Oct 6, 2010
Aug 19, 2010
Pig Fight
Pig Fight
You both get dirty.
Apr 6, 2010
AlJazeera Interview - Najib Razak
Released on 5 April 2010
Apr 5, 2010
Classification of Malaysian
In breaking down the numbers you will find that Malaysia has a very young population with a median age of 25 years and some details as follows:
Apr 1, 2010
You are First a Monkey!
If you are a homosapien first...
Most Investors Simply Don't Believe Najib's New Economic Model
The Obliteration of Barisan National
What will you say to this? Mr Prime Minister Najib Razak of 1Malaysia.
Dec 21, 2009
Different Types of Bumiputra...
Dec 8, 2009
Mahathir - The Bloody Racist!
Nazri pointed out to reporters in Parliament today that patriotism was not meant only for the Malays but for all Malaysians.
“You must be a Malaysian whether you’re a minister or not. You must walk your talk. Don’t just because when you were PM, you wanted everyone to support you, you’re Malaysian and the moment you’re no longer PM, that’s it, only talk about the Malays so I cannot accept his comment. When you read his blog it is bloody Racist.
Read More HERE
Dec 6, 2009
Story of a Secular Muslim
At last, I could exercise my free will! I decided to be Shiite until my grandmother stepped in after a week and in a matter-of-fact manner said that I was a Sunni, not a Shiite, and these things “cannot be changed.”
"The Price of Being Born Muslim"
Published: December 4, 2009
The Herald Tribune
Tariq Ahmad is a doctor at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.
Nov 26, 2009
BTN is a Brain Washing Dept
It has been reported that participants of BTN courses were repeatedly told of the concept of Ketuanan Melayu, or Malay superiority. Participants are also told not to question “Malay rights” and the “social contract.”
I agree with zorro HERE and that all Pakatan states should do the same.
Read stories of the BTN by zorro in Sept 2008 HERE
Read Fear and Indoctrination HERE
Noisy Coffee Shop
Sep 10, 2009
Sep 1, 2009
The Myth Of A Moderate Malaysia
If you're looking for an image that captures the conflict between fervent Islam and basic human decency, look no further than the Malaysian city of Shah Alam, about 15 miles west of Kuala Lumpur.
On Friday, a group of about 50 men, agitated by plans to relocate a 150-year-old Hindu temple to their neighborhood, made their feelings clear by staging a protest march from a mosque to a government building. Amidst the usual cries of "Allahu Akbar" and "takbeer," the protesters deposited the freshly severed head of a cow--an animal sacred to Hindus--before the building's gate. The group's leaders made threatening speeches and, perhaps caught up in the spirit of the moment, hammed it up for the cameras, stepping and spitting on the cow's head. The police--who have been known to arrest people for such crimes as attending a candle light vigil or wearing black in support of the opposition--stood by and watched.
Ironically, those scanning the globe for a Muslim-majority country that inspires neither dread nor despair often alight upon Malaysia. Until a few years ago, the Southeast Asian nation boasted the world's tallest building, the iconic 88-story Petronas Towers. Powered by electronics, palm oil and petroleum, Malaysia is the world's 20th-largest exporter, ahead of Sweden, Australia and India. Per capita income, about $14,000 in purchasing parity terms, is about the same as in Argentina. Apart from the obvious prosperity of downtown Kuala Lumpur, the casual visitor notices the comforting trappings of a British colonial past--a parliament, a judiciary, a professional police force.
But most strikingly, Malaysia (along with next-door Indonesia) can claim something increasingly rare in the Muslim world: a large non-Muslim population. About four in 10 Malaysians are Buddhist, Christian, Hindu , Sikh or Confucian. (By contrast, Turkey, the poster-child for an Islam at peace with the 21st century, is 99.8% Muslim.) Recognizing the power of this statistic in our multicultural age, Tourism Malaysia promotes the country's allegedly harmonious blend of Malay, Chinese and Indian communities with an odd but nonetheless catchy slogan: Malaysia, Truly Asia.
The reality, of course, is a lot less sunny. Unlike neighboring Singapore, which shares the same colonial past and ethnic mix--albeit with a Chinese rather than a Malay majority--Malaysia has rejected secularism in favor of a kind of ethnoreligious apartheid that belongs more in a medieval kingdom than in a modern democratic republic.
In Malaysia, Islam is the state religion. Higher education, the bureaucracy and vast swathes of the economy are operated as a kind of spoils system almost exclusively for Malays, whom the state defines as Muslim. Race and religion determine everything from your odds of getting into medical school to the amount you're expected to put down for an apartment. The conversion laws, based on sharia, bring to mind the Eagles' classic "Hotel California": You can check in any time you like, but you can never leave.
Read More HERE
Aug 11, 2009
Barisan National Supreme Council Meeting
"Trojan Horse" is a person, group or device planted in to enemy ranks to undermine and destroy from within the enemy.
