochet:  Made in K-town
    7. Caroline at The Kansas Hooker
    8. Teresa at Diddle Daddle Designs
    9. Shani at Happiest at Home
    10. Tina at Morningstar Academy
    11. Gillian at Eclectic Me
    12. Olga at Lacy Crochet
    13. Holly Louise at Crafty Holly Louise

    Like I said earlier, if you don't accept awards on your blog, that's OK.  

    If you do, pass on the love!


    Thursday, January 6, 2011

    An Award!

    Debi, from Hooks, Yarns, Crafts and Gardening has given me an award!  Thank you Debi.  :-)

    Part of the deal is to share seven things about myself. it goes:
    1. I'm a twin; fraternal, not identical.
    2. I love to crochet (oh, I forgot...I think I'm supposed to tell you things you don't already know).
    3. I'm a descendant of one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence (Samuel Adams).
    4. My husband's family is related to Walter Cronkite (at least that's what I'm told).
    5. I love a good mystery (book or TV show - but no gore please).
    6. Chocolate Chip ice cream is my favorite.
    7. I love winter (when it snows; really I do).
    There!  Now, I'd like to award the following blogs with this prestigious award!

    I enjoy reading their positive and upbeat blogs, I'm sure you will too! 

    Thanks again Debi!  :-)


    Monday, September 20, 2010

    I Received an Award!

    Debi Y at Hooks and Yarns recognized me with an award.  Thank you so much Debi!
    From what I understand it is Portuguese for "Recognizing Your Talent".  I'm honored Debi, thank you!

    This is my first award, but from what I understand, you pass them on to others.  I don't have a lot of followers, but I do enjoy reading many varied blogs.  With this in mind, I'd like to pass on the award to:

    Ramblin' Southern Woman for her upbeat/positive blog and her encouraging comments
    Room on the Left for her beautiful photos
    Happiest At Home for her pretty projects and yummy sounding recipes
    Coffee and Crafts for her inspirational devotions

    Enjoy perusing these blogs and thank you again Debi!
