Showing posts with label Ancient Britons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ancient Britons. Show all posts

Thursday, 19 June 2014

British Celts chariots #3

Here is my third unit of celt chariots (Renegade miniature).

Friday, 8 March 2013

Ancient Britons Army

We are waiting for you Aulius Plautius...

Yeah... I finally reached 10PUs, which is equivalent to 250 points. My army is now ready. Admittedly, I have things to paint like a new band, slingers, chariots, some riders and many generals, but all is playable for tonight...

The army

 The generals

 The fanatics
 The ride

 The warbands

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Ancient British Light Cavalry

Here is  a light cavalry unit armed with javelins and fielded as a small unit

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Togodumnos - Creating an important figure - Part 3

I wanted this figure tells a story. In this case, Togodumnos cross a river on his chariot. Roman legionaries are surprised when the charioteer turns the horses.

The earth was made with synthetic stone (Pumice stone mortar - Pébéo) painted with Raw umber (Basics paints).
Snow was laid ​​on the base. It is pva glue on which I sprinkled sodium bicarbonate for cooking. everything was varnished with matt varnish for painting (water was varnished bright)

I used synthetic water in multiple layers and have created splash at the wheels of the chariot. To create bubbles in the water, I used plastic glue, mixed with the synthetic water.

I wanted people to have the impression that the chariot rolls into a court of frozen water. For this reason I used matt varnish to create sheets of ice broken up by the legs of the horses and wheels of the chariot.

That's it. work is finished : "Fear my anger Romans !"

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Ancient britons large warband

Eogan Strongarm, chief of a minor Catuvellauni tribe, his wife and the oldest of his sons, leading his people to defend the land of Britannia against the invaders. They are coming out  of a Cromlech (the stone circle) to represent the link to the land and to the traditions. They are warriors, breeders, hunters with their dogs and even women, they are the people of Britannia

 A warrior and his dogs

Eogan and his family

Some warriors and a naked fanatic

There are some Foundry, Wargame factory, Warlord and even old Citadel miniatures

This is a large warband, so, I have used five bases instead of three. This is a 25cm front unit (5 x 5cm). The problem was to create the circle of stones on separated bases. I drew a large radius  circle on the bases and sculpted the stones. In case of two stones were on the same base, I placed a capstone , in the other case, I placed a broken capstone on the ground.

Friday, 1 February 2013

Monday, 28 January 2013

Celt Heroes

Here is Dubevelaunos, king of the Trinovantes. Concerning the rules, he has a Cd of 8, he can gather a 15PU army (a very high rank) and win the fight in case of a draw. A natural born leader...

 and, here is a minor general, a fierce woman with a horned helmet...

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Celt multi-heroes base

In this campaign, there will be many celtic generals. Ten major characters like Caratacos or Artax the druid and some minors. The major ones will have their own figure to represent themselves and two or three figures  will be used to represent the other ones. The problem is that creating twelve scenic bases will take too many time (and money). So I have decided to create some multipurpose scenic bases on which it will be possible to fix different figures.
I use a 50mm mdf round base. With à drill, I cut off a 25mm round space wich will be used to fit a plastic base (games workshop socle).

Some figures are used to create à scene. In this exemple, the standard and à warrior holding the general's steed (Renegade miniatures. The horse is from the LOTR Games Workshop range. The saddle has been modeled with green stuff to represent a gaelic one)

A Catuvellauni general

Trisega the Durotrige, sister of King Merricus 

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

British Celt Chariots

Here is my second unit of chariots. In my opinion, this is the best choise of support in an ancient Britons army. With the highest ratio in short range (4 dices), you could easily and quickly support any warband in your field of view. With a clash ratio of 13 (9+4), you are able to overhelm any unit even the toughests like roman cohorts.

These are Gripping Beast chariots. I have ordered four further chariots from Renegade miniatures to complete my army and I will probably convert one of them to represent Togodumnus the brother of King Caratacos

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Caratacos's lifeguard

 I have included a new kind of unit in my army although it doesn't exist in the "Ancient Britons" list. In fact, it was a suggestion of Roro who likes the idea of a well equiped and trained warband to protect the warlord. So, I decided to fashion my list using the "general's guard" of the Gallic list to represent Caratacos's do-or-die bodyguards
 The warriors are dressed with chain mail  shirts and are wearing necklaces and torcs to show their importance in the tribe. The leader wear a raven helmet (these birds had movable wings which flapped when the warrior charged)
 The escarpment is made with schist stone. I  have sawed it to fit to the muti-parts socle.