About Me

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
A 40 something dad of five and a half wonderful kids with amazingly different traits and temperament from whom he wants a break from at times, yet wish they never grow older.....and be with him always.....(howzat possible?)and now wishing that he can be a stay at home dad......
Showing posts with label Deathly Hallows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deathly Hallows. Show all posts

22 July, 2007

Hocruxes or Hallows

Yes we were amongst the few hundred muggles at Kino KLCC on the morning of 21 July 2007 buying Deathly Hallows. Had a marathon read of the book on the day itself, but my daughter beat me to finishing the book. I had guests and interruptions from the younger ones..what do you expect!

On the eve of 21st Khadijah, Yusof and I watched John Q over TV3 and it ended like 1 am. Managed to finally retire at about half one and the alarm woke me up at quarter to four. Yusof decided to tag along as he was rather curious why Khadijah and I were overly excited over this final installation. I usually ask my brother in law to buy the previous books as he is a staff of one of the bookstores and gets discounts! This time we decided to witness ourselves the first day of sale of the ultimate installation.
Arrived at KLCC at half four and the car park wasn't open yet. Parked by the roadside and saw at least 300 people were already queueing. We had decided that we would not be fighting for the fisrt 13 free books! It's the ambience of excitemnet and anticipation which we were so looking forward to! Imagine at the same time around millions of people around the globe were camping outside bookstores waiting for the simultaneous sale of the book!
The crowd was a bit rowdy...mostly teenagers. There was this group of teenagers with hijab (veil) and black abaya (long dress) were all ready to run - they had running shoes on! The wait seemed like ages for us! At least 20 people got ejected by the security guards for hiding within the building. Apparently these people hid in toilets and obscure places within the complex! Once ejected the crowd clapped and shouted "nice try"!
Once the doors were open....the crowd rushed, ran and banged the glass doors and some even pushed others completely compromising their own security! Yusof was one of the victims - squashed and trampled on. Luckily I was right behind him to pull him out of the mound of fallen muggles!
Once in the queue we realised that we had like another 2 hours to kill. We decided to abandon our spots and made our way to KLCC mosque to perform dawn prayers as the surau within the complex would only be open at 1 pm.
We came back at about half six and we were amongst the last in the queue and the crowd had swelled to double the size than before. Whilst in the queue superwoman texted me to say that she was at Ca***f*** queueing for the book! I asked he to get another one for Khadijah so that we wouldn't be fighting over the book. Apparently there were only about 70 of them there! We finally managed to purchase the limited edition at about 8 a.m. We bought other books too! I am now reading "Confessions of an Old Boy" by Kam Raslan.

Free quibbling quill (real peacock feather) came with our purchase

Yusof and me with the Fat Lady before entering "Gryffindor common room"

The queue snaking on fourth floor

This was about quarter past five in the morning!

Some decided to sit

Whilst in the queue, majestic sight of the Twin Towers.

One of the adverts

"Violet" ain't it?

One of Gryffindor's students queueing
The entrance of Kinokuniya drssed up as the entrance to Gryffindor's common room complete with the Fat Lady
Th lady before us who did not know the password; Fat Lady seen here prompting her! "Gillyweed Violet", by the way!

16 July, 2007

Ib Potter

So now my son, Ibraheem wants to be a wizard and has been asking me how...!

Of course this came about after watching Order of Phoenix. He's watched all five Harry Potter movies but this installation somehow attracted him the most and he's abandoned his "I wanna be a doctor when I grow up".

When asked which part he enjoyed the most? Unhesitantly and confidently - the bit on Harry conjuring the Patronus charm defeating Dementors. Hmm...That's a bit too dark for his age!

He's actually asked me to enrol him to Hogwarts rather than "Tahfiz" school which he has been pestering us. Knowing that explanation that HP is just a make-believe story would be futile, I told him that enrolment is by invitation only and that he has to wait for the owl to swoop by and drop the letter of admission which, as expected fro him, met with his usual loud cry....!

With my kids, I find that their level of maturity differs. With Khadijah, at that age,explaining what's "make believe" and what's "real" was easier. Like they always say...girls mature earlier than boys!

Anyway, planning a daddy-daughter time down with Khadijah tomorrow...Yes we're queueing up for Deathly Hallows at Kino 5 am..! It'll be quite fun for her, I thought and she seemed to concur! Wanted her to go in robe and witch hat which met with a flat "NO"....It'll be fun hanging around with her...She' has been "revising" the last three HP books over the past three days! I'm on the last chapter of Half Blood Prince (second round that is) so that reading Deathly Hallows will be easier....

Wifey will be barking mad with Khadijah and I for sure, over this weekend, of Harry Potter marathon!

on my mind certainly constantly

on my mind certainly constantly