Showing posts with label sci fi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sci fi. Show all posts

Friday, October 17, 2008

Gigantic Brain

Here's an upload for the Chief Commie. Gigantic Brain!!! Maniac Sci fi one man drum machine grind. If you are even the slight bit interested in grindcore then you NEED THIS! It's quite the experience, and is actually more than blast beats and screaming. I think that non-grinders can definitely get into this stuff. It'll take you on a journey 63 songs long, chronicling what would, or should I say will happen when extraterrestrials invade earth. Also they have a Ninja Gaiden theme song cover and a cover of Agoraphobic Nosebleeds "House of Feasting" both are very impressive. ENJOY!

-Newer Tracks-
01. Negotiations Lead to Instant Death (The Government is Obliterated)
02. The Humans Military Confidence Lead to the Death of Them All
03. The Most Gruesome Scene in the History of Mankind
04. UnderPiglet Crawls the Earth at High Speeds Eating Anything with a Heartbeat

-Taken from the cancelled full length "Our Bovine Destroyers"-
05. In the Beginning
06. Burrowed in Bodies
07. The Eight Horned Beast
08. The Grizzly Impalement, One by One
09. Our Armies Fail
10. Dehumanize (Ninja Gaiden NES cover)
11. We Become the Earth (The First Stampede) - (Castlevania NES cover)
12. My Family, Crushed (The Second Stampede)
13. Not a Beating Heart, Not a Babies Cry
14. Cities, Shelled Out

-Written for the Ganglia/Gigantic Brain Split CD that has yet to happen-

15. Exo-Brain
16. Exo-Destroyer
17. Exo-Girl
18. Ingrin the Freak (Sequel to Track 42- Dungeon Freak)
19. Oh My God

-Another cancelled and incomplete full length-
20. Failure 01
21. Failure 02
22. Failure 03
23. Failure 04
24. Failure 05
25. Failure 06
26. Failure 07

-Made for a Comp (featuring Nathanial Damron on vocals near the end)-
27. Animal Implant

-Taken from the Umbrella/Gigantic Brain split 10" on Crucificados Pelo Sistema-
28. The Last Supper
29. Invasion
30. Bio-Casualties Inflicted by the Overlord
31. The House of Feasting (Agoraphobic Nosebleed Cover)
32. Total Humanoid Meltdown
33. Ashes Fly, Like Butterflies
34. Devoured for Science
35. Puddles of Green
36. Pump Action Decapitator
37. Phillips Head Face Lifter
38. Spiral Blood Stain
39. One Small Town for Research

-Various Unreleased Material-
40. Cheerleader Holocaust
41. Creature Made of Bone
42. Dungeon Freak
43. Early Funeral
44. Emotionally Unstable Mother of Four
45. Finishing The Cake
46. Hacksaw Kid
47. Monopoly Money Millionaire
48. My Aftermath
49. No One Loves You
50. Obey The Brain
51. Obliterated by the Super Train
52. Pigs In Space
53. The Impaler Prince
54. The Third Brand of Human
55. Ulta-Maniac, Steve
56. Together, We Make a Family
57. Tech-Battle (Gigantic Brain playing over real drums)
58. Intestinal Pott Pie (newer version)
59. Intestinal Pott Pie (older version)
60. Incredibly Deranged Piglet
61. Tickling the Exit Wound
62. Panty Pisser
63. Its Been Sick.. So I Tried to Feed It More