I Am Here ...

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Next Jane Fonda

I went to the gym today. I tend to go a few times a week. Today I decided I wanted to try out something new and join a class I have never participated in before. Going up to the instructor and asking what I needed was awkward, but alas I did it and am so grateful I did!

I tried a Step Class for the very first time! Total Jane Fonda style, but oh so much hotter. I was sweating like a cow in my new long sleeved moisture wiccing shirt and long tight @$$ leggings. Have I ever mentioned I have issues with anything that covers my knees or even quarter length sleeves? I was the poster child for sex appeal as I plie'd and pirouetted up and down off of that step. There was a moment when we were jumping across the top of the step that I may have put a bit too much jump into it. Landing with a slight umpf and extra funk in my step, I recovered beautifully.

(Yes... this is me... and no I'm not stepping... however I am running. So, you can picture it right?)

A slight butt cramp in my left cheek and a spasm in my right thigh I completed that class with grace. Perhaps not honor- but total grace.

The instructor came up to give me a sweaty elbow "high-five" and told me I did great. She had to tell me that since she's the instructor, but I soaked it up. I opened my mouth and I don't know why- but I spouted out word vomit all over her 5 foot thin and perfectly shaped body.

Have you ever done that?

Just started talking and all shots are off? Choking on word barf as you are actually turning shades of purple and yet... you still can't stop?

Yup. Apparently I have mastered this art. And said instructor has mastered slowly walking away while trying to run for her life.

Standing alone and feeling slightly stupid I started to feel sort of sorry for myself. And lonely. Isn't that interesting? I felt TOTALLY naked and lonely. Walking out of the exercise room staring down my reflection in the mirror that spans the entire width of the room, I tried to gather what was left of my sorry soppy pride. Scuttling down the hall I went to get a towel to help mop up my pit stains that were no longer isolated to my pits, I saw the chance to redeem myself!

A little old lady! In fact, THE little old lady that had saved me before Step had even started. I guess you are supposed to check to make sure your "stands" that raise the base of the bench are set into place so you don't die or break a leg. She saw that mine wasn't secured and rescued me as I was getting ready to heave my gigantic self onto it.




I was grateful for that little old lady. :) And quite impressed. She danced all around me and then was ready for more even after the class was finished!

So as I was passing her in the hallway I bent down to her level (first mistake) and said as loudly (second mistake) and as jovially as I could muster, "WOW. I SURE LOVED THAT CLASS!!!"

"WHAAAAAAT????" she said quite loudly herself as she squinted right back at me.

Again, starting another round of the purples I mumbled, "I really enjoyed that class!"

"GOOD. Now make sure you come back then."

And with that she walked off, leaving me alone and stupid all over again.

"What the heck!!! I must be all sorts of nasty right now" I thought to myself as I gathered that much needed towel. Entering the cardio/ weights room I found the quietest corner I could squeeze myself into to stretch out my assaulted muscles. Putting my hot pink child sized ear buds into my ears I turned on my purple IPOD shuffle. And I had a moment.

I had a eye-watering-throat-choking-moment. Bending over to stretch my back and hamstrings I tried to regain my composure. I didn't want anyone to look over and see me not only purple faced, but with a full on ugly cry going.

The most beautiful song came on that reminded me of my importance. I know it seems silly, but when you have a lot of weight to lose, you feel sort of invisible. I may be the size of a baby elephant- but I feel as small an ant sometimes. I have learned that in order for me to be successful I need to have a lot of emotional support. That includes feeling noticed. Feeling important. Feeling present. And when you go to a gym as a large woman- it's easy to not feel ANY of those things.

But here's the thing this song reminded me of. It isn't anyone else's problem if I don't feel those things. It's MY problem. It's MY perspective. I need to turn my own perspective around and know that the only person that is either hurting or benefiting from my feelings is me. Being present is what I was being when I went to the gym this morning. Being present and trying to be healthy is what I am aiming for every day as I continue to fight this awful disease of obesity.

So maybe I may feel inadequate and self-conscious... and maybe I was judged by a few young bippidy boppidy girls that haven't lived a full life yet, I know that I am important. I am WORTH IT. And I am a work in progress and always will be.

