A Successful First Camping Trip

A Successful First Camping Trip

Saturday, July 30, 2011


That is the word I would use to describe Vance. He may be small but that is not going to stop him from getting to what he wants. Last Sunday I watched as he pushed the footstool down the hall to the bathroom door & then to our bedroom door (where Daddy was napping). He pushed, climbed up & tried to open each door. Fortunately he couldn’t turn the door knob. But the need & ability to get to those out of reach objects increased each day. I want to correct him & tell him to stop but I can’t. It is too entertaining to watch him as he spies his next feat then patiently pushes that stool to the exact right spot. I’ve even seen him climb up, get down & push it (not even an inch) to get the stool in the right place. A couple of times today I placed my foot in the path of the stool. That did not make him happy. He pushed & pushed and one time went around me. DERTERMINED! That is my little Vance. Surely that has to be a good quality to have in the future, right?

I will say the frequency of this has increased and the places he’s trying to reach are starting to be an issue. I have now removed their “kid sized” chairs out of the kitchen and I’m contemplating the removal of the foot stool. The lamps in the living room have already spent much of the last few months on top of the couch because he would NOT leave them alone. Since he couldn’t reach them from the floor he figured out how to climb onto the couch and reach them. Again, my son is determined! Maybe the ability to finally get to those unreachable places will become his new obsession and my lamps can return to their normal home.

I guess all this means that sooner than later I should stop him. Or I can continue to move things further up the shelves or pushed back against the wall where his little arms can’t reach or tucked away in a safe place. Nah! That just sounds like too much work. I’ll have to stop him!


  1. Hey Leslie,

    I just wanted to say hey and that I found your blog after being absent awhile. I had taken down my old blog and google reader and somehow lost your website address but I'm back, with a new blog, and found you again so I wanted to say hey and that I miss you guys!

    You look great and I can't believe how big Ella and Vance are getting! So cute! Hopefully soon we can get together for a playdate with Ryder(or sometime once Brynley gets here).

    Talk to you soon,

  2. Sounds like another little boy I know...LOL! Micah did that, too, but he would use his empty diaper boxes...or the lego box (empty of course). He was bad about going for the light switches and turning them off/on constantly. He eventually stopped without much disciplining on our part. :) Vance is a cutie!

  3. I love this post! He is so dang cute :)