What is the Real Strategy of UMNO? You can forget about Barisan National, its now all about UMNO. The BN Supreme Council Meeting is just is just an avenue to check the other components parties and to put them under a tight leash. Read on below:
Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin gave a sneak peek of this insecure feeling during yesterday’s Barisan Nasional (BN) supreme council meeting.
During the meeting, Gerakan president Tan Sri Koh Tsu Koon highlighted a series of incendiary commentaries in the Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia and said he was troubled by the effect it was having on race relations.
Responding to this, Muhyiddin, who is shaping up to be a hawk (hawk? c'mon.. more like a Cow..Moo..) in the administration, justified the pitch taken by saying that Malays believe that Umno is weak and giving in too much to the demands of non-Malays.
It is understood that none of the leaders of BN component parties challenged this view. (Oh.. what a pity.. Master is angry and they all kept very quiet with their head hanging down).
A BN leader told The Malaysian Insider: “There is a hardening of Umno’s position. The openness and willingness to become more inclusive is not evident.”
Read More in The Malaysian Insider HERE.
Read The Malaysian-Unplug HERE.
Aug 6, 2009
Racial Politics of Barisan National
The Utusan Malaysia is an umno controlled newspaper and they are promoting racial bigotry and racism and hatred. This is intolerable and to prove our suspicion right is that all this while the other components party of MCA, MIC and Gerakan are just clowns of their political master in UMNO.
Not even a whimper of rebuttal is heard from these jokers like Ong Tee Kiat and especially Koh Tzu Koon as he is the Minister of Unity and it is needless to mention that Samy as it be a waste of time.
This Utusan must be ban and their permit revoked and the Editors given the BOOT!
This is what you will get from political appointees as in all the governmental institution in this country, the cronies are being appointed everywhere.
Whats wrong with you Mr. Prime Minister? Is this the 1Malaysia that you are talking about?
[Read the Extract of this article from MySinChew or read it HERE]
The collective "persecution syndrome" of Utusan Malaysia is fast picking up steam, escalating to a level of near insanity.
Big chaos will ensue if no treatment is being urgently sought on these people!
This Malay daily is getting increasingly ill. For instance, it published in its Op-Ed column on Tuesday a provocative piece titled Melayu Jangan Jadi Bacul (Malays must not be cowards), in which the author expressed his exaggerated concern that the Chinese and Indians would get too powerful, resulting in the Malays having to relinquish all the key positions in the government as well as their privileges and NEP.
What made me want to laugh out loud was this:
"Serangan dan penghinaan pembangkang dan aktivis politik Cina dan India terhadap Melayu semakin menjadi-jadi. Mereka sengaja menunjukkan keberanian dan tindakan kurang ajar. Cuma mereka belum berarak dan membuka butang seluar seperti sewaktu Tragedi 13 Mei."
(The assaults and hatred of the opposition as well as Chinese and Indian political activists towards the Malays have gained momentum. They deliberately show off their bravery and acts of bad manners, only that they do not take to the street and unzip their pants as they did during the May 13 tragedy.)
"Only people suffering from terminal "persecution syndrome" could have possibly stretched their imagination to such wild extents." |
Wow! Looks like the intensity of their illness has developed into an awful sex-and-violence illusion!
The author came to the conclusion:
"Anehnya ramai juga orang Melayu-Islam yang ikut benci kepada kuasa bangsa sendiri. Bangsa Melayu sudah menjadi bangsa yang tolol dan bacul."
(Weirdly enough many Malay-Muslims abhor the power of their own race. The Malays have become a cowardly race.)
I'm afraid the author is out of his mind. As a matter of fact, only people suffering from terminal "persecution syndrome" could have possibly stretched their imagination to such wild extents.
In another article titled The Malays are not aware they're despised, the rally calling for the repeal of the ISA was interpreted as the Malays being manipulated by the Chinese and Indians to hit the street to oppose the ISA meant to protect the rights of the Malays!
Good Heavens! I never knew the Chinese and Indians could have such mystical power to send tens of thousands of Malays to the street.
I was equally amazed by the new-found functionality of the ISA: to protect a particular ethnic group in this country!
Sorry, I've been exhausted by my own laughters that I could not gather any more strength to rebut the Utusan absurdities.
That level of brain anomaly has rendered any need for arguments by sensible and rational people with them completely irrelevant!
That said, I'm curious how the government people would view the words of these chaps.
Perhaps Dr Koh Tsu Koon, the minister in charge of Unity and Performance Management, should study how much Utusan has contributed towards national unity.
And those in the PM's office must also make the additional effort to understand how much the newspaper has done for the noble "1Malaysia" vision.
Fortunately, the overwhelming majority of Malays, Chinese, Indians and other peoples who are absolutely normal in their thinking treat Utusan nothing more than just a laughing stock. (By TAY TIAN YAN/Translated by DOMINIC LOH/Sin Chew Daily)