And that makes me... me. :)

So next time you're at the gym don't give the fat girl any pitying glances or smiles of encouragement. Get your sexy beast of a person out of your comfort zone and just go say "hi." Who knows. You may make a new friend- or get your trash kicked.

It's worth a shot right?

Song: Closer to You by Calee Reed.
Closer To You sample

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Losing Weight.

Losing weight sucks. And apparently my body has decided to hold onto everything again. Dang it.

Friday, January 24, 2014

To Be Your Own Advocate

There is something that has been weighing heavily on my mind lately. And it is something that has come around in my life these last few years several times. In order to get to where you want to be and do what you wish to do- you have to learn to be your very own advocate.

Working out can be daunting if it hasn't been a part of your life in a long while. It can be overwhelming and scary stepping into a gym, or class. Trying out a new video is embarrassing, even if no one is there to watch you flap your arms in desperation while your flab flies in defiance.

Working out can be hard.

Finding a work out partner puts a lot of these unfounded worries aside for the time being. My workout partners in my past have become my best friends. I adore them. Even if I'm not working out with them anymore- they are still very important influences in my life.

But here's the thing... we can't put our health and lifestyle on our partners. They are our friends and confidants. They are there to support us and push us along the journey through hell... But they aren't the one that can do the work for you.

Only you can do that.

Only I can do that.

There will be a time when we will all have a "coming to Jesus" moment when it comes to getting healthy. If you haven't found that yet, you will.

I had mine- not too long ago. It was one of the biggest motivators for me to start this detox journey.

This epiphany is the moment when you realize that yes, I LOVE MY WORK OUT PARTNER- BUT... but if my workout partner can not work out with me today or tomorrow- it doesn't give me the day off.

Yep- I just changed from second to first person there. It was intentional. ;) 

Learn to love yourself enough to know that you can do it- with or with out your work out partner. Be your best friend. Push yourself. Enjoy the journey along the way. It's a long road ... and will be a lonely one if you don't start trusting yourself to be your own cheerleader.

I know that if I can figure this out myself- then you can too.

When you have your own moment of wisdom I want to hear about it. Not some story about pretending you had that moment- but truly. DEEP DOWN had that moment.

Only YOU can change YOUR life.

And I know you can do it if I have been doing it too.

Because guess what- YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL... AND guess what. Reaching beast mode on your own in the gym... it's a beautiful thing. :)

Today I weigh 220 pounds. (Pic was from last week.) I started integrating normal foods back into my diet because I got concerned about the amount of weight loss I was experiencing. 12 pounds so far this month. My worry was that I would gain it all back once I started eating wheat and dairy again. I still eat paleo for the most part- but am not so nazi about it anymore.

The detox worked.

It curbed my cravings and I'm under control again.

And I've learned and developed some new habits. :) I say it was a success.

But more about my final thoughts a little later.

I truly hope that you take what I have said into your hearts. I know the frustration of giving up, and I know the fear of doing it alone. It is an irrational fear and you DESERVE better.

You deserve to be healthy.

You deserve to have the confidence to KNOW you can do it on your own.

Love Nichole- another mama who has had to learn the hard way that she too is worth it.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Day 14 VLOG Analysis...

Hey everyone! If you have 10 minutes I strongly encourage you to watch my video on the Paleo Challenge I have been doing. :) If you have't seen me in a while, it'll be a nice little refresher on how DRAMATIC I am. Goodness watching myself on camera is a little... awkward. hahaha! 


Here's the link in case it doesn't work. :)

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Day 4- GAG...

I will just let my video do all the talking for me. Please ignore the pampered chef pan... that baked our chicken- the only thing we ate!

For the most part everything else has been... satisfactory. I have found some favorites. Okay, I'm lying... I actually haven't yet- but at least I am surviving right?

I thank the good Lord every day I started purchasing thrive freeze dried fruit however. It's the only thing keeping me alive when I have moments like the video above shows. ;)

Thursday, January 2, 2014


You know that new song out by Rhianna and Eminem? Monster? WELL... Lets just say you don't need to be afraid of him any longer. Oh no.

