Beautiful typography can be found wherever you turn your head in Vienna. Among the twisted statues of bare-breasted nymphs and muscled heroes, lie the most delightful serifs and swashes. The pretty ornaments in the last sign caused such a distraction, that I actually fell off a step, contorting my ankle beyond its limit, which resulted in a terrible insult to an old injury. A previously torn ligament (nearly two years ago) screamed at me, making for a very painful limp around old Vienna. Ah, typography!
I also like the small poster in the first photo in thetop left corner: Bleiberecht für alle. It's a camapaign poster demanding residence entitlements for all foreigners.
If you have the time, go and visit the impressive (socialist) housing co-op buildings from the early 20th century in the 15th Bezirk: Gemeindewohnanlage Mareschplatz, Eberthof, Forstnerhof and the Vogelweidhof with its mural paintings. You may have to ask some locals for directions and make sure you go inside to see the courtyards etc., all well worth a look. And of course the Hundertwasserhaus, but that is a big tourist attraction anyway.
I love Vienna!
Thank you so much, Sabine!
I am back in Istanbul now, so unfortunately visiting your suggestions will have to wait until the next time I step foot in Vienna— I swear I could go back and spend a week in the Naturhistorisches Museum sketching!
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