lovely sunshine-y time this morning at
this sweet little
indoors market in my home suburb
had lots of visits from people in my life too
and a fabulous position today!
lots of different items sold
including a few larger items which i am most pleased about
new notebooks & tissue pouches were a hit
i am getting this display thing sorted out
trying to perfect it just so ...
each market i try something new with the set up
& alter how various products are displayed
it does makes a difference
product placement .... hmmm
can you see leaning against the wall one of my recent hard rubbish finds
... that white ladder looking rack is part of a discarded cot
worked really well displaying some of my patchwork bamboo blankets etc
nearly had a disaster when i forgot a tablecloth for the ragged card table
another friendly stall holder saved me with a spare! whew!
don't mind the phone pics ... looking at these it doesn't look all that impressive
however i've kind of been up close & personal with every stitch!
but in real life i thought it all looked great ... good to record & take stock ...