Be afraid of ME.

I HATE getting off of sugar- but what's worst? I have never gotten off of sugar, dairy AND wheat at the same time before.

I am freaking frothing at the mouth.

Frothing I say.

I am the thing that as a young child you fear is in the dark. I am the thing that you see in the corner of your eye when home alone watching a scary movie.

I am the creature hiding in your closet that you hear scratching in your subconscious while you lie there sleeping.

I hope I don't ever have to feel this way ever again.
(And lets be honest, you are hoping I don't ever describe THAT again...)

I woke up this morning completely broken out and having to pee like a pregnant woman all night long. I don't think I have ever felt so water logged... probably a sign I haven't been drinking enough water for a long time.

What we ate last night for dinner was a cleansing type dinner.

The colon cleansing type.

It did NOTHING to me. (Thank goodness, right? haha!) But sadly my husband went to bed singing a completely different tune. Makes me laugh a little right now just thinking about the hell I am putting him through.


He has also been popping antacids like candy.

Funny since we have been cutting a lot of crap out- but hopefully he'll see a difference in a week.

I'm just hoping I SURVIVE the rest of the week!!!! (Wait? Is that tomorrow? ha! I wish! It's Feb. 1st.)

What are some of your treats that don't include wheat, dairy, or sugar? Besides apples and some sort of nut butter- cause... I've had my fill of butter... and nuts. HA!

Oh goodness... and with that I bid you adieu! And I'm sure I will type something tomorrow since supposedly tomorrow is supposed to be WORSE!!!!

WHAT THE "H"- why am I doing this to myself, again???

And just for farts and giggles- enjoy my day two montage.

LOONEY I TELL YA- I'm going looney.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A Reminder... For the New Year...

I know I won't finish this post tonight before I completely zonk out for bed. I just may fall asleep here as I am typing this to you... but I felt it was important for myself to write how I am feeling. right. now.

Tomorrow I start the paleo diet... or rather in 50 minutes. I am really looking forward to it for only one reason. I will go into that more thoroughly in a moment.

This moment, as I am sitting here typing this I am sick. My stomach feels fat and bloated and over all just not healthy.

I'm dizzy and feeling jittery.

I almost feel as if I am going to pass out.

I have that horrible bile feeling rising up in the back of my throat- and I'm getting the cold sweats. You know the feeling, right before you vomit.

And here's the kicker- I am not sick.

Not in a contagious way anyway.

I am sugar crashing. HARD.

For some reason I thought it would be so much fun to binge and eat as much as I could and get all the munchies "out" of my system- enjoy the junk before I pack it away.


Now I'm just SICK. And fat. And totally gross feeling.

UGH.... So this is me REMINDING myself WHY I decided to go paleo in January for 30 days.

It's to get THIS nasty feeling OUT of my system. I need to PURGE these cravings and detox from everything I yearn for but everything my body revolts against. I need to take back what is mine, and that is not just my body- but also my will power.

I am so TIRED of feeling out of control. Believe it or not folks... just because you lose a lot of weight does NOT mean the journey is over. My journey is FAR from over. I hit some hiccups in the road that actually extended my journey out even farther and so here I proclaim it:




And so in now 42 minutes- I will begin a new chapter in my journey... and I will document it for all to read about. I may do a vlog towards the end- all of my camera's are dead right now. (HAHA- GO FIGURE EH? Not like I'm not a photographer or anything?)

So here are my stats- please don't judge as it is honestly harder to put up that I have gained then it was to initially say how large I started out at.

Paleo Diet Stats BEFORE::

6 ft.
Size 16/18
Work out stamina: medium although I feel super sore more often then I had when doing Insanity. Definitely not as fit as I was one month ago. :/

I will take pictures- but won't show those until I have after's.... for obvious "I'm still a girl with some pride" reasons... HAHA!

Thanks for taking this journey with me. I will need all the support I can get!
Love Nichole

Ps. I totally finished my post in time! :) haha!