We have 2 birthday parties today. One is for a toddler and one is for a 12 year old.
The toddler was easy. Littlest Miss chose a puzzle for him and I made a bag to put it in using some Pieces of Hope from Riley Blake, and a light blue solid for the inside. This bag is the size in the free tutorial by Jeni at In Color Order.
For the older boy, my son requested a gift card so I made the tiny bag to put it in. It is a little bit too short to hold the card in it's envelope. But I didn't really care. :)
Then last night I got an email from the toddler's mom regarding weather issues and at the end she mentioned something about seeing all the little superheros. Hmm. I checked the invite and superheros were mentioned, but it was not clear if they needed to dress up. I stewed on it all night (really, I was awake most of the night with a headache, but thinking up quick superhero ideas helped.) I knew it would not be too hard to make a cape, so I Googled some tutorials, and then went to town at 6:30 am. (Still could not sleep). The only yardage I could think of that was not spoken for and big enough were the polka dot prints I got a while back. I decided a pint sized girl superhero's cape needed a ruffle so I added that to the plan. I basically just held the fabric up to her, then cut it that size. I cut a semicircle out of the folded fabric for the neck and then cut on an angle from the neck down to the corner. I made the ruffle, sewed it on then sewed the 2 pieces of the cape right sides together. Turned, top stitched, added the collar/neck strap, out of bias tape (my first time!) Put some Velcro on and voila! A toddler superhero cape in under 2 hours. The only thing I would change is to use a little bit more fabric width-wise. It is a little too narrow.