Showing posts with label Kickstarter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kickstarter. Show all posts

Sunday, 19 August 2018

The Devolved minis painted!

I finally received the master casts of The Devolved, and got them painted up.  I'm not the best painter in the world, but it gives you an idea of the incredible detail on them.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

New Harwood Hobbies Kickstarter!

I've launched my latest Kickstarter, in which I hope to raise funding in order to release some miniatures I purchased from Iain Colwell of Tengu Miniatures a while back.  

Saturday, 23 January 2016

Mr. Karswell Arrives

I received the casts of Mr. Karswell (as well as the axe cultists and a bunch of other minis) the other day and he looks great!  I'm happy to finally have him produced!

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Last Day for the Cultist Kickstarter!

Edit:   FUNDED!!!!!

It's the last day for the kickstarter campaign, and hopefully I can reach my funding goal. 

Here's a few pictures of the Daughter of Yog Sothoth painted by the talented Iain Colwell:

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

3D Print of the Dweller Demon

I finally received the 3D print for the Dweller Demon.  I'm extremely happy with the print, it is totally smooth and just what I was hoping for!

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Cultist Kickstarter Launched!

I have finally launched my 28mm Cultist Kickstarter!  I'd appreciate if you would take a look at it and hopefully pledge so I can make more miniatures!  ;-)


Tuesday, 3 November 2015

3D Sculpt for Cultist Kickstarter

I'm taking the plunge and trying out 3D sculpting/printing!  Seems like it's the future of miniatures, and I'm curious to see how this fella turns out:

He's a demon that can be summoned by the cultists.  I just ordered him from a 3D printing company and I'm very curious to see how well he prints out!

The good thing with digital sculpting like this is you can do the miniature in multiple scales.  I'm thinking of having 15mm available as an option on the kickstarter...

I have the same sculptor working on some cultists as well.  I'm hoping for a late Nov kickstarter start date!

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Sneak Peek at the Next Kickstarter

I finished painting up a few of the miniatures from my next kickstarter, CULTISTS!

Sadly painted by myself, I will be getting someone more talented to paint up some for the "studio paintjobs".

I have mailed off a sculpt of a cultist leader to my caster and will be making a master mould once Iain sculpts me a few more cultists (which he is doing now).

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Sorry for the Lack of Updates!

Sorry for the lack of updates!  I've been busy with running the kickstarter, which was funded yesterday!  Woo!  I'm very excited.  :-)

I've decided to use Backerkit for the survey as it is way better than the clunky kickstarter one.  So I managed to get most of it done today.

I have managed to paint a little, all of them more Zandris IV spaceships.  I'll try to get pictures up in the next couple of days.

Also, we had our little puppy neutered and his chip implanted a few days ago, so I've been taking care of him a little more than usual.

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Harwood Hobbies Kickstarter Launched!

I have just launched the Harwood Hobbies kickstarter.  I am looking to raise enough to get these miniatures cast up.  They have all been sculpted so there is basically no risk to my backers.  Most are 28mm (some of the monsters are bigger) and are priced at a discount for the kickstarter.

Your help to get these miniatures to the public will be much appreciated!